6k: Bonus

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"Daddy look! I learnt to braid my own hair!"

Jieun exclaims as she exits the room, excitedly running to Wonwoo busy packing her lunch for school in the kitchen. He playfully rolls his eyes when he looks at her grinning at him from across the island. "Wow, Ji, all these months I spent teaching how to do it yourself, you never caught it. And you say you've learnt it now." He fakes being hurt, dramatically holding a hand to his chest.

Jieun giggles, shrugging as she drags her plated breakfast, which Wonwoo just set on the island, towards herself. He loves looking at her being in a significantly better mood since the past week. His baby's nearly eight now, and Wonwoo finds it hard to wrap his head around the fact that time could pass by this fast. He feels it was just yesterday he held an extremely tiny, baby Jieun in his arms for the first time. He can't believe it's been a bit over seven years since then.

The reason behind Jieun so ecstatic these days is that the father-daughter duo leave Korea in just three more weeks. It had taken a few extra months for Mingyu to handle some matters in the States, but none of them cares, Wonwoo's just delighted to be reunited with him once again. Needless to mention, Jieun's happy too; Wonwoo thinks she's probably missed Mingyu more than him.

"Hey Ji? Are you up for coming with me to hunt for shifting companies after I return from office?" Wonwoo asks, back turned to his daughter while he did the dishes. He gets a reply without any hesitance. "Sure! I don't even care about homework anymore, since you know..." Wonwoo turns back to catch an evil grin on Jieun's face, making him laugh. "It's all cool for now, but I'm not letting you slack with studies ever again." He playfully warns her.

"Of course you wouldn't," She rolls her eyes.

"Yes miss, hurry up with that," He points at her unfinished breakfast, "you don't wanna get late."

"Who cares?" She cackles, wanting to annoy Wonwoo even further. "Jieun!"

She quickly wipes the contents off her plate, passing it on to Wonwoo to go and change into her uniform. As Wonwoo watches her retreat from the back, he can't help but think she really did get good at braiding her hair.

Wonwoo found a good shifting company quite easily, unlike what he'd expected. Jieun grumbled on the way back home, saying she wanted to spend some more time outside. Under different circumstances, Wonwoo would have let her go to the park five minutes away from their apartment, but he needed her help with packing. He had to send some of his old stuff to his parents' as well, to be locked up inside his bedroom there.

"Sorry Ji, not today. I need your help, baby."

"It's alright. Only if you agree for pizza for dinner today."

"Sure, pizza it is."

"Okay! When do we start the work then?"

"Right after we go back home kiddo," Wonwoo ruffles her hair.

And they spend the rest of the evening closing and taping boxes up - filled with the stuff they'd be taking to the States. By the time they're done, most boxes are stacked in the living room. He stands in the midst of the mess, staring at the quite-recent couch, wondering what he should do with it. He doesn't think it's smart to sell it; it isn't even two years old yet. He eventually decides it's best to take it with him.

Meanwhile, Jieun's busy clearing out the second room, where most of her and Wonwoo's clothes are stored in. "Jieun!"


"Can you take care of the things under the beds first? We need to give them away tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Comes Jieun's reply.

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