Everything's fine

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Wonwoo comes home after his classes, on the verge of passing out. The day has been a wreck — he hasn't eaten anything other than half a banana smeared with some peanut butter, and he has absolutely no water in his system.

Not to mention, his classes had been horrible too. His professor caught him snoozing at the very back of the classroom, and of course had to call him out. Wonwoo had felt like breaking down right then.

Instead he chose to stay silent, and go back to napping again.

As he closes the door behind him, his eyes land on Mingyu in the kitchen, and he seemed to be in a good mood. That makes a small smile appear on his face, but he hides it, remembering everything that had happened in the past week, and continues to go into the room. Jieun trots outside, into the other room, the bedroom the moment she sees him enter.

Wonwoo takes a look around the messy room. His eyes land on his bed, with just the sheets visible in counted spots, while every other inch of the mattress is filled with books and papers. Wanting to study to take his mind off of other things, Wonwoo grabs a few essential books and settles himself on the floor with his back to the bed.

What he doesn't expect is a piece of paper clumsily folded and shoved between the pages of the book. From the back of the sheet, he could clearly make out Mingyu's chicken scrawl — which gets him wondering. Had Mingyu left any of his important notes or something in his book?

Wonwoo's about to keep it away without meddling, but he catches sight of the words 'Hi Baby' scribbled at the top of the poorly folded paper. And he knows the paper being inside his book wasn't an accident, but it still was important to Mingyu.

And Wonwoo gives the whole thing a read.

Tears threaten to fall from his eyes by the time he's done reading. Mingyu, through such a childlike gesture, had conveyed so many things Wonwoo wanted, or rather needed to hear.

He stumbles out of the bedroom, seeing Mingyu on the couch with his laptop on the table in front of him. "Gyu?"

Mingyu's ears perk up the moment he hears Wonwoo speak, and the nickname the older always liked to call him coming from his mouth lets Mingyu know that everything is actually okay.

"Yeah?" He replies, eyes and ears so expectant that Wonwoo really might end up crying before even saying anything. "I'm so sorry, Gyu, I didn't know..." Wonwoo sniffles, his voice sounding so soft and tiny that Mingyu wants to hug him to death.

And that's exactly what he does. He bolts off the couch and opens his arms as wide as he could to let Wonwoo in. Wonwoo slowly, almost calculatedly, makes his way into Mingyu's arms, finally loosening up and letting himself sink in his warm embrace when his arms fold around him.

And Wonwoo cries, finally, into Mingyu's chest, and relieves all of his anguish and sadness. He feels so fucking safe in his boyfriend's arms, even his brain cannot comprehend it.

Wonwoo doesn't sound like he'd stop crying anytime soon, so Mingyu takes things in his own hands. He gently rubs the boy's back, as he repeatedly kisses his head. "I didn't want to dump it all on you, but now that I know you know, it makes me feel so much lighter, Baby," Mingyu whispers, and the little nickname does so many things to Wonwoo all over again. He chuckles in Mingyu's chest, making the latter pull back and take a good look at him.

As Mingyu observes his boyfriend's face, Wonwoo stops him. "Don't. I look horrible," He says, to which Mingyu frowns in disbelief. "You're never not good to look at, you're so pretty." Mingyu says in all honesty, as he looks at Wonwoo with stars in eyes, making the latter blush furiously.

And without warning, Mingyu holds Wonwoo's face in his hands, and softly takes his lips in a loving kiss. Wonwoo looks so shy once Mingyu pulls away. "I'm so glad we're okay, everything's okay." Mingyu admits, looking into Wonwoo's dark eyes.

"Yeah," Wonwoo replies, "Me too." He leans upwards and presses a quick kiss to Mingyu's lips. "I love you."

"I love you so much, you have no idea,"

"No, I think I do, seeing how you're literally so fucking sweet and caring — it hurts my heart,"

"Aaawwww~" Mingyu drawls teasingly, squishing Wonwoo's face.

"Ew, get away,"

Mingyu puts a hand over his chest dramatically. " Here I am, showing my love to you, and you're telling me to leave," He pouts. Wonwoo chuckles, pecks Mingyu's lips, and dashes to the room before his heart bursts because of his boyfriend being so adorable.


I suck at writing fluff istg-

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