Chapter Twenty.

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"Shyra, meet Shadow".

Two months Later

It has been four months since Shyra started her therapy and it was going well especially when she started to forgive herself and try to love herself.

The calls between Shyra and Samir became a little bit more frequent and this made their friendship strong.

She even wanted to involve Imran but he didn't want to intrude in their friendship.

This is what I wanted for them. I will need to respect their friendship.

A few days before Shyra's session, she received a call from Imran about a surprise he had for her.

"What is the surprise?" Shyra asks.

"It wont be a surprise if I told you, would it?" Imran says while Ayra nods agreeing with her father.

"Fine, and thank you."

Ayra and Imran were happy to have been spending time with Shyra. She needed friends to be there by her side and never left.

Alhamdullilah, Shyra has stopped having nightmares about that fateful night and it was all thanks to Dr. Saalim and his techniques which people would register as unorthodox but they worked for Shyra.

She and Ayra have been spending time together almost every weekend and every day. They even made a point to sometimes pray together and would even include Imran.

"Now can we go to the bakery, Dad?" Ayra asks her father who nods with a smile on his face.

"But Shyra will go with you. Because I need to go and pick up her surprise, remember?" Her father tells her.

"Yes, I do," Ayra says and then turns to face Shyra. " Come on, let's go and when Dad comes back he will have your surprise ready," she added taking Shyra's hand and heading to the door.

"Ayra, you need to put on..."

"Yeah, I forgot. Thanks, Dad," she says running inside her hijab which she tied around her head. "Okay, now I am ready," she added waving to her father who shook his head and laughed.

Meanwhile, Imran was on his way to get the surprise for Shyra and he hoped that she would like it as it was also her birthday.

Shyra has been secretive about her birthday because that was the day of her parent's death. She didnt like to do anything except go to Ayra's school and hand out gifts to the kids who were at the school. The school was also for orphans like her This was suggested by her Aunt Hayat who knew that Shyra would want to make a difference.


Shyra's birthday was getting near as it was a week left. It was the first birthday she was spending alone after leaving her hometown. Shyra needed to get the memory of her parent's accident so the only person she asked for her was Aunt Hayat. She knew that Hayat would have an idea of how to make her birthday as well as remembering her parents worth it.

"Asalam Aleikum Aunt. How are you doing?" Shyra says to her on the phone.

"Waleikum salaam. I am good alhamdullilah and how are you foing Habibty?" Hayat asks her.

"Umm... it is my birthday and also the day that Mamma and Dad died. I want to do something in their memory and also do it every year. Could you help me think of something?" Shyra asks her hoping she will have an answer to her question.

Hayat was silent for a few seconds and then said; "Is there an orphanage or a school nearby?"

"Yeah, a school that is runned by an orphanage. It is a few blocks from where I live. Why, Aunt?..."

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