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The atmosphere in the Kim household this morning is gloomy, in the least. It's the unsaid words that cause the dark mood, where in everyone is silent. Well, everyone except Jieun, up until a few minutes ago. She has no idea why everyone's this serious, but Wonwoo's thankful (and lowkey proud because she's being mature) that she understands the weight of the situation and chooses to stay silent afterwards.

Despite having calmed Mingyu down last night, through various topics straying away from any discussion about Mrs. Kim, Wonwoo had woken up once to see Mingyu whimpering on his dampened chest again. It's difficult for Wonwoo to see Mingyu in such a state, it always has been, when it came to the topic of Mrs. Kim's death anniversary.

It hadn't been pleasant for Wonwoo either -- all those years ago when he'd found out Mingyu's mum was no more - result of a car accident which wasn't her fault. She'd treated him as her own child, and when she was gone, it had been quite a task for Wonwoo to accept it.

Mingyu had it worse than him. He'd been devastated, as he shut everyone out for nearly a month back then.

Little did Wonwoo know, Mingyu survived that period just because of the older boy's attempts at doing anything for Mingyu to feel better.

Lost in thought, Wonwoo leaned against the backrest of the dining chair he sat on during a silent breakfast. Only when Jieun poked at his arm from the chair beside him, Wonwoo broke out of his thoughts and paid attention to her. "Daddy?" She whispered, "Is GyuGyu okay?"

In spite of his heavy train of thoughts, Wonwoo smiles at his considerate daughter. Never has he explicitly taught her how to behave in certain situations, yet she understands how to do so. And she's not ever four yet.

"He'll be fine, Ji, don't worry. He's just sad."

"It's not good to be sad..." Her voice trails off.

"I know, but as I said, he'll be fine."

"Can I go talk to him? I wanna cheer him up. That's okay, right?"

"Sure, but please, don't disturb him too much, okay?"


Jieun jumps off her chair, her tiny legs pattering quickly up the stairs, and Wonwoo sees her turn in the direction to Mingyu's room.

Mingyu hears a light knock on his door. Reluctantly, he offers a "Come in,"

Jieun turning the doorknob and entering inside was the last thing Mingyu saw coming right now. "Ji?"



Jieun remains silent for a few minutes after that, and Mingyu could see her trying to think of something to say, much unlike her usual ways.

"Are you sad?" She finally asks.

Well, Mingyu doesn't know how to respond to that. He feels bad lying to a child, Jieun especially. "Not really..." He does end up lying.

"It's not good to be sad," She says as she climbs up on the bed, next to Mingyu.

"I know, but I can't help it Ji. It's just one of those days, you know?"

"Like when Daddy locks himself in his room for the whole day? Is that what you were going to do?"

Mingyu's stumped. How was he supposed to reply? "No, I wasn't at breakfast because I wasn't hungry. I am gonna be there for lunch though," He musters a smile; seeing Jieun worried makes him want to pretend being fine, at least for her.



That makes Jieun beam up at him, significantly lifting his mood right away. It's like her little, tiny-toothed smile brought sunrays into his world. She suddenly hugs his arm from the side, and stays that way for a while.

Mingyu wants to cry, and he seriously might even end up crying in front of her. He's being comforted by a child right now - who probably doesn't have the slightest idea of what's going on.

"Come on, GyuGyu, you're the one who's always so happy, and you make me happy, but if you're sad, how will I stay happy?" Jieun speaks.

Mingyu finally chuckles lightly. He's touched by the little attempt at making him feel better, though it probably didn't mean much to Jieun. She lets go of his arm. "Are you coming down now?"

"I'll be there in a while."

"Okay, but if you don't, I'm pulling you down the stairs later."

Mingyu laughs, having a hard time keeping his unshed tears in check. "Sure, off you go now."

"Goodbye~" She waves her tiny palm from the door, and leaves after shutting it the way it was before.

As soon as she leaves, Mingyu finally bursts into tears, burying his head in his hands. He really wants to hug Jieun tight right now. Never had he thought he'd see Jieun so understanding, and simply so wholesome - asking about his well-being.

Mingyu's mood was significantly better for the rest of the day, after his conversation with Jieun. Wonwoo hugged him the moment he had stepped out of his bedroom. The boy rubbed his back. "You feeling better?" Wonwoo asked.

Mingyu nodded, with a small smile on his lips. "Jieun's such a sweetheart," He said.

Currently, Mingyu sits beside Wonwoo, telling him how much he loves Jieun and how she had brightened his day since morning. Wonwoo attentively listens to him, fond eyes staring at Mingyu as he continues to speak.

Mingyu eventually breaks down from being too overwhelmed. He cries in Wonwoo's embrace, as the older hugs him through it.

Wonwoo realises something just then. He laughs lightly, making Mingyu look up at him. "Nothing, I just thought of how many times I've hugged you in the past twenty-four hours," Wonwoo answers.

"I loved all of them, although I was crying, but that's okay. I still got hugs from you."

"You know, I'm gonna cry more often, so you would hug me more." Mingyu says after a pause, catching his breath.


Mingyu laughs, falling into Wonwoo's side from shaking too hard. "I didn't know you liked hugs this much," Wonwoo sounds genuinely confused.

"Those are my favourite. No wait,"

"You love my kisses the most, I can tell,"

"How'd you know I was gonna say that?"

"There's no other reason why you'd pause just like that."

"You're absolutely right. Mingyu smiles, wide enough for Wonwoo to see his canines through his lips.

Looking at Mingyu so content right now, he thinks it takes absolutely nothing to make him happier. So, Wonwoo turns his head, and presses a sweet kiss to the younger boy's lips.

Almost as if Mingyu had seen this coming, he doesn't seem surprised by the lip-lock, instead he presses his lips harder on Wonwoo's, his hand naturally making it's way to grab Wonwoo's neck.

Mingyu finally pulls back when he starts hyperventilating, and bumps his nose with Wonwoo's.

"That was..." He begins, getting interrupted halfway with another short peck on the lips.

"That was absolutely amazing, I don't know why I don't kiss you often," Wonwoo says through ragged breaths.

"Don't worry, I'll make up for it," Mingyu winks at Wonwoo, earning a playful smack to his shoulder.

"You're so cute, I swear you're gonna be the death of me Gyu,"

merry christmas, meanieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora