A Goodbye for a while

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13 years before

The sun was hidden by the gloomy clouds, suddenly making the atmosphere windy and darker. It was going to rain, and the children of Little Home Orphanage ran outside to collect the clothes that had been hung to dry outside.

“Quick, Mrs. Jung will scold us if we let the clothes wet.” One of the children said as she was running outside. They began to take the clothes quickly and ran inside.

A boy came outside slowly, and the first drop fell on his face like a call from the sky. He looked up, watching the pouring, slow rain. But what got his attention more was the little boy who was on top of the building, ready to jump from there. His eyes went wide, and he ran upstairs, praying nothing would happen to that kid.

“Eomma, Appa, wait for me.”

The little boy opened his eyes. He was really scared to jump, but his wish to be with his parents is giving him the courage to do anything.

He slowly moved his one leg, But

“Aegi…” A soft, frightened call stopped him. He silently turned back to see who it was.

The boy in front of him was panting heavily and was shaking his head from side to side.

“Don’t. Don’t jump. Come down.” The boy said while slowly making his way to the kid.

“But I wanted to go to my parents. The madam here said they had gone to God. I also want to be with them.” The kid said it innocently.

The boy's heart broke upon hearing what the kid had just said.

“You can be with them. But not now. Not like this.” The boy said he was trying to make the kid come down.

“Then how?”

“You should grow up and live your life happily, and then when the time comes, you can be with your parents. They won’t be happy if you go to them like this."

“But I want them. I have no one now.” The kid said it with teary eyes.

“You have me. I will be with you. We can be a family.”

“Really?” The little one asked in joy.
The boy nodded.

“Will you play with me?”
Feed my food?
Took me to sleep and gave me goodnight kisses?"

Namjoon  continuously nodded to every one of his questions. Namjoon was relieved when he finally saw an adorable smile from the kid. The kid slowly came down, with the help of Namjoon.

They smiled, looking at each other, but a sudden voice startled both.

“What are you two doing here?"


Mrs.Jung smiled seeing the boy drying his little boy's hair with a towel in her office.

“I see, you two became close very quickly.” She said.

“He is my hyung.” The little boy said with a smile, peaking from the towel.

“That’s really nice.”

The boy placed the towel aside after drying the hair and turned towards the lady.

“Mrs. Jung, I wanted to adopt him.” He said, causing her to stop what she was writing on the register.

“But you can't adopt him. You are only fourteen.”

“I will when I become legal, and till then, please don’t let anyone adopt him. Promise me.” Mrs.Jung was stunned enough to speak.

She looked at the boy in front of him, whom she knew was the smaertest boy in their orphanage, and then looked at the little one, who was now playing with the pen that was on the table.

“Are you sure? Because it's not as easy as you think. You have your own future to build up first."

“I promised him that I would be with him, and I don’t know why, but I have had this feeling to protect him from the second I saw him."

Mts.Jung can feel the determination in his voice. After taking her time to think about the matter, she spoke.

“If you are true to your word, I will try to do what I can to do my best." Mrs.Jung said with a contented smile.

“Thank you, Mrs.Jung.”
Then the boy held the little boy's hand.

“Come on, Aegi, we can play now."

“Yeah, I'm going to play with my hyung.” The little boy said it excitedly, and they walked outside.

Mrs.Jung looked at them as they walked outside her office with adoration.

“What is your name?” The boy asked.
“Kim Seokjin.” The little boy said with a smile.

“Look, we have the same first name. My name is Kim Namjoon. But I am going to call you Aegi from now on.”

“I like it, Hyung.”

Mrs.Jung smiled upon hearing the little conversation.

And as she promised, she never allowed anyone to adopt Jin, and she arranged the necessary documents for Namjoon when he stood in front of her office on the morning when he turned eighteen with his little brother Jin. And that was the happiest day in Namjoon’s life, if anyone ever asked.

Present time :

The silence filled the dining table when the Kim brothers started to eat their dinner that night. Only the chewing sound and the sound of moving the plates and glasses were heard between them. Jin still felt guilty about shouting like that to his hyung. He shouldn’t have said those things. He knew his hyung was overprotective when it came to his matter. He really feels bad for shouting at him. He was about to initiate an apology when Namjoon suddenly spoke.

“What is the name of the college to which you have applied for a transfer?"

Jin was too stunned to speak after hearing the question. When Jin took time to respond, Namjoon turned to him, and that was enough to make Jin quickly answer.


“mmm.” Namjoon simply nodded and shifted his attention to his plate.

"Is the hostel far from the college?”

“No. It's really near the college. There is only a short distance to walk from college.”

“So you have planned everything ready."

Jin fell silent. As the first drops of tears flowed from his eyes, he looked at Namjoon.

"I am sorry, Hyung." Jin cried more after that. Namjoon quickly pulled him into a tight hug.

“You said you were all grown up and still crying like a baby."

"I am really sorry. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that,” he said wholeheartedly.

“Its ok. It's my fault too. I should have given some thought to you, your choices, and your decision. I should have considered what your preference is. Sorry, you are still a baby' for me.”

Namjoon released the hug and held Jin's face.

“Do what your heart wants. Never pressure yourself in studies; do your best as you can; learn more; and enjoy.” This made Jin smile suddenly.

“Remember that I will be supporting, cheering, loving, and always proud of you.”

Jin nodded happily. He doesn’t know if his parents were there; they could love him this much or not, but he is thankful that he has his hyung.


2 weaks later

“Is everything ready?” Namjoon asked, entering Jin's room. Jin was packing his things. He looked from his bag and smiled at his hyung.

“Yes. Just gave me a minute.” Jin said.

When everything was packed, Namjoon helped him load his languages into the taxi.

He looked one last time at the house.
and get in the car with a light heart after putting down all his burdens.


“Have you checked everything? Are you sure you have not missed anything?” Namjoon asked, ensuring Jin.

“Yes hyung.” Jin said.

They were now at the railway station, waiting for the train that goes to Busan. Jimin also came with them to say goodbye to Jin.

“Did you have water with you?"

“I will buy it at the next station, Hyung; don’t worry.”

“No, what if you felt thirsty in the middle? I will go and buy a bottle quickly.” Namjoon said that and left them without waiting for Jin's response.

“Will you be okay?" Jimin asked, coming near Jin.

Jin turned to his best friend and smiled.

“I will be. Eventually."

“Don’t become too close with others there. Remember that I will be your best friend always.” Jimin said it with a cute little mad sound.

“ok sir. I will tell them that I have a best friend with the cutest smile, silliest laugh,prettiest eyes, finest voice, loveliest hair, and most adorable personality."

The two best friends laughed at each other and hugged.

And when the train arrives at the station, Jin bids byes, gives a last tight hug to his hyung, and gets in. Jimin and Namjoon slowly waved at Jin until he disappeared from their sight. Namjoon quickly wiped away his tears and turned to Jimin.

“Lets go.”

Jimin gave a tight lip smile and nodded.

As Jin took his seat, he leaned backward and looked outside through the window.

He thought about his hyung and Jimin and how they acted like they were not holding back their tears when Jin waved back at them. He slowly closed his eyes. And Jungkook’s face came into my mind.

Maybe a fresh start is all I need. Maybe he isn't meant to be a part of it.

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