What exactly happened

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A/n : I am sorry for the delay in updating. I just feel that I am not good at writing the emotions of my characters, and being English my second language, makes it hard for me to continue writing the story in a better way. I am sorry if my writing lacks anything.

Jungkook entered the house, which was now filled with a lot of young people who were dancing, drinking, chiling, and having fun. The multi-colored lights gave off the vibe of a hotel bar party. He moved through the people and walked towards the person whom he came for. He locked Namjoon’s neck with his arm from NJ’s back, showing one of their friendly affections. Namjoon, who was talking with Teahyung, got suddenly startled, then welcomed his buddy with a hug. They began to enjoy the party, which was conducted to celebrate Namjoon graduating as the first-rank university holder. The whole house was blasting with music and lights now.

An innocent, round, like a little alpaca's eyes watch these people from upstairs. He pouted when he understood the party wasn't going to end soon. He saw his hyung chatting with his friends among the crowd, so he slowly made his way downstairs.
“Hyung” Jin called, but Namjoon didn’t hear; he was busy talking with Jungkook. But Teahyung does. The fifteen-year-old boy with doe eyes, plump lips, and soft skin that are exposed because he is wearing shorts made Teahyung unable to take his eyes from him.

“HYUNG.” Jin called using a high tone, which gained both Namjoon and Jungkook's attention.

“Is this your little brother?” Teahyung asked curiously.

“Yes.” Namjoon said, then she turned to Jin.

Namjoon sent back a sulky Jin, who was complaining about the party noise, to his own room. After ensuring that his brother got inside the room, Namjoon continued his chat.

When NamTeakook's attention got to a group of young people who were betting on who drank the most, Jungkook decided to show his talent, and his best friends encouraged him.

"Yah, yah, slow down.” Yoongi said, coming there to see Jungkook gulping a whole glass of alcohol in one take.

But using this distraction as an opportunity, Taehyung slipped away from the party, lying that he had gotten a call from his father. He sneaked upstairs, and that’s when he saw Jin going into Namjoon’s room. With an evil smirk, he followed his target. Jin, who came to his hyung's room to take some head pain relief pills, accidentally ate sleeping pills, which later made him feel giddy and gave him blurry vision. But somehow he managed to reach the door, only to step back in fear when someone entered the room.

At the same time, downstairs, the drinking bet continued longer than expected, and Jungkook was drinking like there was no tomorrow. And finally, he wins the bet after the opponent passes out.

“Yah, Enough.” Yoongi stopped Jungkook when Jungkook took another glass of alcohol after the bet.

“Hyung, look, I won; I want to celebrate this.” With that, Jungkook drank another glass. Namjoon joined his best friend, and they continued to drink. And when it felt like Jungkook would pass out there at any moment, Yoongi dragged him from there.

"Namjoonah, I am taking him to your room. I can't bring this muscle pig home today. You should also stop drinking and end the party.” After Namjoon nodded, Yoongi made his way upstairs.

When Jin panicked and fell on the bed on his back while moving backward, afraid of the unknown man in the room, Teahyung had a victory smile on his face. And the scream that came out of Jin’s mouth was also cut off by Teahyung, who quickly closed Jin’s mouth with his hands and hovered above him.

Yoongi stopped in front of Namjoon’s room and noticed it was locked inside.

“Who is inside the room?” He asked himself.

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