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It's safe to say that Mingyu's doing a lot of stuff during his stay at the Jeon's -- stuff he hasn't had the chance to do since a few years.

His day usually starts earliest by nine in the morning, much to his disappointment when he finds the spot next to him cold and empty. It's fucking winter, Mingyu loves all the cuddles he can get in the unbearably cold mornings South Korea's climate brings.

But no, Wonwoo has to wake up before him every fucking day. Sometimes it's because of Jieun, but most of it is just Wonwoo not wanting to sleep in late for absolutely no reason. It annoys Mingyu, but when he sees the older cutely asking for forgiveness every time, Mingyu finds himself giving in.

Mingyu takes his sweet time getting ready each morning, though he usually lazes around for the whole day. He does like helping Mr. Jeon with little bits of gardening in the Jeons' massive backyard, and he ends each day of his with learning a great deal about different plants Mr. Jeon tends to.

Usually, when night rolls in, when both boys are stuffed to the brim with Mrs. Jeon's delicious food, Mingyu likes to lay his head snug in Wonwoo's lap as he yaps on and on about whatever the latter's dad taught him during the day. He loves the feeling of the elder's fingers gently brushing through his hair for the whole time he talks.

But today, Mingyu decides it's boring to stay inside the house. So, as if it's a miracle, Mingyu rises before Wonwoo, and gets ready in quarter of the time he spends for the same daily. Mingyu's brain keeps telling him he's acting on a whim, and he may regret his choice, but he conveniently ignores the nagging at the back of his mind, and goes on about his task.

He moves to the garage soon after he's done shimmying into an outfit for the day, and sets about finding Wonwoo's old bicycle - he's sure it's somewhere in the large garage.

He finds it in a matter of minutes, and once he's done assessing whether it's in a condition for him to ride, he adjusts the seat higher, and begins paddling his way on the familiar streets.

It's quite early in the morning, and the chill reverberates through his body as he fights against the winter breeze. The streets, thankfully, are devoid of too many people for the same reason.

Mingyu finally reaches his destination. On other occasions, he would have admired the pretty streets covered in a thin blanket of sparkly snow, but he was too busy resisting the winter morning that chills him to the bone.

He parks the bicycle, ensuring he's locked it properly, at a designated bicycle park, and steps inside a loudly decorated mall. The reds, greens and whites attack his eyes quite brutally, the extravagant Christmas decorations being a bit too over the top for Mingyu's taste.

The lighting hurts his eyes for a few moments, until they adjust to the brightness around. Briskly walking to an information desk to shake the cold off, Mingyu enquires at said place about a few details.

A kind lady behind the desk seems too invested in Mingyu, and eventually ends up asking him for his number. Mingyu blushes as he denies the offer, quietly letting her know that he has a boyfriend. He didn't exactly mean what he said, though he wishes he could say it more often. She helps him out anyway, and he makes his way to another location after thanking her.

And now here he is. Mingyu stands under the central Christmas tree in the mall in all his glory, decked up in an itchy Santa costume, and an even itchier fake beard. He should have listened to the nagging at the back of his mind, after all. But it's too late to turn back now; and he won't, after knowing the amount he's being paid to carry out this clownery.

Once he notices the mall slowly filling up by noon, he's sure Wonwoo's wide awake, so he expects Jieun to be awake too. Perfect. He digs his phone from the costume's pocket, quickly turning his body a bit to the side, and sending in a text to Wonwoo.


get ur ass to the mall as soon as u can

To his surprise, he gets a reply almost immediately.


what do u want


js come here im here too


okayy :)


bring ji too


what r u doing gyu





okay geez

ill be there in few


tysm <33


ur so cheesy i swear


only for u baby ;)




im waiting

Mingyu lets out a sharp exhale. He just hopes this goes the way he wants it to, although his idea is too vague even for his own brain to register.

merry christmas, meanieWhere stories live. Discover now