Chapter Forty-Six

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The Mysterious Box Behind The Picture Frame.

Shyra couldn't believe what she just read in the letter. She left the room and searched for Imran to find him in the kitchen talking to Ayra via video call.

"Ayra, Shyra is here. Would you like to talk to her?" Imran asks his daughter who immediately says yes.

"Asalam Aleikum Ayra. How are you doing?" Shyra greeted her with a smile on her face.

Ayra started telling her about her day and how Shadow was growing bigger every day.

"Thats great ma shaa Allah. I can't wait to see you and him in shaa Allah. I miss you Ayra so much. And how's Mama and Papa doing?" Shyra asks trying to compose herself.

Ayra meant a lot to her especially when there were times she would just hug her without any particular reason.

"They are fine but I want to be there with you and Dad. But I understand that I can't be there because of the current situation that you are in. But I always pray that you will get through it Shyra. And always remember that I love you very much but now I have to go as Papa is taking us somewhere to celebrate their wedding anniversary," Ayra says explaining to her.

"Wish them a happy anniversary from me, Ayra. And I love you too habibty. Take care of yourself," Shyra says to her and then she hangs up the call.

Shyra then turns to Imran who is looking at her.

"Why didn't you tell me that your parents' anniversary was today? I could have called them to wish them," she tells him. This made Imran smile at her.

"Because Dad knew that you would be busy with the trials and thats why he and Mamma asked me not to tell you anything. Shyra, don't worry, they aren't mad at you." Imran tried to explain to her. "Besides, I did send them a gift on your behalf, and don't worry it's a bouquet," he added making Shyra smile.

"I came here to show this. My parents left a letter for me but they hid in a frame and I accidentally broke it. Don't worry I didn't hurt myself," Shyra explained handing Imran the letter in her hand. "Here read it and let me know what you think," she added.

Imran takes the letter and starts reading it. He was surprised to read that Shyra's father knew that his brother was going to kill him.

"I...I don't know what to say, Shyra. But this is good enough evidence to put them in jail for good. But it's sad how family can turn against you just because you have money and they dont," he says, hoping this will end all the problems in Shyra's life.

"Will you come with me to open the mysterious box?" Shyra asks Imran who is shocked at her request.

"Sure but..."

"We have to be prepared for anything that's in the box whether it's good or bad. And I am glad that I found the key and the letter otherwise we would have to look for more evidence which would take a long time and it will be dragging the trial for months," Shyra tells him. "All I can say now is Alhamdulillah and let's go and look for the mysterious box which will be in the safe," she added walking towards the study where her favorite picture frame was.

It was a huge picture frame of her parents when they were married. It was their Nikkah picture and it was one of Shyra's favorite because of the love that they shared and it shows in their eyes.

Shyra always wanted that kind of love in her future but now it might be next to impossible because of what happened to her.

Imran looked at the picture and knew why it was Shyra's favorite. It looked like two people in love with each other and no one existed in the picture.

"This is the picture that Dad was talking about in the letter. Help me move it," Shyra tells Imran who nods and starts to lift it but instead of the frame moving, it opens like a door.

Both of them were stunned to see what happened. They looked at each other with a confused look on their faces.

"I never expected this. But this is something that Mamma thought of," Shyra explained as the frame revealed a safe deposit box.

"Do you know the passcode?" Imran asks her.

Shyra nodded and remembered her parents' wedding anniversary.

She punched in the numbers and watched as the door opened revealing a file and a box that was tucked in the corner.

Shyra took everything out of the safe and kept them on the table to look at them.

"Dad, knew that things would go wrong but why didnt he just go to the police and reported them?" She asks Imran who was looking at what else was inside the safe.

"I think he knew that going to the polive would make things harder for him especialy when they might be always following him," Imran says handing Shyra another folder but this time there were pictures of her parents and her in a park.

"What is wrong with people like this? How can they do this especially to their blood?" Shyra asks looking at the pictures with tears threatening to leave her eyes. "We need to look over everything that is inhere and then call Janna to come herre and advise us on what to do. Becayse they cant go unpunished especially when we have all the evidence we need to put them in prison for a long time," she added wiping her tears.

Imran nodded and started looking through the folders first and then the box.

Many pieces of evidence against Shyra's Uncle and Aunt included the fraud they wanted to pin on Shyra's father.

"This will be the end, Shyra. How do you feel?" Imran asks her.

"I don't know how I feel, to be honest. But everything won't bring my parents back, won't it?"

"No, but at least now you will know what happened to them. And it will somewhat ease your pain and the questions might even stop," Imran says to her.

"I guess you are right. But first, we need to try and get everything sorted out and then call Janna to come and advise us on what we should do. But I am kinda scared of what the outcome could be especially after what we just read."

"Allah is there with us, Shyra. Always remember that He will never forsake us," Imran says to Shyra making her smile.

Why is this hard? After this trial, I will need to make one more decision and that will hurt a lot of people that I dont want to hurt especially when they have been nothing but the best to me. I hope I will be making the right decision but as Aunt Hayat would always say, Allah knows best.

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