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The month passes by in a whizz, and Wonwoo didn't like the way he spent each day so overly anxious. On the last day of the examinations, Wonwoo feels so much lighter — almost like he could fly away any moment. Mingyu took him out on a date, a proper date, and Wonwoo had to spend a painful amount of time convincing Jieun that they had some important things to do, so she couldn't come along this time.

She finally gave in, after threatening Wonwoo and Mingyu that she won't talk to them once they come back. Wonwoo chuckles knowingly, and gives her a kiss on the head and drops her off at Seungcheol's once again.

The date, of course, was the best time any of the boys had had in a while, especially when they knew life would be a tad bit less stressful than what it had been in the past month. None of them spoke much throughout their time together, letting their actions do most of the talking as they held hands everywhere they went, and each of them stole a few kisses whenever they felt like it. Wonwoo successfully made Mingyu blush more than once in those few hours.

Wonwoo's frantically pacing back and forth in the now-spotless bedroom in the apartment. Any moment now, his and Mingyu's grades would go live on their university's particular website. Although Wonwoo knows he's done his best, he can't bring himself to stay calm at one place — like Mingyu does currently.

"How are you not fucking nervous?" Wonwoo finally asks. He wasn't able to keep shut about Mingyu's composure.

Mingyu shrugs nonchalantly, like he doesn't give two shits about his grades. "Well, I can't really change anything I did or screwed up during the exams now, can I? I think it's best to stay silent and just see what comes my way."

"Why do you always say such wise shit?"

"I don't know," Mingyu provides a reassuring smile, as Wonwoo immediately relaxes a bit, and stops pacing around.

The clock strikes eleven-thirty, and it's the moment Wonwoo's been waiting for. He nervously clicks on the blue hyperlink an open mail in his inbox displays, and his laptop screen shows the website.

Wonwoo's breathe hitches. He did it. He fucking did it. These four years of working his ass off finally paid off, as the results show on the screen in front of him: a bold 'A+'.

Wonwoo's ecstatic. He squeals quietly, and looks to his side, at Mingyu. The boy looks happy as well, as he stares at his screen, although he remains silent, unlike Wonwoo. That worries the older boy, as he cautiously calls him. "Gyu?"


"We did it."

Mingyu gives him the brightest smile, causing his adorable canines to poke his lips. "We did."

"Are you happy?"

"I've never been happier."

And Wonwoo brings up the most dreaded topic. "What now?"

Seems like Mingyu had already thought about it. "The code for my project? I think I could tweak it here and there and change it into something else. I'm not sure though. It could be quite useful." "What about you?" He asks.

"Me?" Wonwoo has no clue. "I don't know..."

Mingyu's about to say something, but Wonwoo speaks before he could start. "I think I might take the idea of writing a book seriously. I could start job-hunting meanwhile."

"That's literally what I was just gonna say."

"WONWOO HONEY!" Mrs. Jeon squeals when her eyes land on her son, clad in the boiling hot cap and gown under the bright sunlight. "Hi Mingyu!" She greets the boy standing next to Wonwoo as well. She looks so proud of both of them, as she pats their heads with great difficulty. "I can't believe you've grown so much," She wipes a little tear from the corner of her eye, making Wonwoo roll his eyes. "Mum, stop with the sappy stuff, we're literally just graduating."

"You won't understand, Wonwoo. You'll only relate when Jieun graduates." Mr. Jeon adds from his wife's side.

"Dad, stop."

The man laughs, as he strikes a conversation with both boys, although Jieun doesn't let him - being too excited to meet her grandparents again.

Just then, Mr. Kim walks into the venue from behind the Jeons, as Minseo trots next to him. As soon as Mingyu's eyes land on his family, he runs up to them and gives them a big hug. "How are you?" He asks his dad, purposely ignoring his pissed sister eyeing him annoyedly. "What about me, you twink?"

"I'm not a twink, Minseo, this is exactly why I didn't ask you,"

"Yeah, you're right, you're just gay."

"MINSEO STOP!" Mingyu groans at how annoying his sister is - who snickers evilly. He hears Wonwoo's poorly stifled laughter behind him.

"Dad why did you bring her along?" Mingyu whines to his dad - who's busy in 'adult talk' with Wonwoo's parents. "She skipped school for you today, Mingyu, be nice to her, at least for today." Mr. Kim turns back quickly, and returns to his conversation with the Jeons.

Mingyu seizes the opportunity to tease his sister right away, seeing how she looks embarrassed and looks away. He pinches her cheeks, bending down significantly as he does so. "Aaaawwww, is my wittle baby Minseo being so loving and soft for her big brother today~? That's so cute of her~" Mingyu messes her hair, as she slaps his hand away. "Don't touch me with your ogre hands Mingyu, get away. HEY WONWOO!" She yells, gathering said boy's attention. "HE DOESN'T WASH HIS HANDS, LIKE EVER! BE CAREFUL WHEN HE TOUCHES YOUR FACE OR WHATEVER!"

"Thank you for the tip, Minseo, I won't be hugging him ever again." Wonwoo gives her a thumbs up, his face looking so serious, Mingyu almost believes him. "Wonwoo!"

"You really think I could keep away from hugging you?" Wonwoo giggles, as he holds Mingyu in a hug to prove his point.

"They're so cute, aren't they?" Mrs. Jeon's not-so-silent whisper makes the boys break the hug in embarrassment, as they look away, clearing their throats.

"Hate to admit it, but y'all are really cute..." Minseo whispers in her brother's ear - who had been trying to strike a conversation with her to calm his blush.

"No one asked you, Minseo, please shut the fuck up,"



I don't have siblings, but this is all approved by friends who do.

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