Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Stalker Alert.

Two Weeks Later.

It has been two weeks since Saira arrived and she has been welcomed with love from Ayra. She felt happy and at peace but she still had that feeling that Azaan would send the divorce papers within a day or weeks. But she hoped that someday he might listen to her before anything.

Thankfully Shyra asked the principal of the school if the position to be an English teacher was still open. And she was in luck because it was vacant for more than a week and it was perfect for Saira.

Even though it might or might not be permanent for her she needed something to keep her mind off the situation that Saira was in.

Shyra felt the need to always be there for her friend, so she had made a decision to go to her every weekend for sleepovers and Ayra would also tag along.

This made Saira happy and didn't have to think about what happened to her and Azaan. She didn't get angry at him because she understood that he had some insecurities that he needed to work on.

Like trust issues that he got from being hurt by Faryal.

"Ayra and I want to go to the bakery, would like us to bring you something," Shyra says to Saira.

"Do they sell cinnamon buns...?"

"Yes, they do and I will get you some plus more desserts," Shyra says smiling at her.

This made Saira laugh because of how well the girls knew each other.

Shyra knew that her friend might start to have cravings but she didn't know that it would start with cinnamon buns.

"Okay, we will be back in a few minutes, and don't open the door for anyone," Shyra says to her friend as she is worried about her after what she told him about the unknown person who was trying to hurt her.

"I promise you that I will be careful and dont take long," she says giving her a hug and then turning to Ayra with a smile on her face. "Take care of her, okay? And take care of yourself too," she added hugging her.


"What? All I am saying is for you to take care of each other," Ayra says shrugging, and then she walks back inside the apartment and then locked the door.

"Don't mind her, Shy. She just cares about you. Now can we go before all the chocolate muffins get sold out," Ayra says dragging Shyra to the elevator.

"Okay okay, let's go and get the buns too. And for your father, we will get donuts for him, is that okay?"

"Yeah, he loves the glazed ones and the original ones," Ayra explained to her.

Shyra nodded and gave her a smile.

Someone watched as Shyra and Ayra got off the elevator, he continued watching them as they got out of the building.

He could hear Ayra calling Shyra but he didnt know that it wasn't the person he was looking for. Both Shyra Saira's names sounded the same but were spelled differently.

He moved closer to them but didn't want to be seen by anyone.

He didn't want to be seen as he wanted Shyra and didn't care about the little girl who was with her.

The man wanted Shyra and he would do anything to get her even if he would have to hurt the little girl, he didnt care about that.

But Ayra being someone who notices everything decided to send a message to her father about someone following them. Imran has always taught her to observe her surroundings because of the current news of kidnappings.

"Ayra, what's wrong?" Shyra asked the little girl who was constantly looking behind her.

"Dont be alarmed but there's someone who has been following us ever since we left home. And I already sent a message to Dad and he wanted us to go into the bakery and stay there," Ayra explained to her. "Don't look behind as he is near the clothing store on your right," she added as Shyra started to look around.

"Okay come on, I know a way there. He wouldn't be able to catch up to us," Shyra says moving inside a supermarket that was on their left side and then running inside.

Shyra found one of the workers there and explained what Ayra had told them. In a few minutes, the same man that Ayra had described came into the supermarket and was looking around for them.

The store worker then led them to the back and showed them the back door.

"Thank you so much for this. And for your help," Shyra thanked the store worker who gave her a smile.

"You are most welcome and now go before he notices something."

They thanked her again and then rushed to the bakery. Soon they walked inside to find Inran walking for them with a worried look on his face.

When he heard his name being called by his daughter, Imran ran towards them and hugged them without caring what people thought.

He needed to embrace them to make sure that they were safe and with him.

Shyra felt the care that she had always wanted in her life. But this wasn't right especially when they were just friends and she tried to move out of his arms but couldn't as Imran didn't want to let her go.

"Alhamdulilah you two are safe..."

"Well, you should thank Ayra for her quick thinking about sending you the message. Because she observed everything which is a great thing, Ayra," Shyra says pulling herself out of Imran's arms even though she felt safe and calm.

"Alhamdulilah, for your quick thinking, Ayra. Now, let's go and get the desserts and then we can go home together," Imran says moving towards the counter.

"Go and give him Saira's order. I will be by the ice cream part getting ice cream," Ayra says pushing her toward her father.

Shyra just shook her head and joined Imran in making the orders. Imran knew that he was doing wrong by hugging her but he couldn't help himself.

He has started to be overprotective of Shyra just like he is with Ayra but differently.

Imran didn't want to scare her by hugging her again until he was ready to tell her about how he felt for her. He did not want any other type of relationship with her except marriage.

This is the first time that he has ever felt anything for a girl and he was happy that Shyra got along with his daughter.

Love that comes out of friendship is the truest emotion that anyone can witness or even feel. Love is also another form of friendship.

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