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It's been a month since graduation, and Jieun is away with her grandparents at their house, for a change.

Well, the plan was created at the last minute when she demanded to go with them after graduation — much to Wonwoo's worries. His parents ended up staying the night at the apartment, and it had been the most insufferable few hours Wonwoo had ever endured.

"Gods Wonwoo, how do you both even stay in this pigsty?" Taunted Mrs. Jeon, while Mr. Jeon said: "It's hard to believe it's been cleaned. I swear, if your mum could, she would have personally cleaned this chaos."

Wonwoo did spend a few hopeful minutes in the kitchen brewing cups of tea for his parents to calm down. Which they did, and crashing on the boys' beds for the night.

Jieun slept next to her Gramma, much to Mrs. Jeon's delight, while Mr. Jeon sulked because Jieun didn't even glance his way. "Dad stop being childish, Jieun's younger than you," Wonwoo deadpanned, as his dad shooed him off.

One enjoyable thing that happened in those otherwise-stressful hours was that Wonwoo got to cuddle Mingyu close throughout the night, since both boys chose to cram into the couch. Albeit a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, Wonwoo soon lay peacefully on top of Mingyu with his head on the younger's chest — as his steady heartbeat soothed him to sleep. Of course, Mingyu couldn't go without stealing as many kisses as he could from Wonwoo - who 'complained' about his boyfriend not letting him sleep.

The next morning passed by peacefully, quite the opposite of what Wonwoo had expected. He didn't have to spend ten minutes waking Jieun up, nor deal with any tantrums while dressing her. Instead, he found her awake and ready by the time he had even finished brushing his teeth. "Learn to get ready yourself like this everyday then, Ji, don't trouble Mum and Dad for it." Wonwoo instructed as the trio was readying themselves to leave.

"Oh shut up Wonwoo, let the girl live. She's just a baby!" Mr. Jeon chided.

"Don't spoil her." Wonwoo threw back.

"We won't, now go and brush up on the important details before your interview, Wonwoo. Don't worry about Jieun."

"Yeah, wish me luck."

"Of course. You too, Mingyu! Both of you, good luck!" Mr. Jeon called out, before saying goodbye and leaving.

The moment they leave, Wonwoo heaves a sigh of relief, as his eyes land on an amused-looking Mingyu in the kitchen, cooking up breakfast. "Mum can be so annoying at times..." Wonwoo says as he sits on a chair and watches Mingyu do his thing.

Mingyu halts immediately, but resumes his activity just as fast. "Don't say that, Won."

Wonwoo realises what he'd just said. He quickly leaves the chair and hugs Mingyu from the back, rubbing his side. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise what I said..."

"It's alright, it's just, you never know what might happen, and no-" Mingyu continues, not letting Wonwoo speak. "I don't mean it that way, just you might not like what you've said later,"


Mingyu turns around with a fond smile on his face, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's lips funnily, as their noses got in the way from being a bit too close to one another. Wonwoo giggles, still surprised at his heartbeat skyrocketing every time Mingyu shows even the slightest bit affection. "What's for breakfast?" Wonwoo swiftly changes the topic.

"Eggs, but better. And cereal, if you'd like."

"Lucky Charms?"

"Lucky Charms."

"How come you never eat cereal?" Wonwoo sits back on his chair.

"I was literally gonna eat it today."

Mingyu presents a simple sunny-side up, but what concerns Wonwoo is that there's around six of those on the pan. "We're gonna eat this all..?"

"No, I am."

"Good, because I can't have more than one of those at a time."

"I know, I just miss eggs so much, I made extra." Mingyu dumps five eggs on his plate, and begins no less of inhaling them, only to end up in a coughing fit halfway into the plate. Wonwoo continues his breakfast coolly, knowing well enough Mingyu's dealt with these reckless fits several times before — result of eating inhumanely fast.

Wonwoo scoffs when Mingyu dives back into the breakfast at the same speed. "That's very foolish." He nags.

"I can't help it!"

"Yes, you can."

"Can you get me that big tub of protein from the cabinet?"


Wonwoo returns with the tub as promised, the container looking animatedly huge in his hands. What he sees next nearly puts him in a cardiac arrest, because what Mingyu does is absolutely unacceptable. And no, Wonwoo has never seen Mingyu do that, but again — Mingyu barely any ate cereal.

"THE FUCK MINGYU!" Wonwoo screeches, disgusted at his boyfriend emptying an entire scoop of the supplement in his cereal milk. And there's uneaten cereal still floating in his bowl. "You're a fucking monster for doing that."

Mingyu shrugs, as though he's done this before. "I hate how it tastes on its own."



Wonwoo groans, as his head slumps on the table with a loud thud. He wishes he could un-see that. "Does this make you uncomfortable?" Mingyu asks in a tiny voice, genuinely concerned about Wonwoo's reaction.

"It does." Wonwoo cringes.

"I'll go finish it on the couch then, never mind me," Mingyu decides, and is just about to get up and leave, but he's stopped when Wonwoo pulls him back by the hand. "No, sit here and eat. It's fine."

"But you just said-"

"Well I didn't expect you to actually do something about it."

Mingyu smiles. The scene looks quite different from anything Wonwoo could ever imagine: Mingyu looking so adorable as he smiles cutely, holding, out of all things, a fucking cereal bowl in his hand. "I made you uncomfortable, so like, I should make you un-uncomfortable- I mean comfortable again, right?"

Wonwoo laughs at Mingyu's innocence. He pats the seat next to him, signalling Mingyu to sit back down — which he does right away.

"You're so cute," Wonwoo says, making Mingyu go red in the face. The younger goes back to his cereal, but this time Wonwoo doesn't mind the extraordinary combination his boyfriend eats.

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