Little actions

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"Y'all dating?"

Minseo plops on the couch next to Wonwoo - who was enjoying a relaxing cooldown after he came back from the graveyard.

Like he had promised, he went with Mingyu to visit Mrs. Kim's grave. He spent his time watching the younger happily talk to the grave, as if his mum were really sitting and listening to him. When he was done, Wonwoo noticed a few tears being held back in Mingyu's usually shining eyes, as he'd hugged him, again, and kissed his eyes before they could let go of the tears.


"Yeah you definitely are," Minseo concludes, and decides to leave Wonwoo alone as she gets off of the couch. "Minseo, sit your ass back down and tell me what you mean,"

She smirks, eyebrows quirking up and down in a teasing manner. "You know what I mean,"

Wonwoo sighs deeply. He knows there's no way he could successfully hide anything from Minseo. She's like a sneaky little rat - she's everywhere and knows everything. "Yeah we are," He finally admits.

"Oooh, when?"

"Like last week." Wonwoo realises something doesn't sound right. "You don't have a problem with it?"

"No? Why would I ever? Especially when I know my stupid brother gets bitches? Oh shit- no, I meant- I didn't mean," She stutters, and Wonwoo laughs at her questionable word choices.

"I get it."

"Thank the gods," She snaps back to her original self. "As I was saying, y'all were always too close to be 'just friends' anyway. Anyone could tell, to be honest." Minseo shrugs, like it has no fucking effect on Wonwoo. "What the fuck?"

"No, it's all cool, don't worry. Dad had actually been waiting to breath normally and see y'all together."

Wonwoo's dumbfounded. Had he thought of both his and Mingyu's parents, completely in the wrong way? "I swear, our parents scare me sometimes."


"Even Mum and Dad were like so accepting and encouraging when they found out. Where's the homophobia I expected? I mean, I'm so fucking glad that they have no problem, but like, what the fuck?"

"See Wonwoo, I think you're just plain dumb about how obvious you both have been since fucking childhood. Obviously they could tell y'all would be gay together."

Wonwoo buries his face between his palms, in embarrassment, surprise and disbelief - all at the same time. "I'll leave you to sulk then, I'm going to bed. Please keep it down at night, thanks." Minseo twiddles her fingers as goodbye, and sprints up the stairs.

Wonwoo's literally speechless right now. These holidays have definitely been something.

Wonwoo decides he's too tired to continue staring at the ceiling in the living room. He goes to Mingyu's room, wanting to check on him.

He finds Mingyu looming over his old desk, a bunch of stray papers sprawled all over it. "Gyu? What are you doing?"

"The fucking project."

That makes Wonwoo laugh. "Don't laugh, my brain's on fire right now." Mingyu snaps.

"Since when have you been doing this?"

"Since we came back, and you abandoned me to go talk to Dad." He pouts, attempting to avoid Wonwoo, which he fails to do quite miserably.

"Aw, is Gyu sulking?"

"Yes I'm fucking sulking, leave me alone."

"I'm sorry,"

Mingyu turns back to find Wonwoo seated on the edge of the bed. "I wasn't- it's, I didn't mean-"

"I know, Gyu." Wonwoo knows for sure, Mingyu wouldn't be going back to his project after he tells him something right now. "Could you hurry up? I have to tell you something."

"Is it tea?"

"No, Mingyu, it's not tea."

"Tell me."

"Finish your work."

"I'm done," It's clear Wonwoo doesn't believe when Mingyu says that, making the latter convince him desperately that he's done with his work for real. "No I swear, I was just finishing up for the day."

"Let's go then," Wonwoo sticks his hand out, which Mingyu tentatively holds. "This... it's okay?"

"Both of them know."




"I talked to Minseo before I came here," And Wonwoo proceeds to tell Mingyu everything he talked to Minseo about.

"Damn," That's all Mingyu could say after hearing Wonwoo out. "Have we actually been that obvious?"

"Considering that both our parents, and your sister, could tell, I guess..?"

"Minseo's never gonna stop teasing me, can we just leave tomorrow?"

"We were going to, anyway. We did overstay at my parents', after all, just because of you being stupid." Wonwoo pokes his chest. Mingyu freezes when he does that. Did Wonwoo not know the effect his little actions have on Mingyu?

"Please don't do that, you have no idea what the actual fuck that just did to me."

Wonwoo feels stunned. What?

And then it clicks. Oh. Oh. "Mingyu, you didn't have to fucking tell me!"

"How else am I supposed to survive if you ever do that again? It's hard not to stay normal!"

Wonwoo snorts at the very unintentional pun, kissing Mingyu quickly, and exiting the room before he causes any more inconveniences.

"I hate you," Mingyu mutters, as Wonwoo's leaving.

"Love you too, I'm waiting," Wonwoo blows a flirty kiss, and shuts the door.


This chapter made me question my entire existence.

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