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"Mingyu, honey, where are you boys right now? Wonwoo isn't picking up my calls."

Mrs. Jeon speaks over the speaker, as said boys are still stuck in the convenience store, since the rain doesn't show signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Mum, I'm here, we're uh- stuck right now."

"Do you need any of us to come pick you up?"

"No, auntie, we're fine. We'll come as soon as the rain stops." Mingyu answers, not wanting to bother Wonwoo's parents. It's late, nearing eight in the evening, and he doesn't want Mr. or Mrs. Jeon to come all the way here just to pick them up.

"Okay. Take care both of you."

"Mum, we might end up going somewhere else if the rain stops."

Mingyu raises an eyebrow at Wonwoo. "Really?" He mouths, as Wonwoo nods. "We'll be okay, don't worry."

"Wonwoo, you haven't got proper layers on you right now, have you?" Seems like Mrs. Jeon could sense his quivers even though she can't see him.

"I uh- uhm, no..."

"You're an adult, Wonwoo,"

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll take care next time."

Mrs. Jeon sighs. "Okay then, be safe."

"Yes Mum," And Wonwoo hangs up.

Mingyu pockets his phone, when Wonwoo asks to be let down, back on his own chair. Mingyu grumbles a bit, how he wanted to 'hug Wonwoo for longer', eventually agreeing and doing what the older wanted.

"You're so clingy, Gyu, I swear." Wonwoo chuckles.

"Does that make you uncomfortable?"

"No, it's just... new, you know?"

"Okay, well, I love being clingy, especially when you look so squishy, like all the time."

"You know I'm never getting over you being this way, right?"

"I hope you don't." Mingyu winks, as butterflies erupt in Wonwoo's stomach.

The rain, thankfully, stops a while later, and Wonwoo gets excited to go somewhere else. He really wants to go see the mistletoe tree, which has always been Wonwoo's favourite spot to visit each Christmas, ever since he was a child.

"Let me guess, you wanna go to the mistletoe?" Mingyu asks, standing up from the chair, and re-checking if he's left anything around.

"Yes..." Wonwoo looks down at his feet bashfully, suddenly thinking whether he's being too childish. He doesn't get time to contemplate, when Mingyu kisses his cheek. "You're so cute, you're gonna make my heart malfunction" He speaks, grabbing Wonwoo's hand as if it were second nature.

Wonwoo feels like he's missed out on so much, now that he doesn't mind him and Mingyu being however the way they are currently. It's overwhelming, in the most perfect way possible, when Wonwoo gets so endeared by anything Mingyu does - just being himself, and cheesy all the time.

The walk to the little park is mostly silent, just their feet slapping the puddles being the only source of sound amongst them. Mingyu's content with Wonwoo's hand in his, as he cutely swings both their hands back and forth. It makes Wonwoo smile, unbeknownst to Mingyu - who's happily oblivious to the way Wonwoo looks at him.

The pair soon reach the much awaited mistletoe tree, with several clusters of mistletoe leaves all over the tree, covered in blankets of snow.

"We're here," Mingyu finally speaks, "what do you wanna do now?"

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