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"All settled?" Mingyu asks.

It's the next day, when Mingyu turns up at the apartment complex with a rented car early in the morning, expecting Wonwoo to be all ready and waiting for him. Mingyu should have known Wonwoo isn't one to be on time, at all. He did expect too much from his klutz of a best friend.

Instead, he had found him dragging the last suitcase out of the elevator, and looking around the ground lobby like a fool, as if he were missing something. And Mingyu realised before Wonwoo: Jieun was nowhere in sight. Wonwoo screamed and dashed on foot all the way to their floor, with Mingyu following in tow, skipping three steps at a time. Panting and panicking, Wonwoo thankfully found the house door open, and Jieun peacefully sat in the centre of the kitchen island; though he was sure he'd made her sit on the fucking chair earlier.

Sighing in relief, he scooped a clueless Jieun in his arms, peppering a million kisses on her face.

By the time he returned downstairs, Mingyu following right behind, Wonwoo felt stupid.

Back to present, after replaying the earlier incident in his brain for the millionth time, Wonwoo nods and gives a thumbs up to an anticipating Mingyu behind the steering. Before the latter starts the car, Wonwoo offers to drive, seeing how the bags under the younger's eyes were a bit too prominent. "Are you sure? I'm fine, I got enough sleep." Asks Mingyu.

"I didn't mention anything about sleep."

"Right, okay, fine." Mingyu gets out of the door, as Wonwoo does the same. Taking Jieun from the older, Mingyu sits in the passenger's seat, buckling up and waiting for Wonwoo to do the same.

"Let's go."

Two hours into the drive, Mingyu's head bobs vigorously with the motion of the car, while Wonwoo wonders whether he should take a stop for a while or not. Luckily, he sees a convenience store with a parking lot approaching on the Maps, and decides to take a breather for a few minutes. Maybe he could pick up a few snacks while at it, too.

Mingyu suddenly jerks from his slumber just when Wonwoo unbuckles from the seat. "Mingyu?"

"Yeah, are we there yet?" Said boy seems shaken. Concern etches across Wonwoo's face. "No silly, we still have a while left. It's just been two hours." Mingyu nods, his gaze getting lost once again, as he absent-mindedly begins patting Jieun's back.

"Mingyu you don't look well. What happened?"

"Unpleasant dream, don't worry."


"I saw myself driving, and crashing into a tree in the dark. You and Jieun were there too. Very random, I know." Mingyu rubs his face. He mentally slaps himself for saying anything. He probably worried Wonwoo a lot more by mentioning that. Not wanting to face the older, he turns his head to the window, as he pretends to be interested in the empty parking spots around.

A comforting smile makes it's way to Wonwoo's face. "It probably meant nothing, Mingyu." Wonwoo's never been one to believe in dreams. To him, they're simply like movies - don't have much purpose other than entertainment.

"It's okay, Mingyu. Take deep breathes, I'll be back in a few." He pats the younger boy's head, leaning in by a bit to kiss his cheek, and wanting to move on into the convenience store.

It was supposed to be quite simple, actually. Until it wasn't, when Mingyu turns his face at the most wrong fucking timing, and Wonwoo ends up pecking his lips instead of his cheeks.

He turns extremely red, as he observes the exact same happening to Mingyu's face. How come he's the one screwing up all the time? This never happens when Mingyu kisses his cheek every chance he gets. And all this time, Wonwoo thought it was only normal for best friends to be this close.

But then why does he feel jumpy and giggly as he catches Mingyu's eyes unmoving from his face?

"I- uh, well shit, uhm-" Stutters Mingyu, flustered beyond limit. He never expected this, yet he doesn't find himself regretting it, or even feeling weirded out. Instead, he wants to experience it once again. He just liked the way Wonwoo's lips felt on his, even if it was for a mere second.

"I'll go get the snacks, be right back." Wonwoo breaks the silence, his voice regaining that monotone factor it's always had.


Y'all I'm genuinely concerned about this book.

I don't mind feedback, comments, whatever way y'all can let me know-

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