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"I'm gonna miss you..." Wonwoo whispers, kissing Mingyu on the cheek.

Him, Mingyu and Jieun are at the airport currently, bidding each other goodbye. Why? Oh well, Wonwoo and Mingyu thought about the latter's transfer hard enough to come to a decision eventually. Unlike what they'd expected, Jieun was more than ecstatic to move, saying she didn't like her school here much anyways.

The couple spent a considerable amount of time packing away Mingyu's things, piling three suitcases, and two more bags as cabin luggage. Nearly a week later all of his stuff was stuffed and locked, set in the living room. Only Mingyu's essentials had been packed at the last moment.

Him and Wonwoo decided it would be best if Mingyu went ahead for a year, until he got everything settled by himself, so that Jieun and Wonwoo could join him comfortably after the year. Wonwoo could apply for jobs in the States meanwhile, for him to start working as soon as possible.

And here they are, at the flight's departure gate, as boarding was announced to begin in a few minutes.

"I know, Baby, I will too, but we'll meet after a year, won't we?" Mingyu hugs the shorter boy close to his chest, consoling him to his best ability. He's sad too, he doesn't know how he'd survive without Wonwoo for a whole year.

Wonwoo pulls away, as Mingyu's attention turns to Jieun - who's remained exceptionally silent ever since they'd left their house. He crouches down, beckoning her into his arms wide open. She runs to him immediately, throwing her tiny hands around his neck and giving him the tightest hug. "I'll miss you the most, Ji," Mingyu speaks after a while, when he notices Jieun lightly shaking in his grip. Kissing her head, he pulls his head back to take a look at her crying face. "Who's gonna play with me now?" She asks, looking so sullen, Mingyu can't help but hug her once more.

"You'll have Daddy, you should worry about me! I wouldn't have anyone to even talk to!" Mingyu exclaims, in hopes it brightens the toddler's mood. It does, thankfully, as Jieun wipes her tears and looks at him. "You're right, I'll call you everyday then. We could talk just as much." She says with a tiny smile, making Mingyu chuckle.

"That would be the best part of my day, then." He says in all honesty.

He lifts Jieun in his arms, standing up, and facing Wonwoo once again. The older boy looks at the interaction as if it's the most precious thing he's ever witnessed, as a small smile graces his lips. An attendant makes an announcement just then -- the boarding has already started. Mingyu lovingly presses his lips to Wonwoo's for the last time, until he would be able to do it again after a whole year. Wonwoo's hands instinctually go around Mingyu's neck, as he palms the sides of his neck. He pulls away several moments later, his hands sliding down Mingyu's chest. "Love you, stay safe Gyu." He whispers in his neck.

Mingyu pulls him in by the waist one last time. "I love you too, Baby, take care." He sets Jieun down, gives her a high-five with a final hug, and turns to get in the queue for boarding. Just as he's about to disappear amongst the other's around him, Wonwoo catches him turning back and flashing a dazzling smile in his and Jieun's way.

Mingyu's sitting inside a cab right now. The last time he'd been in one, Wonwoo was next to him, and Jieun on his lap. Only now does Mingyu realise his fear of cars once again. He's alone, all by himself as an American guy drives the vehicle.

Seattle's really pretty, Mingyu observes, as he looks out of the window to distract himself. Especially since it's a little after dusk in the city, the active, animated light and life look mesmerising. Mingyu knows he made a good decision, accepting the offer he'd been getting for quite a few months. The only thing that doesn't sit right with him is that he has to stay away from Wonwoo and Jieun for an entire year. But that gives him something to look forward to in the future -- he'd make sure he does his best in setting the foundation for their new life here in the States. Heck, he wouldn't have been able to get married in Korea!

The proposal, and then breaking the news to Wonwoo had been a miniscule plan in the back of his head, ever since his boss had offered him the transfer. It fit perfectly, Mingyu thinks, he'd be able to spend a picture perfect life with the love of his life, without the law butting in.

Mingyu decides to call his Dad by the time he reaches his destination. He presses on the contact, as he waits for his old man to pick up. "Hello? Mingyu, have you reached?" Mr. Kim asks once the line gets connected.

"Yeah, I'm in the cab, I haven't reached the apartment yet."

"Oh... Are you okay?"

"It's a bit difficult, but not as bad as I imagined."

"If you happen to get too anxious, try listening to music, or just call Wonwoo, okay?"


"Mingyu, is it fine if I hang up? Minseo's calling." Mr. Kim asks suddenly.

"Sure, tell the brat I said hello."

The old man chuckles. "You both will never grow up, will you?"

"Nope," Mingyu says, popping the 'p'. "Love you Dad, take care."

"You too, Mingyu, goodbye."

"Bye..." Whispers Mingyu, and the line goes dead.

Mingyu unloads his luggage with some help from the driver once he reaches, passing a tip and thanking him. As he travels up the elevator after taking his keys from the lobby, Mingyu begins to get jumpy. The moment he steps inside his apartment for the year, he feels even more determined to work hard and spend the rest of his life alongside the two most loved and important people part of it.


Hitting another thousand reads is just an excuse for me to keep adding onto this book, because I just love this one.

Also, not this person binge-reading this book🥹
Im_anuuu  tysm !!

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