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"I miss Jieun..." Wonwoo mutters over breakfast.

Mingyu made pancakes, much to Wonwoo's delight, since he has time on his hands now. Mingyu doesn't leave until eleven in the morning.

"I do too." And Mingyu dives back to his pancakes, which Wonwoo found a bit odd. Shrugging it off, he finishes the last of his breakfast on his plate, and gets the dishes over with. When he turns back after he's done, Mingyu stands right behind him, cutely holding his plate out and a pleading look in his eyes. "No, do your own dishes, Gyu, I literally did all the others."

Mingyu pouts, something that makes Wonwoo rethink his decision again. Sighing in defeat, he plucks the plate from Mingyu's hands, and makes a show of rubbing it clean, as his boyfriend hugs him from the back until he's done. "You're cleaning up everything else, now let me go." Wonwoo declares, to which Mingyu gives him a little salute and bustles away to bin a few things laying around, and wipe the counter spotless.

"Hey Baby," Mingyu calls from the living room, after Wonwoo comes back from taking a shower. "When's your interview?" He asks.

"At 11:30. Why?"

"So, are you coming with me?"


"Yay!" Mingyu cheers. Wonwoo smiles at the childish reaction. "What?" Mingyu tilts his head, curious about Wonwoo's amused grin.

"You're so cute,"

"Only for you," He clicks his tongue, purposely, and points finger guns towards Wonwoo. And it does have the desired effect on the boy — he cringes, visibly. "My brain took a while to register the cringe dripping from what you just did." Wonwoo deadpans.

"That's the whole point."

"You're impossible," Wonwoo says, retreating back into the room.


He hears Wonwoo stifling his laughter. "Won?"


"What are you doing after the interview?"

"I'm mostly going to the library, I haven't been there in a while."

Mingyu sighs in relief. He was worried Wonwoo would directly come back home after his interview, which held a high chance of Mingyu possibly screwing up his plan. "Can I come pick you up?" He asks.

"Okay," Wonwoo emerges from the room, clad handsomely in an outfit that makes Mingyu want to drop to his knees right away. Wonwoo literally just wears formal trousers and a button-up, and not to mention — a tie as well, but it still manages to drive Mingyu crazy.

Wonwoo catches on real quick. "I know I look good, but we need to leave."

Without another word, Mingyu pushes him back and crowds him against the wall, strong arms gripping his waist. Wonwoo flushes. "Just good? Oh Baby, you have no fucking idea of what things I'm imagining right now, but you're right, we need to leave," Mingyu whispers, solely in Wonwoo's ear, and goes ahead to give him a sloppy, definitely desperate, kiss on the lips.

"Let's go, Baby," Mingyu throws him a lopsided smile, pocketing his set of the house keys as he tosses the second one for Wonwoo to catch. "What the fuck just happened?" Wonwoo's more than flustered.

The doorbell rings, to which Wonwoo's eyebrows furrow in confusion. The doorbell never rings at their apartment, except the few times they order takeout.

Before he could get up, Mingyu bolts to the door, right after putting clothes on following his shower. The door opens, revealing Mr. and Mrs. Jeon smiling in the doorway, Jieun gripping the old lady's finger. "JI!" Mingyu whoops, sticking his arms out to give her a hug.

"GyuGyu!" She jumps right into his arms as he lifts her up. Mingyu bows to the couple fondly looking at the little reunion, and ushers them inside.

Wonwoo, confused as fuck, enters the living room, eyes lighting up the moment they land on the newcomers. "JIEUN!" He kisses her cheek, and takes her from Mingyu's arms. "Oh Baby, I missed you sooooo much!"

"Well, she didn't," Says Mr. Jeon - who, with his wife, entered the house - from the couch. Wonwoo fakes a pout at Jieun at the revelation, making her shake her head and hug his neck. "Granpa's lying," She whispers in his ear. "I missed you too," She adds with a tiny smile. Wonwoo peppers kisses all over her face until she gets restless, wanting to be set down.

"Dad? Are you guys staying tonight as well?" Wonwoo asks once he gets over his cuteness aggression. His dad chuckles. "Why? Worried about the house again?"

"Dad I swear-"

"No, don't worry, we're leaving in a few. I have to be somewhere important tomorrow morning."


"Gyu?" Wonwoo calls.

Jieun's asleep, after she's done prancing off the walls, and being extremely happy to see her Daddy and GyuGyu after so long. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon left a few hours ago.


"Did you know these guys would be coming today?"

"No..." But the little grin Mingyu wears tells Wonwoo the exact opposite.

"Why'd you not tell me?"

"It was a surprise,"

"What for?"

"For getting the job. Congratulations Baby,"

Wonwoo can't believe his ears. "WHEN?!" He tackles Mingyu in a hug, as the boy holds him against his chest.

"I just happened to accidentally see the mail the other day, since your laptop was unlocked and the inbox was open,"

"I didn't see it?"

"Seems like you didn't,"

Wonwoo plants a sweet kiss on Mingyu's lips and nose. "Thank you," He whispers.

"Anything for you." Mingyu smiles and dips his head to nuzzle noses with Wonwoo.

"I love you,"

"I love you so much more,"

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