The roller coaster of emotions

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A month later :

Jungkook was going through a roller coaster of emotions while looking at Jin’s pictures on his laptop.
Those pictures in which they were together, smiling and posing happily, gave him joy and ache at the same time. Seeing the pictures again and again and going back to those memories has become his only relief these days. And at those moments when he misses the other, he can't help but cry heartfully.

His finger was about to click next when an email popped up on his screen. At first, he thought it was spam, but when he noticed the sender's name, he quickly opened the email. Because it was strange to get an email from his ex-best friend. But Jungkook's eyes instantly widened when he read what the email contained.


Jin lazily wakes up from his sleep when he gets a message on his phone. He slowly sat up on his bed, straightening his pajamas, and stretched his hands before taking his phone from the table stand. It was from his best friend.

Chim Chim :

Hey, groom-to-be!
Your hyung and I have gone to purchase some missing items on our list. Of course, we don’t want to miss anything on your big day. Don’t be nervous about tomorrow; take some rest. I have prepared your breakfast and lunch. You can re-heat it if you want. Take your time and rest. I will check on you once we come back since your hyung will be busy until tomorrow. Take care. Love you.

Jin smiled gently after he read the message. But his anxiety didn’t lessen. Days passed quickly; everything happened, and here it is: his wedding is going to happen tomorrow morning.

Deciding to let his mind be free from all the thoughts, he began to start his morning routine.

After taking a fresh bath, he came downstairs and saw the breakfast Jimin had prepared on the dining table. Even though he doesn’t have any appetite, he does want to waste his best friend’s efforts. But the doorbell stopped him from moving toward the table. Confused about who would have come early this morning, Jin walked to open the door.
Jin froze as soon as he saw who it was.

“Are you gone out of your mind?!”

Jungkook yelled furiously as he got inside and closed the door behind him.

Jin, who was taken back by the unexpected entry of Jungkook, flinched upon hearing the yelling.

“Seriously ? Are you really going to marry him? Are you that desperate to punish me?”

The continuous yelling only gave Jin more shock, and he stood there motionless.

Jungkook grabbed Jin by his shoulders.

“Do you ever love him? Aren’t you using him to forget me? Do you think everything is going to be okay when you get married? Do you know what the outcome of forcing yourself into something you don’t want is? You are going to regret it, Jin. You are going to regret this decision. You don’t know how hard it is to live a life with regrets. But I know! I have gone through it, and it is still haunting me. So please think again. Don’t do anything stupid!”

Jungkook slowly removed his grasp from Jin’s shoulder when all he received was silence from the others. Jin slowly took a few steps back and

“You should leaved, Jungkook.”

The lump that formed in his throat made it difficult for Jin to speak without a broken voice. The tears in his eyes are ready to fall at any time.

“You are still not taking my word?" Jungkook asked with a heavy heart.

“Your words?! Do your words ever have any value?” Jin screamed from where he was standing.

“Isn't it your same words that make everything reach here? If you stay true to your words, I will never have a situation where I am going to marry a man who is not you. If you don’t give me fake promises and fake affections, I will never end up thinking about having a life with another man.”

And Jin came closer this time and looked into Jungkook’s eyes firmly.

“Tell me, have your words ever stayed loyal to me?”

Jungkook stood speechless, looking into Jin’s red eyes. His eyes Slowly began to well up because he couldn't answer Jin’s questions. As Jin’s first tears flowed from his eyes, his rage changed into an unbearable pain.

“If your words were true, why did you easily give up?”

And more tears began to fall from his eyes, making his face wet.

“Why did you easily give up on me? On my love? Why didn’t you find a reason to stay? Why did you run away, leaving me in pain?”

“I am sorry. I am really sorry.”
Jungkook said, cupping Jin’s face.

“Please don’t get married.”

“It's too late, Jungkook.”

“Its, not! I know you love me. I know you lied to me that day. I remember-"

“Get out!”

“You can't always hide the truth, Jin.”

“So what if I lied?! I don’t love you. I don’t want to see you anymore. GET LOST!!!”

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