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Mingyu wonders what the fuck had been going on in his brain, when last night he chose to pop a few ice cubes in his mouth just because he was bored. At three fucking A.M., and he didn't want to disturb Wonwoo sleeping soundly around his arm.

Mingyu was nearly sweating while trying to set his arm free from Wonwoo's grip. Silently tip-toeing his way to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and pulled a shit move.

Result of his little escapade to the kitchen last night, Mingyu lays cradled in numerous blankets on the bed, dying, and coughing so hard he thinks his throat might spilt in two. His body burns, and he can't stay still, as he shuffles around every two seconds. He whines desperately, making grabby hands at Wonwoo - who sits beside the window and watches the snowfall. Wonwoo, obviously, doesn't see Mingyu asking for attention, since his back is turned to the needy boy.

"Wonwoo~" Mingyu croaks. He's surprised by his own voice - that it even sounds like anything, but nothing at the same time. "What?" Wonwoo turns, eyes softening when they land on Mingyu looking like he got hit by a truck.

"I need cuddles."

"You're not getting me sick."

"I won't."

"You don't know that,"

Mingyu's arms flop back on the bed, as he dips back into the pillow in exhaustion. "Please?" He begs, making Wonwoo scoot beside him eventually. Wonwoo thinks he would be committing a sin if he wasn't moved by Mingyu so desperate and being an absolute mess.

Mingyu has skipped breakfast and lunch, and he thinks he might have to skip dinner too, looking at how he can't even swallow a single sip of water without his throat threatening to throw it back the way it came. Although Mrs. Jeon has dropped by the room at least six times throughout the day, solely to ask the sick boy if he needs anything; Mingyu denied each time. All he wants, or according to him, he needs, are cuddles from Wonwoo.

Wonwoo wraps his arms around a burning Mingyu, and he places his head over the younger boy's. He slowly runs soothing palms over his hair, although he feels like he might get drenched in sweat in no time because of all the blankets, despite the mighty cold weather.

"What were you thinking eating fucking ice in the middle of the night? In fucking winter, might I remind you,"

"That's what I was wondering a while ago, actually." Mingyu erupts in a coughing fit, shaking his head when Wonwoo offers him water. "I don't know, I was just bored, I guess?"

"You choose to eat ice, when you're bored," Wonwoo's in disbelief, hearing Mingyu's weird coping mechanism against boredom.

Mingyu doesn't answer that, as he goes limp in Wonwoo's embrace, just breathing as normally as he could -- given that both his nostrils were blocked.

"You're really stupid, you know?"

"Mhm." Mingyu's voice pulses through Wonwoo's neck, and the latter likes the feeling.

"Can you talk, or just say anything?" Mingyu asks. Wonwoo doesn't understand why, although he complies. Almost as if the younger could read his mind, Mingyu answers immediately; his voice slurs, "I like how your chest vibrates when you speak, it's soothing."

Huh. Unable to say anything, Wonwoo leaves a kiss on Mingyu's forehead, cradling his head even tighter.

That's when the door to the room clicks suddenly, and everything goes south from there. Or at least, Wonwoo thinks it would.

Mrs. Jeon peeps in, possibly to ask Mingyu again if he needs anything. But there's a steaming bowl on a tray in her hands. "Mingyu, honey, I got you some- Oh my god!" She shrieks, and Wonwoo thinks he's screwed. He expects the tray to fall and shatter, with his mum going berserk as background noise. Wonwoo pulls away in no time, quite begrudgingly, and anticipates his mum's reaction.

Quite the opposite of what he had expected, and the tray in Mrs. Jeon's hands doesn't, in fact, fall. Mingyu's fast asleep, and Wonwoo realises that only when his mum slowly enters the room.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked, I didn't know you were here." She whispers, setting the tray on the bedside table. Wonwoo offers a timid smile, eyes darting awkwardly between Mrs. Jeon and Mingyu clutching into him. She notices, shaking her head as if she were reassuring her son.

"I'd seen this coming, actually. Since a long time,"

Wonwoo's eyes go wide. His mum was... okay with it? "You're okay with this?"

"Of course, it's not like you're doing anything unacceptable."

"Oh, I didn't think you would..."

"Be fine with this?"

"Yeah." Wonwoo pauses. "How'd you know?"

"I'm your Mum, Wonwoo,"

"Right." He hesitates to ask further. "Does dad..?"

"We had a bet. Your dad, unfortunately, is right," Mrs. Jeon sighs.

"You WHAT?!" Wonwoo screams, startling Mingyu from his slumber - who groggily opens his eyes and looks around. He squeaks when he sees Mrs. Jeon in the room, and attempts to hide himself in the covers, wiggling out of Wonwoo's grip.

"It's alright Mingyu, she says she 'had a feeling' or whatever," Wonwoo assures, rolling his eyes when he notices his mum cooing at them. He doesn't have to say much to explain anything, he knows Mingyu knows exactly what he's talking about.

"And fe's okay wiffit?" Mingyu speaks into the pillow, his voice comes out muffled.


Mrs. Jeon pats Wonwoo's leg. "I'll leave you to it then. Make sure Mingyu has that," She points to the soup bowl, "while it's still hot." She exits the room, closing the door shut on her way out.

Only once he's sure there's no one other than him and Wonwoo in the room, Mingyu lifts his head from the pillow, turning on his side, quite dramatically, to look at the older. "Are you in trouble?" He looks up and asks, just to be sure, looking so soft and huggable, that Wonwoo has to pinch his cheeks lightly.

"No, silly, I just told you what."

Mingyu falls back into the bed with a loud fwoomp!

"Get up Mingyu, Mum will have my head if you don't finish the soup right now."

"I'm not hungry, my insides are literally dying,"

"Gyu please~"

"Only if you feed me,"

"Never mind, go back to whining to your pillow." Wonwoo crosses his arms, as defence against Mingyu being so adorable right now. His heart literally explodes in glitter each time he has to witness Mingyu's puppy eyes.

"Come on~ You just have to feed me, that's all it takes for me to get better as soon as possible."

"Now if you put it this way..."

Hence, Wonwoo spends the next thirty minutes feeding Mingyu spoonfuls of seaweed soup, though the needy boy could perfectly do it himself.

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