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Wonwoo finally emerges from the room once it's dark outside. He still has no idea of what time it is, all he knows is it's quite late. He comes across Mingyu tiredly sitting on the couch as he stared at the wall in front of him, which was just as blank as his expression. Like he heard before, Jieun is nowhere in sight, but he trusts Seungcheol with her.

Wonwoo notices Mingyu visibly stiffen at his arrival. His shuffling in his position gives it away. Without any words being exchanged, Wonwoo sits down immediately next to Mingyu - who still hasn't acknowledged Wonwoo's presence. After minutes of suffocating silence, Wonwoo finally utters a small apology. "I'm sorry, Mingyu."

All he gets in return is a heavy sigh from Mingyu, still not having looked up. That makes Wonwoo feel terrible, as he slowly realises he must have put the latter through a lot of anguish. "Mingyu, I-"

"Don't. I should be sorry for bringing it up in the first place. I hope you'll be all well by the time our holidays finish." Mingyu mutters, barely audible.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to Dad's."


"I don't feel like it." Looking at Mingyu visibly annoyed, Wonwoo stops himself from questioning further. "I really wanted you to come though. I was looking forward the little road trip, honestly. But it's completely fine if you don't want to. I understand."

The disappointment dripping from Wonwoo's voice makes Mingyu rethink his decision. This was the first time in a while when he offered to do something together.

"I'll go then. If you want to, I'll come with you."

"You don't look convinced."

"I'm afraid things are gonna be awkward, Wonwoo. You sure know that yourself."

"...I know, and it's all my fault. I'm sorry I troubled you, while you were just trying to help."

"It's fine." Mingyu's words are followed by an unpleasant silence, with just him and Wonwoo staring at each other. Wonwoo searched Mingyu's face for anything else he might have left unsaid, and the latter does the same.

"I think we should go sleep. It's quite late. I'll go get Jieun real quick." Wonwoo breaks the silence after a while.

"Okay, sleep well."

"You too." Wonwoo musters a small smile, in hopes the tension might loosen at that. Sadly, it doesn't seem like it does, with Mingyu leaving after avoiding his eyes. Wonwoo's shoulders drop, as he grabs the house keys and steps outside the house.

The trip to Seungcheol's apartment just one storey above his goes way too slow for Wonwoo's liking. Mingyu doesn't seem like himself; Wonwoo misses the usual bubbly, light-hearted Mingyu, and yet he understands why Mingyu's acting this way. It's all because of him.

Wonwoo rings the doorbell to Seungcheol's apartment, waiting tensely until the latter opens the door. He does so soon, with a soft smile welcoming Wonwoo, but he just can't bring himself to return the gesture. Seungcheol invites him inside, as Wonwoo complies, toeing his slippers off outside the door.

He's grateful for Seungcheol keeping silent and simply letting him follow inside the house. Wonwoo's too overwhelmed to speak; all he needs is just to get Jieun back. He does so as fast as possible, before Seungcheol can see him distressed. When he returns back to the door, he sees the older expectantly waiting as he bids him goodbye.

Not letting Seungcheol say anything, Wonwoo speaks first. "I can't right now hyung, I'm so sorry." A sliver of relief washes over Wonwoo when the other simply pats his back lightly, nodding understandingly and bidding him goodbye. Wonwoo leaves right after doing the same.

As he nears the elevator, Wonwoo suddenly blanks out, spacing out right in front of the elevator with Jieun fast asleep in his arms. Time passes by, and Wonwoo remains oblivious amidst all of it. He just stands, mind blank and face expressionless. The elevator arrives, opens and closes as Wonwoo didn't step inside.

Another loud ding of the elevator alerts Wonwoo after a while. Warm yellow light floods him, and a figure steps out. They seem to be heading towards Wonwoo, who instinctively covers Jieun tightly and shrinks away. Only when warm, comforting palms clutch his shoulders, Wonwoo realises it's none other than Mingyu standing in front of him.

"Why didn't you come back?" He questions. "I don't know, really. I guess I just blanked out or something, I can't tell." Replies Wonwoo, as if in a daze.

"It's not safe, Wonwoo, plus Jieun's with you. Let's go quickly." Mingyu ushers him inside the elevator, leading him back to their house.


Idk if this ending's too abrupt-

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