Little pieces

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Jin came back to his room after he spoke with Jungkook. He felt like a burden was removed from him. Jin and Jungkook were admitted to the same hospital. If Hoseok hadn't come there and pulled Namjoon from above Jungkook, he would have really killed Jungkook. And it was also Hoseok who admitted them to the same hospital, even though Namjoon was against it. As Jin took a seat on the hospital bed, his mind went through his earlier conversation with Yoongi.

“Are you feeling better?”

Yoongi asked hesitantly once he entered Jin’s room. Jin, who didn't expect Yoongi's visit, sat straight as he was lying on his bed earlier.

Yoongi slowly approached Jin. Jin looked away when Yoongi came closer to him.

“I know you are angry. But please hear what I wanted to say.” Jin sat silently without giving any response as Yoongi continued.

“Please don’t blame Jungkook for everything. He was innocent. You know him very well. Do you think he will do such a thing to his best friend's brother in his right mind? Drunken or not, his action cannot be justified. I know the things you went through because of that night. You went through something a fifteen-year-old child should never experience in his life. I am not speaking here for anyone. But you should not let that incident ruin your life again. Please be strong, and please forgive him. I can't watch you both suffer anymore because of this incident. Please forgive him, speak with him, and solve this problem.”

After finishing, Yoongi gazed at Jin, who was still not giving him any response, as if he hadn’t heard anything, as if there wasn't anyone in front of him who was speaking to him wholeheartedly. Jin thought Yoongi was leading the room after seeing his silence when Yoongi slowly moved to the door. But

“He will never want to live a life with regrets and guilt.” Yoongi said before opening the door, making Jin's heart race.

Jin jolted from his thoughts when someone suddenly opened the door and came inside. Hoseok smiled when he saw Jin sitting on the bed. Jin doesn’t leave the bed the moment he gets back to consciousness. He doesn’t even try to sit or eat anything. He was lying on the bed all the time, even after Hoseok compelled him many times. And now he became happy that not only did he get up and sit but also take a walk around the area earlier.

“Here is your food.” Hoseok said and place the food on the table.

Jin's eyes shifted to the food on the table, and then Hoseok.

“What? Do you want to tell me anything?“ Hoseok asked.
Hoseok's smile slowly faded when he saw Jin’s eyes welling up with tears.

“Are you okay? Do you feel any difficulty?” Hoseok asked worriedly. That doesn’t help Jin; instead, he began to cry.

“Why did you lie to me?” Jin asked.

“What? I haven’t lied to you about anything.” Hoseok said it immediately.

“You said time would heal everything. You lied! Time will not heal anything! Even after years, the pain is the same. You lied to me.!” Jin cried out loudly.

Hoseok stared at Jin silently, letting him cry as much as he wanted.


Hoseok came closer and held Jin’s hand once Jin slowly stopped his crying.

“Yes, time doesn’t heal everything. But it teaches us to leave with pain. It's okay to be affected by something you thought you had healed from. Healing cannot save you; it cannot save you from experiencing pain again. Neither does it lessen your pain. Healing is learning to accept what is already here. It cannot save you from darkness, but it can teach you to find peace within it. It is learning about the emotions you are afraid to feel and giving your heart permission to ache when it needs to. Healing is linear. Please be gentle with yourself.”

Jin knew he shouldn’t be crying over the same man again and again, but he found it difficult to suppress his emotions, feeling comfort in Hoseok's words.


Jungkook was in the middle of searching for something when a nurse entered his room after a knock.

“Mr. Jeon, you are discharged.” She said it politely.

Seeing the nurses there, Jungkook quickly walked to her and asked.

“Have you got a necklace with me when I was admitted? I can't find it anywhere." He asked impatiently.

The nurse took a few seconds to go through her memories before she spoke.

"No, I am the one who brings back your belongings after your treatment. It was only your wallet and a watch.”

Jungkook became upset after hearing her response.

“oh” That’s what he said, and he turned his back, But

“And the patient who was admitted with you told me to give you this.”

She picked up something from her pocket and gave it to Jungkook. Jungkook nibbled his lips to control his emotions after seeing what it was.

“Can I ask you something?” Jungkook asked. The nurse nodded response.

“When is Jin's discharge?”

“Oh, you didn’t know. He was discharged an hour before. I saw him leaving his room with others before coming here. By this time, I think they have exited the hospital.”

Jungkook got more upset after hearing it. After the nurse left the room, Jungkook quickly went to the window. He saw Jin getting into a taxi and sat inside silently. Jungkook urged him to stop him, but he knew he couldn't do anything now. He watched the taxi leave the hospital slowly. He leaned against the wall and slowly looked at the ring in his hand—the ring Jin gave the nurse to give to me—the ring he put on Jin’s finger as proof of his love.

2 days later :

Sitting on the green carpet of grasses, enjoying the slow, cool breeze, Jin liked what he just had in that moment wholeheartedly. Because he is feeling more relaxed and calm now. So many things happened, and he is grateful that he didn’t give up. Taking care of yourself at your worst is the best thing one can ever do.

“You are here?”

Jin smiled when Hoseok came and took a seat near him.

“Look what I got?” Hoseok showed him what he was holding.

“A stick?” Jin asked confusedly.

“No, a flute.” He slightly turned it and showed the whole on it. It looks like a flute.

“I got this from the children. They were making this with a big stem. I don’t know which plant it was.”

“So what are you going to do with this?“

“I am going to show you my secret talent.” Hoseok said with a bright smile. Jin becomes suddenly excited. He patiently waited for Hoseok to play the flute.

Hoseok took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. He then adjusted his fingers near the hole and placed the flute close to his nose.

The moment Jin heard the flute sound that Hoseok was playing through his nose, he cracked up and began to laugh. He doesn’t expect Hoseok to play the flute with his nose, and the fact that it worked makes it more hilarious. Jin laughed  more when Hoseok continued to play the flute without taking a break. And when Hoseok felt out of breath, he stopped and joined Jin in laughing. Jin's stomach hurt from laughing continuously, and this will be the day he laughed most after a long time. Slowly, Jin’s face laugh changed into a big smile.


“Yes?” Hoseok asked, smiling.

“Do you like me?" Jin asked immediately.

Jin felt a sense of hurt seeing Hoseok’s smile  fell after hearing his sudden question.

“Ahh.. I…. Sorry, I asked without thinking much. I know you care for me; I just misunderstood things. Besides, who likes a man who is a victim of sexual abuse and married secretly? You deserve a better-“

Jin's eyes grew larger when his words were suddenly cut off by Hoseok’s lips. He experienced a surge of emotion over him, which made his heart flutter and beat crazily.

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