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"Gyu~" Wonwoo whines first thing in the morning, as he sloppily runs into a half-asleep Mingyu on the couch. Mingyu, who barely registers anything, opens his arms for Wonwoo to drop into, grunting when the latter falls on top of him. "Good morning Baby," Mingyu whispers, although he's still on the verge of falling asleep again.

"I'm fucking freaking out, I HAVE AN EXAM TODAY!" Wonwoo yells in Mingyu's neck. It tickles the younger boy, and he finally sits up with an arm around Wonwoo, as he lands right his lap. "You'll do great, I know." Mingyu  says in his ear, sending shivers down  Wonwoo's neck, but he keeps still.

"Easy for you to say, Gyu," Wonwoo deadpans, while he's much more focused on how good Mingyu looks despite just having woken up.

"Really now? I have it easy?"

It takes a while for Wonwoo to process, but he realises what he implied soon enough. "No, Gyu I didn't-" Wonwoo stutters, hoping the words didn't reach Mingyu's brain. The younger chuckles softly, and shakes his head, at which Wonwoo relaxes. "I'm sorry," He adds cutely, making Mingyu leave a sloppy kiss on his cheek. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it."

"We need to go get ready now," Mingyu ushers Wonwoo to get off. "Baby, I don't have time to deal with stuff if you don't get off right now," Mingyu pleads. "Sorry," Wonwoo winks, but still continues to stare at his boyfriend.

Mingyu gives him a look. Right. Wonwoo slides off, and hurriedly runs to the bathroom to take a shower and head out. "JI! GET READY, YOU NEED TO STAY AT SEUNGCHEOL'S TODAY!" Wonwoo screams before bolting the bathroom door and clambering around.

Soon enough, while Wonwoo's taking his sweet time getting ready, Mingyu helps Jieun get dressed and drops her off at Seungcheol's. "I'm seriously gonna pay you for looking after this devil, hyung." Mingyu says once Seungcheol takes Jieun in. "Jeonghan wouldn't let you, neither would I. We love spending time with her, she never runs out of things to talk about." Seungcheol chuckles. Mingyu denies with a shake of his head, smiles, and leaves after a goodbye to the older boy and a fist bump to Jieun. "Good luck both of you!" Seungcheol calls out. "THANK YOU HYUNG!"

Panting and wheezing by the time he reaches his apartment, Mingyu runs into the shower and is done getting ready within fifteen minutes. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants and a random hoodie he found lying on the chair in his bedroom, and immediately makes his way to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. He pulls out his phone to check the time, internally cursing when he sees him and Wonwoo are on the verge of being late. "Not the first fucking day, I swear-"

As he's busy scarfing down an entire apple, Wonwoo leisurely enters the kitchen, drying his hair and looking so soft, Mingyu completely forgets being late. He kisses an unsuspecting Wonwoo quickly, and moves to the living room to get his important things. "BABY WE'RE LATE!" Mingyu yells, nearly choking on his apple. "We're not, I'm done." Wonwoo says, looking unimpressed at Mingyu.


Wonwoo pulls an energy bar from the pocket of his jeans. "That's it?"

"I mean, you had like one apple, so this should be enough. I just have one exam today."


"Yeah, 'oh'" "Let's go," Wonwoo adds, stuffing the house keys in his hoodie's pocket.

"How was the exam, Won?"

"Absolutely amazing, I don't know why I freaked out since yesterday,"

"I told you not to worry,"

"I hate how you're always right," Wonwoo rolls his eyes. "No you don't, it saves you a lot of trouble."

"You're right, it does."

Mingyu shrugs cheekily, going back to paying attention to both his laptop and a notebook open on his leg. Something felt off.

Mingyu glances sideways, to Wonwoo sitting on the floor next to him. He's wearing fucking shorts, and he's shivering. "Baby, aren't you cold?"

"No..." A chill runs through Wonwoo right then. "Okay fine, I am, but I'm too cold to go and change into better pants." He says, after catching the look Mingyu gives him. "Don't look at me like that, jeez, I'm gonna go change,"

"You better, otherwise I won't be able to keep my hands off of you."

"Ew Mingyu,"


"Totally," Wonwoo gives him a lopsided smile. "I mean, if I could, I would... too," Mingyu admits.

"Mingyu please to go back to studying, I don't want you to get horny right now."

"Yeah, me too."




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