Revenge or Jin

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Jin slowly opened his eyes when he heard footsteps nearing him. A man whose face was not visible was approaching Jin slowly. Jin's eyes went bigger in shock, and he began to breathe heavily, scared.

"Did you miss me, Jinnie?” The man asked with a creepy smile.

Jin moved backward with teary eyes until his back hit the bedpost. He doesn't want that incident to happen again; he doesn’t want the man to touch him again; he doesn’t want to be trapped in this man's hold again. He gathered all his voice and screamed his lungs out.

He didn’t stop. He continued to shout more and more for his hyung to come as quickly as possible because he didn’t want to let the same incident happen again.

Namjoon quickly ran to Jin, who was now screaming in his sleep in the hospital bed. Tears are flowing even if his eyes are fully closed.

“Aegi, Aegi.”

Namjoon tried to wake him up. He shook Jin's body a few times, calling him to wake up continuously. And finally, Jin slowly opened his eyes. He looked at where he was, and when his eyes met with his brother's, he cried again. He cried, finally realizing that the thing he was afraid of doesn’t happen. He tightly held his Hyung's shirt, afraid that if he let it go, that thing would again happen.


When the psychiatrist came out of Jin's room after speaking with him, Namjoon stood from where he was sitting and quickly approached him, followed by Jungkook. It's been two weeks since the incident happened. They brought Jin back home from the hospital after his treatment, and Namjoon decided to talk with a psychiatrist as per the doctor's suggestion.

“How did it go? Did he say anything?”

“Namjoon, this is not as easy as you think. He has undergone an incident that should never have happened to any kid at his age.” The doctor paused before continuing.

“He fears speaking about that incident, about that person, and he is saying the same thing again: that he didn’t remember anything and he can't tell who it was."

“I don’t want to make him remember the incident; I only wanted to find out who it was."

“I think you should be patient and let the time decide everything.” The doctor patted NJ's shoulder before leaving.

All these days, Namjoon crazily thinks about who it will be. Who will have done this cruel thing to his little brother? He doesn’t want anyone who ever did this to roam around happily when his brother was suffering each day because of it.

As a month passed, he still cant find out who it was, and it was driving him crazy. So he finally decided to speak with Jin. When he opened the door, Jin got a little startled and relaxed when he saw it was his hyung. He was sitting on his bed, looking out the window. Namjoon slowly walked towards him and sat near him.

He made eye contact with Jin before he spoke.

"Aegi, listen, hyung only thinks of your well-being, so could you please answer my questions?" Namjoon said softly, holding Jin's hand. Jin nodded slowly.

“That person who came to you that night, do you still remember who it was?"

Jin felt something weird on his stomach just by thinking about that person; he doesn’t want to think about that person and that incident. He shook his head negatively. Namjoon took a minute before continuing.

“You said it was all blurry for you, right? Can you just try to remember anything that you saw with blurred vision? I know it's hardly possible, but anything?”

Jin again shook his head negatively, this time with teary eyes.

“Look, like anything, anything that you noticed in that person, that will help me find that bastard." Namjoon's voice rose with the last word.

As the first tears flowed from Jin's eyes, he shook his head negatively.

“Hyung really wanted to catch that bastard at all costs; please try to remember anything. I can't let him roam around happily; please try to remember one more time.” Jin moved a little back and shook his head again.


Namjoon shouted suddenly out of anger, which caused Jin to suddenly flinch and move back, crying more.
Jungkook came running and pulled Namjoon out of the room. Namjoon panted in anger as he sat on the couch.

“Yah, he is a kid; why are you yelling at him?"

"I can't hold back this Jungkook; I really wanted to find that bastard as soon as possible.”

“But Jin is hurting."

Namjoon’s expression changed from anger to regret after hearing Jungkook’s words.

"It's ok to take revenge, but the thing that is more important than revenge is your brother. You are hurting him and making him remember the same thing that he doesn’t want to remember again. All he wants right now is support, comfort, and assurance. I think you should choose Jin or revenge properly."

Jungkook said before leaving him alone to think deeply about the matter. He remembered how he shouted at his brother and how his brother cried when he asked him early. Namjoon really regrets everything.

That night, he apologized to Jin and promised to be a good brother for him. After that incident, Namjoon didn’t let any of his friends into his house without his presence, except Jungkook.

He slowly made Jin, who didn’t want to leave his room, come outside and take him to his favorite places, always making sure he would be there for him. And Jin began to recover from that incident  slowly.


Namjoon was cooking dinner when Jin came downstairs with a paper in his hand.

“You came? Wait a bit more; the dinner will be ready.” Namjoon said this and shifted his focus to the food.

"Hyung,” Jin called softly.

“What? Do you need anything else?” Namjoon asked.

Jin doesn’t say anything. He slowly showed the paper in his hand.

"What is this?” Namjoon asked, taking the paper from Jin, not understanding the thing Jin had drawn on the paper.

“He has this tatoo below the left side of his chest.” Jin said.

Namjoon first furrowed his eyebrows, then his eyes went wide, realizing what Jin meant.

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