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"What if I wrote a book? Like for real?"

Wonwoo asks out of nowhere, halfway through completing his project for submission.

Him and Mingyu are in the house at the same time after a while, ever since they came back from their little road trip. Currently, Mingyu's busy skimming through few of his notes on his bed, with his glaring laptop pushed to the side of his bed.

"It's a good idea, and you write well. I don't say this as your boyfriend, but if I came across something written by you, I would definitely read and like it." Mingyu replies, not looking up.

For Wonwoo, this was a backup option. His chronic fear of the future made a comeback not long ago, making him desperately look for alternatives, just in case nothing works out for him.

And no, it's not that Wonwoo's bad at anything he does, he's the best, in fact, yet looking at the situations around in the world makes him wonder if he would really end up being one of the successful, content people out there, or if he would end up doing something just satisfactory, stuck in the rat race the world has become.

Wonwoo doesn't want to be extravagantly wealthy, neither does he want over-the-top luxuries ahead in life. Instead, he prefers a quiet life, where in each day seems like a breeze, and starts with a calming softness to it. He just wants to be happy, stress-free, and make everything work out for himself and Jieun.

The thought of not achieving that makes him want to stay cooped up in a bubble, to never get out of university, and into the real world.

"You would?"

"Won, you literally get no less than an 'A' on all your assignments, and to be honest, languages and writing is hard. I wonder how the fuck you even do it."

Mingyu's puts down the pen he's been holding between his teeth, and turns to look at Wonwoo. "That's disgusting," Wonwoo points out.

"I've done that since childhood, and you say something now,"

"Well I haven't really seen you spit a literal fucking pen from your mouth."

"Well now you did."

"I wish I didn't."

Mingyu chuckles at Wonwoo's face of disapproval; he himself doesn't find it abnormal. It is his pen, after all.

"I wish I actually had the motivation to write something, like I mentioned..." Wonwoo says after a few seconds of watching Mingyu aggressively curse and flip through a bunch of pages he holds in his hand.

"I can't believe we'll be getting rid of this," Mingyu gestures wildly towards the ridiculous, almost hilarious, number of books and stray sheets of paper strewn all across the room. "In just less than two months." There's an animated look of glee on his face, as if he's genuinely waiting to graduate and start a life.

"That reminds me," Wonwoo says suddenly. "How's your project going?" That makes Mingyu roll his eyes at first, but he soon lights up like a bulb.

"It's great actually, I'm nearly done with the whole code. I think it should be over in a week or so," He claps his tinnily. "I'm supposed to run it on the Monday after this."

"Good luck with it," Wonwoo pumps his fist, as Mingyu smiles at the beaming expression Wonwoo wears. The older looks proud of him.

"Wanna go out this evening? Jieun would like the change too," Mingyu offers. There's no way either him or Wonwoo are going back to their studies right away. Plus, they haven't gone outside the apartment at all recently, except for their classes. Mingyu's been missing his for while now, too, saying 'his project is more important'. He's right, in a way. The professors don't do much during classes these days, because of the upcoming examinations.

Wonwoo grins. "Sure, but again, I literally don't know where the fuck we would even go,"

"Just a little walk or something, we don't have much time either."

"I'd like that,"

Wonwoo, in fact, didn't end up 'liking' it...

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