The weekend plan

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"Can you just ask someone else?” Namjoon said over the phone with a little frustration.

His eyes follow Jin, who just came down the stairs excitedly, opened the fridge, took his favorite chocolates, and ran back upstairs. He sighed before continuing speaking.

“I have plans today," NJ said.

“No, don’t talk like that.... Okay, I will come if that's the case.”

Nj hung up the phone and took the shoes to put on them. When he got ready, he called Jin.

Jin came downstairs, running excitedly with his shoulder bag hanging on one shoulder, and stood in front of his hyung.

“Iam ready. Lets go.” Jin said with a smile and moved to take his shoes.

"Aegi,” Nj called hesitantly, and Jin felt something was wrong upon hearing that voice.

“What?” he asked.

“I just got a call from the company.”

Nj stopped to see his brother’s reaction. Jin's face began to grow gloomy as his hyung continued.

“We will surely go out next weekend. I promise next time there won’t be any interruptions.”

Namjoon came closer when he saw tears forming in Jin’s eyes. Jin quickly moved back. He held back the tear, and anger took over.

“No, you should come with me.” He said angrily.

“I tried my best, but they need me there. “Just only this time. I will never cancel any other weekend plans.”

“I don't want to hear anything. You promised me. You should try to keep the promise instead of trying to be an honest employee."

“I-“ Namjoon’s words got cut short by his phone ring. He accepted the call. Jin looked at him madly.

“Is it? ...Iam coming.” Nj turned to Jin once he hung up the phone.

"I am really sorry, but I have to go.”

He walked towards the door, not wanting to argue or see the tears in Jin's eyes anymore.

“If you're not coming, I will go by myself.”

That shout stopped him, and he instantly turned back with a dominant face.


“I will, if you are going to the company.” Jin shouted in return with the same rage.

“And you are going to see the consequences if you do that.”
Nj said and gave a final look to his brother before leaving the house.

Jin stomped upstairs with frustration and threw himself in bed along with the bag.

An hour later.

Jin lazily stood up and put the bag on the table when he heard the doorbell. He wonders who it is. Since Jimin’s gone to his grandparents house, it can't be him. He opened the door with a gloomy face, only to light it up suddenly by seeing the person in front of him.

“Good morning.” Jungkook said it with a smile.

Jin looked at him from head to toe. Jungkook was looking handsome in those black leather jackets and black cargo pants.

“Are you going somewhere, Kookie Hyung?" Jin asked since it was the weekend.

“Yes.” Jin became a little sad after hearing it, but

“Shall we start our weekend plan?"

Jin face light up on that question. But he got confused as to how Jungkook came to know about his weekend plan.

“Namjoon called me.” Jungkook said it as though he understood what Jin was thinking.


Jin is over the moon now. He was with his Kookie hyung, riding in his bike,going for their weekend plan. He wanted to tightly hug him, but he didn’t want to make Jungkook uncomfortable by doing it. He enjoyed it. This moment with Jungkook. So he just only casually put his hands on Jungkook's shoulder. He closed his eyes and let the wind devour him.

After an hour of riding, they finally reached their destination. Jin looked at the place—the bungee jumping bridge. Once they made their way, they stood in line, and there were a lot of people because of the weekend. Jin stumbled back to Jungkook when the line got stiff. Jungkook quickly held him and looked at the line. He then slowly made Jin stand by his side. Jin confusedly turned to Jungkook.

“Stood here and move along with me; this way you will not be crushed in the line.” Jungkook said, earning a wide smile from Jin.

“So why is bungee jumping included in your weekend plan?” Jungkook asked once the line moved forward.

“Because I like it," Jin replied.

“How many times have you jumped before?"

"It's my first time.” Jungkook was shocked to hear this.

Jin laughed at Jungkook's reaction.

“I have always wanted to do this but didn’t get a chance. So I included this in my weekend plan."

When they neared the jumping, they saw couples jumping together and noticed people were shouting something like confessions before they jumped to avoid their fear. Jin decided to jump first.

“Oh! Is this a couple  line?"

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