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Doom settles onto Wonwoo as he's busy loading the car boot with his and Mingyu's things. It's actually time to leave, and Wonwoo dreads the thought of going back to university and resuming everything he'd left behind for the holidays.

He hears Mingyu saying last goodbyes to his dad and Minseo, and Wonwoo does the same once he's done with his task. He goes through another round of explaining Jieun that she would be able to meet Mr. Kim and Minseo in a few months too.

Mingyu drives this time, as he said he felt 'guilty of making his Baby drive each time'. They depart, after Minseo takes her sweet time to pat Jieun's head as goodbye.

"Wonwoo, Baby, we're here," Mingyu gently shakes the boy - who'd fallen asleep - awake. The car's stopped at the ground floor of their apartment complex, and Mingyu's goes to unload their bags. Jieun's with him too, as she flutters round and round next to Mingyu.

"I'll go and drop the car off, I'll be back in like twenty minutes." Says Mingyu, after making sure Wonwoo has checked if they'd taken all of their stuff.

"Let's go, Ji," Wonwoo sticks his hand which Jieun grabs and follows him inside.

It's already night when Mingyu returns. Wonwoo goes after a whiny Jieun, and puts her to sleep first. When he comes back into the living room, he finds Mingyu tiredly sprawled on the couch. "Mingyu, move, stop hogging the whole couch."

"No, I want you to give me cuddles."

"Why are you this way?"

"Because I love you."

"That's not valid, but whatever,"

Wonwoo pretends being annoyed, but he tries hard to hold back a fond smile. Like Mingyu wanted, he plops on top of him, hugging him close to his chest. "Are you tired?" He whispers gently.

"Yeah, and I'm hungry as fuck."

"You could have told me,"

"And eat burnt toast? No thank you," There's a playful tone in Mingyu's voice, who breaks into giggles at his own words. "It's not funny," Wonwoo grumbles, which makes the boy under him giggle further.

"No but seriously, I'm starving too."

"Wanna go out for a late night snack? We need to get groceries too,"

"Sure..." Wonwoo's voice trails. "Jieun?"

"She should be fine..? I mean, it's up to you,"

"It's alright, she was really tired earlier."

"Okay then, let's go,"

Wonwoo jumps off of Mingyu, and tiptoes into his room to grab a thick jacket for him and Mingyu.

And here he is, shopping for groceries at ten in the fucking night. They decide to get a quick meal at the store itself, too.

Wonwoo expected the short trip at the store to be mostly silent, considering both him and Mingyu were bone-tired from the extensive travelling during the day. But no, Mingyu seems to be enjoying each and every moment grocery shopping. Every two minutes, he would tug at Wonwoo's arm and whisper "Can we get this?" holding the most random item in his hands.

Wonwoo has no idea what's gotten Mingyu so pumped up right now. Nevertheless, he silently goes along with it, being too tired to even speak anything longer than a single sentence.

"Mingyu," Wonwoo finally holds him down, to prevent him from taking off. "I need you to calm the fuck down." Mingyu nods weakly, flashing a toothy grin and doing as Wonwoo requested.

Fucking finally, Wonwoo could quickly grab all the necessities and get over with this.

As Mingyu's busy billing the items, Wonwoo lingers around in different aisles, having absolutely no idea of why he does it. Mingyu soon calls out to him, and both his hands are occupied with the bags. "Can you take these? I'll be back real quick with something," Mingyu lifts his arms up so effortlessly, Wonwoo wonders how that's even possible, as if the bags full of groceries weighed nothing to Mingyu.

"I want-"

"Ramen, I won't forget."

"Yeah," Wonwoo smiles, looking down with a faint blush covering his cheeks. He takes the bags, and looks around for a vacant table, as Mingyu jogs away.

The boy returns soon enough, with two steaming cups of ramen and a roll of Kimbap sticking out of the pocket on his jacket.

"Thank you," Whispers Wonwoo, before digging into his cup. By the time he's done, which is a while, he sees Mingyu comfortably leaning back into his chair, a content expression on his face. There's no sight of any ramen in his cup.

"How the fuck do you eat this fast?"

Mingyu shrugs, offering half of the Kimbap to Wonwoo - which he eventually couldn't finish, making Mingyu having to eat it in the end.

"Can you carry me home?" Mingyu asks, once Wonwoo's returns to their table after binning the wrappers left behind by them. Wonwoo looks blankly at him, absolutely unamused at the stupid plea.

"No. If anything, you're carrying one bag."

"Aw man,"

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Making that 'kicked puppy' face, it makes me feel bad."

Mingyu giggles, shaking his head as he stands up.

For a change, Mingyu's completely silent throughout their walk back home. He insists on holding Wonwoo's free hand as they walk, which the older finds absolutely adorable. It's not much, yet it makes him feel warm.

"You know, I've always wanted to do this." Mingyu breaks the silence.

"Do what?"

"This," Mingyu points his head towards himself and Wonwoo. "Late night walks. I find it very cute, you know?"

"I do too," Wonwoo beams up at him, endeared by the younger boy's little wish. "We should do this more often." He adds.

"We should,"

And Mingyu leans down slowly, capturing Wonwoo's lips in a loving kiss under the peaceful, moonlit sky.


Lil filler?

merry christmas, meanieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon