The storm

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Jungkook’s POV

If anyone asks me how life is going, I will say I am just surviving. After all, this is what remains for me in this lifetime.

People say that everything happens for a reason. But I don't know why these all happened in my life. Didn’t I deserve to live happily with the one I want, with whom my heart belongs, and who I love the most? Talking about him, I wonder what he is doing all these days. Did he move on and find anyone who should not break his heart, unlike me? Will he ever forgive me for everything? Will he ever try to understand me if I tell him everything? Is it too late to think like this now?

When I don’t know what to do with my life, I end up on this small, beautiful island, which provides me with lovable people and their accommodations, and I finally become an art teacher. When someone approached me with this job when they saw me painting, the first thing that came to mind was my Jin. He was the one who encouraged me to follow my passion.

Life moves slowly, and every minute and second feels like an hour to me. But children of Little Home made me smile again. I spent most of my leisure time in the tiny park nearby. Even though it was noisy from the children's laughter, chitchats, and playing sounds, it felt good to be there. My lonely life craves the loud gatherings.

As I stood there, falling into my thoughts, a particular giggle caught my attention, and my heart skipped a bit when I recognized whose melodious giggle it was. The particular sound brings joy and, at the same time, anxiety to me. I was carving to hear that sound, which always kept me alive. But I refuse to believe he was here, near me. Every time my heart tells me to run away, but this time it speaks to me differently; it made me want to see the face that I have been carving to see. And I did, but the first thing I felt seeing him was not happiness but jealousy. He was here, happily running around, chased by someone. Who is he? Is he his boyfriend? Did Jin really find a new partner already?. My mind was clouded with so many thoughts. But what am I doing? I should be happy seeing him happy, seeing him enjoy his life, and moving on from me. I should not come back into his life and make it worse. I quickly turned around when I saw him coming in the direction of where I was.

He should not see me. I should not ruin his moment. But my legs were unwilling to move away from there; I felt numb, and without knowing what to do, I stood there, still praying he would run past me without recognizing me. But fate has other plans. He bumbed on my back, making me more nervous. His honeyed voice didn't change when I heard him apologize. My legs become jelly after knowing that he is just behind me, inches away. There isn’t a day I haven’t missed him—his smile, his touch, his voice. Not even a single day passes without thinking of him. All I have done is run away throughout my life, and for once, I wanted to face everything. That’s how my legs find the strength to make a move, and I turn back.

Jin's POV

No. This isn't happening. Not when I thought I was healing from everything. I refuse to believe that I met the one whom I thought I would never see again. He is still the same man, with those eyes looking into mine for any reaction. Somewhere in my mind, I was prepared for this moment. And I promised myself to be strong, to not show how vulnerable I have been without him all these days. I don’t want him to see a reaction from me that makes him misunderstand that I still love him deep inside or that I have been carving for him to be back. But my eyes began to betray me. No matter how much I try to hold back my emotions at the end, my eyes always make my vision blurry. I can't stay there anymore. I don't want him to pity me. I took some steps backwards only to stumble, But


He came near worriedly, but before he could do anything, an arm surrounded my waist.


It was Hoseok. I think he understood the situation; after all, he was my therapist. His presence brings some relief. I quickly nodded and was about to say something When

“You bastard!“

My hyung screamed, coming from nowhere, before landing a strong punch to Jungkook's face, which caused him to fall to the ground. My eyes went wide. Jimin came running behind and tried to stop Hyung, but everyone could see the rage in Hyung’s eyes; he was behaving like a wild animal who saw his prey. He began to punch Jungkook again when Jungkook stood up slowly. Hoseok also became worried and tried his best to stop the fight, but Hyung was not showing any sign to stop. All Jungkook did was stand there, receiving all the punches and yells, falling, and again standing up in pain. I could see his lips starting to bleed, and that’s when I came forward.

“Don’t touch him anymore!”
I screamed my lungs out, which made everyone look at me in shock.


Third person’s POV

“I don’t think this is a good idea. Why did you make them have a talk? I can't trust him. What if he again breaks my brother’s heart?”

Namjoon asked impatiently to Hoseok, who gave him a calm look before he spoke.

"Look, fighting or running away doesn’t solve any problem. The only way we can make all these problems clear is to have an open conversation between them. That’s why I suggest Jin to talk with him. We don’t know how Jungkook has to talk. Let's hear it first. That’s what Jin also needs most. The question of why his lover left him without saying a single word haunts him every day. If he gets the answer or the explanation, it may make him fully healed from everything.”

Namjoon becomes silent after hearing Hoseok‘s words. Hoseok is right. The same question is haunting him as well. So they decide to wait for them downstairs while the Jinkook couple is having a conversation on the terrace.


The silent, cool breeze waved through the two bodies who were standing there, one refusing to make eye contact and the other looking only at those eyes in front of him. After gathering courage from speaking with Hoseok, Jin decides to have a talk with him.

After a full-length silence, Jin thought it was better if he initiated the conversation and ended it quickly. Because with every second passing, he loses his courage, and his heart is slowly surrendering. He did want others to see his weak side. He wanted him to know that he could live without him. That’s what Jin thought, but his voice betrayed him when he opened his mouth.

“W-why?” Jin tightened his teeth after that, not wanting to become emotional.


“Why are they taking a long time?” Namjoon asked, impatient, walking past his husband and Hoseok. Jimin sighed for the nth time and looked at Hoseok. Hoseok signaled him to calm down.

“What if he was having him make fake promises again and try to brainwash my brother?” Namjoon asked.

“Joon, just wait a little more.”

“No, I can't wait any longer. Not until I ensure that AEGI is not hurting again.”

Namjoon said this and quickly made his way to the terrace. Jimin shook his head and followed his husband, trying to stop him. But Namjoon doesn’t stop Jimin’s attempts.

When he reaches the terrace, he can see Jin and Jungkook standing a little distance from them. Namjoon was about to walk towards them, but Jungkook’s words stopped him. What Jungkook was saying to Jin was really unexpected. It made both Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin, who just reached out and heard it, widen their eyes in utter shock. And when Jungkook stopped, Jin stumbled back with wide eyes filled with tears. He covered his mouth with his hand, not able to believe what Jungkook just told him.

At the same time, Namjoon’s shock changed into full rage, and he marched to Jungkook. Without any notice, he attacked Jungkook and began to hit and punch him mercilessly. Jin cried his heart out, feeling fully broken and betrayed again. His heart beat raced, and he began to pant suddenly, feeling suffocated, sweating, and shivering. And the last thing he heard was Jimin's scream when his body fell to the floor, unconscious.

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