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"Baby, I'm home!"

Mingyu yells while toeing his shoes off near the door. Wonwoo runs up to him meanwhile, throwing his arms around Mingyu and pressing a kiss to his neck. "Aww, clingy much?" Mingyu teases, as he kisses Wonwoo's head. "Shut up, I missed you."

Mingyu just returned from two days of an official seminar he had to attend, much to Wonwoo's disappointment. The latter had come home from work earlier than usual, just for Mingyu.

As the couple lays cuddled up in bed after Mingyu's done taking a shower and having something light for a late lunch, he finally decides it's time to break the news to Wonwoo.



Mingyu smiles down at Wonwoo calmly resting against his chest. Every time he just looks at Wonwoo, he's reminded of why he loves the boy so much. Wonwoo's so effortlessly attractive, and not just on the outside. He has a heart of gold, and he's ready to let anyone in and give them all the love he could, just the way he's done to Mingyu since they were kids. It's hard not to like Wonwoo, lover or not.

Mingyu subconsciously cuddles Wonwoo closer, twisting so he's under Wonwoo, and circles his arms tighter around his waist, the news long forgotten. "Gyu? You were saying something?"

"Right. I need your full attention, Baby."

Wonwoo looks up from Mingyu's neck. "Do you need me to sit up?"

"Whatever you want."

Wonwoo cutely shakes his head, and dives back into Mingyu's neck, making the younger chuckle. "So, I uh, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now..."


"Boss has been trying to send me to the States for a few months now. He says the department I work in is on a much bigger and better scale there, and they'd need me to handle things there..." Mingyu says.

Wonwoo immediately leans back and sits up, Mingyu doing the same right after. "That's good news Mingyu, but..."

Mingyu takes his hand in both of his own. "I understand Baby, it's a huge decision. You'd have to take care of your work too,"

"I'm worried more about Jieun, Mingyu. She hasn't even been in school for a whole year,"

"I know," Mingyu pauses. "I'll let you think about it, okay? Break the news to Jieun as well, once you're final with your decision. Again, I'm not forcing you. Sure, I'd be getting paid much more if we go, but I'm not ready to give up your and Ji's happiness for it. I can just let Boss know I'm not up for it."

Wonwoo gives him a fond smile. "I seriously wonder what I must have done in my past lives to deserve you, Gyu,"

"I think I should be the one saying that," Mingyu kisses his hand.

"Oh shut up."

"Hey Gyu?" Wonwoo calls as he gets home. He gets greeted by Jieun instead. "Daddy!" She squeals.

Wonwoo smiles and lifts her up in his arms. "Hey baby, how was school?"

Her eyes light up as she rambles about her day. "I had so much fun, I punched a girl because she was being mean to me."

Wonwoo nearly drops Jieun from his arms. "JIEUN! You can't just go around punching people just because they were mean to you! What did she even say?!"

"Oh, she said she always saw GyuGyu picking me up after school, and then teased me about not having a mum because she never comes to get me from school." Jieun says coolly, not looking even the slightest bit sorry. Wonwoo doesn't think it's right.

"Ji, I understand, but you can't do that, you get me? You could have just told a teacher or someone."

"GyuGyu said it was fine."

Wonwoo inhales sharply. "KIM MINGYU!" He yells.

Mingyu, meanwhile, just comes out of the bathroom after a shower, when he hears Wonwoo calling him. He runs to the living room. "Baby!" He exclaims, not having any idea of what's coming. He sees Jieun returning to the room while Wonwoo settles himself on the couch. 

Shit. Wonwoo looks mad. "You told her it was fine to punch someone?"

Oh. Mingyu grins sheepishly at his fiancé, rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean, I know it's not right, but Ji said that girl's been this way since a while, and she didn't stop although Jieun's told the teacher several times. Clearly, the teacher doesn't give a shit, so I let Jieun do it. Just this once, I bet she didn't mention that."

"You're so fucking stupid sometimes, I swear..."

"What else was I supposed to do?! We can't always be there to solve Ji's problems!"

"Yeah but punching someone isn't the correct way to solve a problem either, Mingyu!"

"As I said, I've strictly told Jieun -- just this one time. She said she'd tell us from next time if something like this happens ever again."

"At least you did that." Wonwoo rolls his eyes, getting up to change into something comfortable.

"I'm sorry... But Ji seemed pretty mad about it,"

"It's alright," Wonwoo turns, plants a quick kiss on Mingyu's lips, and goes away to do his thing.


Literally the shittiest ever chapter/extra I've ever written-

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