Chapter 5 : POV Harry 1

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Okay, it was done. Harry rubbed his stomach, hoping it had worked. It must have worked. He had succeeded in taking away their Lord from all of them once, a second seemed impossible. He had done everything to maximize his chances, the fertility potion, a strict diet. Anything that could bring him this much-desired child. A much wanted family. The worst thing for him was going into heat. He'd only had them once in his life before, when he presented as an omega. With his alpha instincts due to the power of their Lord and his wish, he was unable to let go of his true biology without a nudge. The other alphas had no effect on him, most of the time, Harry simply found that they smelled bad and that their behavior was more than questionable as soon as they had an omega in front of them.

Crossing the hall of his mansion, Harry returned to the bedroom. Even if he had sown his scent there, it wasn't where he slept. He had his nest and even though part of him fought this place, it was still where he rested best. He closed the door after a few breaths, going to his real room. As expected, the house elves had left the soiled sheets near his nest and it was with almost ecstatic joy that he mixed them with the other blankets. So he would have the scent of his alpha near him longer. He added the stolen underwear to the man by the pillows and sighed. It seemed so unhealthy to drive. If only hormones and instincts didn't make them work like this... Harry shook his head. He had to get used to it, he had to accept who he was even if everyone ignored him. Except his closest family, obviously.

Reluctantly, he took a shower and above all, he brushed his teeth and tongue. Even if he wanted to keep Voldemort's scent on him, if anyone recognized the scent it would only give him trouble. So Harry put on his usual perfume and admired himself a little in the mirror. He looked better, surprisingly. Finally... Was it so surprising that he had finally done what his body asked? Not really. He stroked his stomach again, hope twisting his stomach. He shouldn't think the worst. He had to believe it because no one would do it for him. Harry tugged at his locks in an attempt to straighten them, gave up and apparated back to his work. What was he? The manager of the largest wizarding entertainment building. Several different entrances for different activities. Three concert halls, a Michelin-starred restaurant, a brasserie, a tea room/library, two nightclubs and a private club. Creating this complex had taken him two years but Harry was very proud of its construction and its success. He didn't regret the fortune he had to put into it because he had already gotten everything back. He therefore had another building built in Scotland which would not have exactly the same facilities but for which he wanted similar success.

-Harry? What are you doing there?

-Hello, Sirius. As you see, I come to work.

His godfather, Sirius Black, who was also his main manager. The man was in his mid-forties but he seemed to be Harry's age, he was so young at heart. Not to mention that wizards aged more slowly than muggles. With his shoulder-length black hair, his blue-gray eyes and his rascally demeanor, Sirius was a darling in his establishment. How many times had people tried to get him to participate in certain activities? Too many to be worth counting. Additionally, he was Lord Black, although he left much of the management of the family fortune to his younger brother Regulus. Sirius gently but firmly grabbed his godson by the arm and dragged him into his office. There was as much security around as around Harry's office, who gently released himself from the embrace. As an omega, he should love this alpha's attention on him. But his damn instincts didn't give him any respite and a part of him still saw Sirius as some sort of adversary. Luckily for them he was the boss or he would have already jumped at his godfather's throat.

-So… Was it?

-Yes, Sirius, it was. Well, he was furious at being kidnapped but the smell of my heat made him want me. So we did it. Lots of times.

-Too many details. As long as it worked... He's not going to come after you?

-He didn't remember the promise he made. I put it back in his head. He…

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