Chapter 8 : Impulse buying

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-I fear I have heard wrong, Milord.

Voldemort put his list away to gain composure. Under other circumstances, he would have been proud to break Abraxas' mask; it had been a long time since he had seen him so frightened and lost. However, it wasn't really the time, he really needed this information, the sooner he had the perfect blankets, the sooner he could make his point of view heard by the omega who expected nothing from him. Voldemort had no desire to explain. And at the same time, it was Abraxas. The man deserved the effort. He gritted his teeth and crossed his arms. He knew he was stupidly getting defensive and he shouldn't… Oh god, this story was going to drive him crazy. He would be finished before his babies were born.

-You must have heard from Lucius that I went into heat with an omega.

Abraxas had managed to regain a more neutral air but there was no risk of deceiving Voldemort. Not after all these years.

-Indeed, he said he found a message for him on your desk on this subject, in addition to the letter from the omega in question. Although he didn't give me the name of it...

Voldemort didn't think Lucius knew him. He didn't forget that Harry had taken precautions since he had kidnapped him. So he nodded to his 'friend' and added.

-This omega is pregnant.

-I… I thought you didn't want any descendants, Milord.

Voldemort wanted to set the pools on fire rather than answer. Abraxas must have sensed the latent threat as he placed himself between his leader and his precious carp. Voldemort smirked then sighed. Abraxas was only pointing out the facts he had heard come out of his mouth time and time again. Voldemort just had to control his temper, he wasn't a child who had his toy taken away. On the contrary, he even had too much for his own good in a way.

-That's right. Until this omega. The exception, if you like.

-… We all have exceptions.

-It’s an understatement to say… So, any advice?

Abraxas seemed not to understand at first, then it lit up in his mind. He really considered his leader standing before him, this force of nature that even Death could not reach it seemed. He wanted to ask more questions about the omega who had the privilege of carrying the young of their King all. He must have been strong and incredible. Their Lord would not accept anything mediocre from him. He sensed the man's growing impatience, but the question was difficult.

-I must admit that I fall into a cliché, Milord. I wouldn't have been surprised if you had a snake comforter.

-But isn't that scary for a baby?

-At all, on the contrary, it could help a little one to see one friendly animal rather than another.

Voldemort thought about this. The snakes weren't exactly friendly, but there was a good chance that her unborn babies would be Parseltongue. So, they should surely help them develop this ability as quickly as possible. This would allow them to always have allies ready to assassinate for them if they were in danger. Yes… Come to think of it, it was a great idea, although he didn't like thinking about his children killing too soon. Without understanding what they had done. Not the murder itself. He would be a hypocrite if he hated seeing his offspring killed one day. If anything, part of him relished the idea that they could be as wild and untamable as he was. It remained to be seen how the omega would take him on his side. Well, Harry knew who he had mated with, he shouldn't expect flowers and little birds everywhere. Voldemort thought the young man was more pragmatic and free of blinders. Since he knew how to sleep with his parents' killer.

-Yes, a snake is a good idea. I guess I can't take the same thing twice.

-That's not really the… rule?

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