Chapter Forty-three

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"Chose between us or that woman?"

Two Weeks later.

It has been two weeks since the confrontation between Shyra and Samir's mother. She didn't even want to think about them or anything that had to do with Samir as she is now trying to get her father's company back in her hands. The investigation of the accident that caused her parents' death was still ongoing as per Uncle Aayan's request.

Meanwhile, Samir was with Uncle Aayan trying to find a way to explain to Shyra what happened to her parents and how they died.

"How can someone do that to their family?" Samir asks Uncle Aayan about what they have just discovered. "It is hard to believe that there are people in this world who would kill people for money," he added sadly while looking at the papers in front of him.

"Sometimes money can be what makes people do things to their family without caring about anything else except getting what they want," Uncle Aayan explained to him.

Aayan knew very well what he meant by telling Samir about Shyra's Aunt and Uncle. He didn't want Samir to get more involved in Shyra's case and life.

"How can we tell her?..."

"Not 'we' but 'me'. Because your parents aren't happy with your involvement in Shyra and her life. They want you to stay away from her..."

"Exactly Aayan. Samir, you dont have to involve yourself with that woman. We picked the perfect woman for you and yet you are still chasing after that...Shyra," his mother says interrupting them.

Both of his parents were there to see him and try to convince him one last time to let go of his illusion of marrying Shyra.

"Excuse me, I will leave you for now," Aayan says picking up the papers that were on the desk and walking out of the office.

Aayan couldn't help but shake his head knowing that Samir's parents were being influenced by Shyra's Aunt and Uncle who would do anything to get the inheritance that Shyra would get after her 21st birthday which would be in a few weeks.

After Aayan left the office, Samir knew that his parents were there to give him a long lecture about giving up on Shyra and marrying her.

His mother took a seat and waited for her husband to start talking to Samir.

"Listen son, you can't be with her. She is impure, someone who isn't worth anything. Don't be with her and she might end up ruining your life too. Just like she does......"

"That's enough Dad. I love her and I want to be with her....."

"No, son. Listen to your father. We can't allow you to be with her. She slept with her cousin. She might have initiated it and now she is saying that he raped her. Open your eyes Samir. We will not allow you to be with her. And if you are going to be with her then forget that we are your parents. Consider us dead to you", his mother angrily tells him.

"I agree with your mother, son. Choose her or your family. She will never be our daughter-in-law. Remember that Samir..."

"You will cut me off? Is that it, Dad, Mum?" Samir asks his parents.

He was shocked that they would go beyond anything just to get Shyra out of his life.

"Yes, we will do that. So you have a choice. Us or that woman you are so in love with?" His mother tells him.

Samir was beyond shocked to hear those words coming out of his mother.

The mother who used to adore Shyra and would even call her, her daughter-in-law.

Meanwhile, Shyra was outside when she heard everything that was said. And she had decided for Samir and her future.

Many will say that I am selfish for deciding for him but I know how much his parents mean to him. Each night I wish and pray that my parents never went out that day. They might still be alive, happy, and content with the present I had received. But Alhamdullilah, I got to meet Imran, Ayra and his mother Dania, and even Dr. Saalim who helped me in overcoming my fear. I don't even know how to repay them for the kindness and love that they have shown me.

Shyra knew exactly what to do to make Samir stay away from her. But she will need to hurt herself in the process.

She watched as Samir and his parents continued arguing about her. This saddened her because she never wanted this to happen to Samir.

He was her best friend who was in love with her but now she has no future with him or anyone else.

After the trial, Shyra would take over the company but she wouldn't be in contact with Samir.

Picking his parents was the best decision for him and everyone else around her.

Decisions aren't easy to make but they are crucial in life. You either decided to let go and move on or to hold on to something that might never happen. Bad decisions and good decisions will always depend on how you see them and how much you need them.

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