Chapter 63 Annexation and meeting

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Stockholm. The intense cold tried to seep into their bones as they walked towards the palace where the three Ministers of Magic from the Northlands, as they were so often called, awaited them. With an even step, Voldemort advanced under the gaze of the Norwegian people, his husband on his arm. Once again, the King wondered if it was covered enough, while Harry looked around with serene curiosity. The omega hadn't traveled as much as he would have liked and he couldn't afford to now. Not with this belly that housed two lives that they were impatiently waiting for. Around them, the Death Eaters stood ready to keep the slightest threat at bay, Lesthia was the shadow of her companion, taking almost the same steps as him.

On the square, nervously, the three leaders stood to welcome them. Norway, Sweden, Finland, ready to bend before him and his desires. None of them were over forty, but these countries had always favored youth in addition to a certain quality of life in favor of happiness. A somewhat strange policy in Voldemort's eyes. He didn't care if his people were happy as long as they followed him blindly. He climbed the few steps that separated them, making sure Harry had no trouble following her. If it had been up to him, her husband would not be present, even more so at this stage of pregnancy. But the omega had kindly told him that it was in his interest to take him because there was no way they would be seen as weak simply because the alpha side wanted to protect him from everything.


-King Voldemort. Consort Slytherin-Potter, welcome.

Voldemort held back a sneer. Very clearly, the three had prepared well for their arrival and if the leader of Sweden barely looked down, the other two were counting on her to face what was going to happen. As if he was going to torture them… France had been a special case, they should know that.

-Come, please enter.

Because of the cold, even though he was not yet that powerful, Voldemort had refused to allow the annexation treaty to be signed outside. Her husband wouldn't get sick because of politics, that was out of the question. They ended up in the huge council room, with its through-lit lights. Everything was already ready and Voldemort couldn't wait to sign and be able to leave. Except they couldn't do it. Besides the party that would be held to celebrate their new cooperation, the King was sure that someone would show up. On such an occasion, the person in question cannot stay away. Voldemort glanced at his husband. Harry stood up straight, one hand on his stomach, seeming to actually listen to the words of the treaty. Voldemort could tell that this was not the case, his companion was not very attracted to this type of politics.

The reading was long, the three leaders taking turns reading the sixty-three pages which their people could read thanks to radio links. In the end, Voldemort himself wanted to silence them and Harry looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open. However, he was no fool, when it came to the safety of their young, his omega was as vigilant as his person. They applauded the end of the reading, agreed that there was nothing to change. Which would have been surprising since they had been working on the subject for a month. The men let their female counterparts sign first. Voldemort found them a bit cowardly to put such pressure on his shoulders by passing off their actions as gallantry. He stood up while the second took the pen to sign in turn, hesitantly. The third stiffened to feel him behind him and Voldemort still had to restrain himself from smirking and contemptuously. He grabbed the parchment and took it to his husband who had straightened up a little in his chair.

-As a witness.

Of course, Thomas.

Harry trusted him so much and although he said it was just to testify, it was much more than that. Voldemort wanted his husband to be on the same level as him and seeing him sign shook his groin. He got a sidelong glance from it as he finished ratifying the treaty, only responding with a lascivious smile. They posed for photographers with the original document and it then ended up in the hands of a goblin who quickly took it to one of the branches of Gringotts. Voldemort answered questions from the reporters as they made their way to the palace hall for the party where the people were allowed to join them. Security at the event kept working on him but he was very close to Harry. Everything would be fine. It could not be otherwise.

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