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The new atmosphere was a little difficult for Jin. But he managed to cope with everything. He made the decision to focus solely on his studies. Once he joined the classes, he set a time for everything so that he would not miss anything, and he got a few friends who helped him with his studies. Apart from going to college and coming back from it, he spent his free time mostly alone. Going for a walk and observing nature are his favorite things. He calls his hyung and Jimin most days and talks with them for hours. Unlike the other students, he doesn't like to hang around with friends, and his friends understood that.

He felt proud when he got his marks in the test, and it amazes him that he can score like this also. Jimin began to tease him, calling him a bookworm when he told him his marks. And Jimin also told him that he was going to be like Namjoon, an encyclopedia. And his hyung was nothing but always encouraging and proud of him.


6 months later

Jimin entered the gate of Jin's house, and a certain smell hit his nose. He frowned, wondering what this obvious smell was. He followed the smell and stopped in the backyard. And there he saw Namjoon giving paint to Jin's cycle.

“Are you going to resell this?” Jimin asked while walking towards Namjoon.

Namjoon shook his head negatively.

“Then why are you giving paint? I'm sure he is not going to use it anymore. We are those kids anytime."

"I am going to treasure it.” Namjoon said, looking at the cycle, and smiled.
This made Jimin laugh suddenly.

“For what?” He asked in between.

“To cherish Jin.” And this made Jimin stop laughing. Namjoon stood up and turned towards Jimin.

“Do you want to see something?” He asked Jimin with a smile, who was now standing there, not knowing how to react.

Jimin gasped when Namjoon opened a particular small room in the side of the backyard, which is filled with so many toys and other stuff that Jin used from his childhood. Some are broken, and some are not. Namjoon walked inside and took something from it.

“This one is Jin's first ever pencil box. He was so adamant about buying a pink one with a princess sticker on it. I still remember how I begged Mrs.Jung to buy that expensive one for him and promised to pay her back.”

Namjoon said that and turned around to take another one.

“And this one was Jin's first ever Mario Cart toy I bought with my own salary, which I got from going to many part-time jobs. It’s a little broken. He told me to throw it away, but I didn’t. When I miss him, I spend my time here. I will always be thankful to God for bringing him into my life. He was my hope for every day. He gave me a family, which I am carving for. He came like a light in my dark and empty life. He gave me the reason for my existence.”

Namjoon’s every word melted Jimin's heart. He stood there, mesmerized by everything he was experiencing. Never in his life did he think Namjoon had this side of affection.

Later, Jimin spent his time there making coffee and having snacks with Namjoon. He often visits Namjoon, but he will not stay longer because he came there only for his best friend's request, and he will go back once he checks on Namjoon and gives him help with anything. But that day Jimin stayed till night, helping him with making dinner as well. He doesn’t know how fast the time went by that day.

"Aegi, bring the plates.” Namjoon said it without realizing it.

Jimin came with plates and laughed.

“Sorry, I am still not used to being alone.” Namjoon said as he felt a little embarrassed.

“Some days I feel like I saw him in the kitchen, in the living room, and in his room."

Jimin found himself smiling after hearing Namjoon’s every word.

“But it's all my imagination." Namjoon laughed at himself then.

After setting the table, Jimin took his seat, and Namjoon also joined, but suddenly they heard the doorbell ringing.

“Who could it be at this time?" Namjoon asked Jimin.

“Go and look, Hyung; maybe it will be someone you are waiting for.” Namjoon frowned at hearing what Jimin said.

Jimin then began to casually eat the food. Namjoon walked to open the door. When Namjoon saw who it was, he was first shocked for a sec, and then it changed into a board expression, and he closed the door.

“Who is it?” Jimin asked, seeing Namjoon coming back to the dining area.

“I think my imagination is going out of control. I saw Jin wearing a cap and holding his shoulder back, just like he had come back from his college."Namjoon sighed and took his seat.

"But, Hyung, did you really check if it was your imagination or not?” Jimin asked, making Namjoon frown again.

“What are you-?"

He couldn't complete his sentence when the doorbell rang again. His eyes went wide, and he looked at Jimin in shock. Jimin Luaghs makes Namjoon feel more realistic. He then didn’t waste time and ran to open the door.

“So, you didn’t miss me, huh?” Jin asked, placing his hands on his hip with a cute, mad look.


Namjoon screamed in happiness and hugged Jin quickly.

“No,I really missed you.” Namjoon held him tighter, not ready to leave him after seeing him so many months later.


“Eat more.” Namjoon said, filling Jin's plate with food.

“Jinnie, try this one. I prepared this myself." Jimin said, filling Jin's plate from the other side.

“You two behave like I have been starving in Busan." Jin said, making them smile.

“You must not be starved; but we haven’t seen you eat, so we want to see your stomach fill, and that makes us happy. Isnt it hyung?"

Namjoon nodded and agreed with Jimin.

Later, the house was filled with the joy of bounding back together with laughter and giggles.

Jin looked silently at his hyung and his best friend. He may be broken inside, but he has to move on, not because he wants to but because he deserves what it means to not give up. So he decided to move on for the ones who will always be with him, no matter what he has gone through.
And an important thing he understood as he grew older was that we are not matured by age; we mature by damage.

As we get older, it's totally normal to go through phases of connections and disconnections. In the phases of disconnection, it is common to feel isolated, lost, or alone. Things can change so much in our lives. People start to settle down, move away to new cities, and do what they needed to do to build their future. It's only natural to feel lost or alone when there is so much change surrounding us, and we can see our life changing from what it was to what it is now. Understand that the way we process all these changes is different for everyone. Understand that it's normal to feel all kinds of different emotions during this transition period. And most importantly, know that no matter how alone we feel, we have so much support behind us.

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