Trying to make up

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Wonwoo doesn't bother checking the time he's been cooped up for in the bedroom. He knows he's being a nuisance right now, since Mingyu has most of his stuff right in this bedroom - which he might need.

But as long as Mingyu hasn't shown any signs of checking on him, Wonwoo leaves it that way, not wanting to be disturbed. The wind has stopped blowing, enveloping the room in frozen silence. Nothing moves, nothing makes a sound, and it's just Wonwoo still in his headspace. He's had all the time to think, yet he doesn't want to bring that burden upon himself. He'd rather act ignorant than investing most of his brainpower on dealing with his unending thoughts.

A gentle knock announces Mingyu's presence outside the room. This time, Wonwoo doesn't feel like pushing him away like earlier. He breaks out of the unmoving atmosphere, only to realise that the entire day has passed. The sun has almost set, it's quite silent in the outside world, and the room's gotten darker, as Wonwoo hadn't bothered to switch on any lights.

"Come in, Mingyu,"

"I can't, unless you unlock the door." Shit, Mingyu's voice has never sounded so grave. Wonwoo gets off of the bed, and unlocks the door to let Mingyu in. To his surprise, Mingyu's eyes are bloodshot and moist. "He's been crying." Wonwoo remarks, letting Mingyu completely step inside the bedroom.

"Mingyu? What's wrong?" Wonwoo questions carefully, not wanting to push any buttons.

"I don't know, you tell me." Despite the vulnerable exterior, Mingyu sounds serious.

"Were you crying?"



"Because I'm worried about you." Wonwoo feels his heart flip a few times and then crack. "Why are you worried about me?"

Mingyu wants to slap some sense into his best friend; he talked as if he's the most insignificant being in the world, while for Mingyu, he means the world. "BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU GODDAMMIT!" He can't keep it in anymore, and lashes out.

Wonwoo looks taken aback, trying hard to process this new behaviour of Mingyu's. Wanting him to cool down a bit, Wonwoo attempts to change the topic. "Where's Jieun?"

"At Seungcheol's."

"Since when?"

"Just an hour, not long."


"Do you wanna talk..?" Mingyu senses underlying doubt in Wonwoo's offer.

"Yes, I'd like to fucking talk."

"Sit down then."

Mingyu settles himself beside Wonwoo, and the atmosphere between them has never been this awkward. It almost seemed as if they could be strangers, instead of best friends.

After what felt like hours of silence, Mingyu finally asks, "What's up with you these days..." That wasn't what Wonwoo expected at first, but looking back at the day's events, the absentminded comment seemed pretty sensible.

"I worry about you, Wonwoo. I don't understand what's going on. You've never been this down, stressed and however the fuck you're being right now. Do you need something? Because leaving you to deal with yourself is clearly worsening whatever this is, and it's far from healthy. Please, just please, tell me, let me know if I can help."

"Is this why you were crying? Because you're worried about me?"


"I don't understand, Mingyu."

That makes Mingyu inhale sharply. There's a dangerous pause before he begins talking. "Clearly you don't, but just, look at you Wonwoo. I don't wanna say it, but you've changed. A lot. And not in a good way. Doesn't it hurt you?"

Although Wonwoo knows entirely what Mingyu continues talking about, he still wants to play dumb. Just one last time.

"I don't know what you mean, Mingyu." The stiffness in Wonwoo's words alerts Mingyu immediately. Wonwoo wants to ignore this conversation, but the taller is determined to not let him get away this time.

"I know fucking well you know what you're doing right now Wonwoo, it's not funny."

"It isn't."

Mingyu wants to scoff at the ridiculous reply. Instead he gives up and leaves the room without another word, calling Seungcheol on his way out as he slams the door shut.

"Hey hyung, can Ji stay for the night? It's really complicated, I'm so sorry."

"It's not a problem, Mingyu. Jieun's a very sweet girl, we'll be okay. I just hope things are well at yours. Take care, okay?" Seungcheol answers immediately.

"Okay, just let me or Wonwoo know if she's being fussy. We'll come pick her up right away."

"Sure, don't worry, okay?"

"Thank you, hyung."

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