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Something, or rather someone, disturbs Wonwoo's enjoyable sleep sometime early in the morning. Jieun excitedly runs into the room, and wiggles right in between Mingyu and Wonwoo - comfortably cuddling.

"DADDY, IT'S CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS DADDY! MERRY CHRISTMAS GYUGYU!" She squeals, bouncing up and down on the bed.

Wonwoo groans. This isn't how he wanted to be woken up. Before he could tell Jieun to calm down, Mingyu grabs hold of her and traps her in a hug. She giggles as Mingyu squishes her face, muttering a quiet 'Merry Christmas'.

"Daddy, I wanna open my presents, PLEASE!" Wonwoo glances at his phone to check the time, grumbling when he sees it's not even seven. "Ji, let me sleep. Go bother mum or dad or Bohyuk. Anyone but me." He tries to shoo her away, but being his daughter, she has the stubbornness factor filled in every inch of her.

"No. Come on!"

"Have you brushed your teeth?"


"Off you go. I'll be up by then. Now leave."

"Okay!" She squeaks, and jumps off the bed, back to her grandparents' room.

Wonwoo's attention shifts to Mingyu - who's busy staring at Wonwoo. "Merry Christmas, Baby." He says with a smile, causing Wonwoo to turn pink in the face and bury his face in the younger's chest to hide the blush. "Merry Christmas Gyu." He mutters.

Mingyu chuckles as his voice rumbles through his chest. "Let's go, before Jieun gets back."

"She's so difficult sometimes, I swear,"

"She's just a child, Won,"

"I wasn't this hyperactive."

"Oh, please. Please recall your middle school years before saying that."

"I refuse to believe that, but whatever, let's go."

Wonwoo gets off the bed first, shaking the sheets off of Mingyu - who curls into a ball against the cold. "Mingyu get your ass off the bed."

As it goes unsaid, the entire present-exchanging goes quite chaotically. Jieun couldn't bring herself to settle at one place; she was nearly prancing off the walls the whole time.

Wonwoo was the most surprised by Bohyuk's present. He had expected some sick joke, like each year, but this year his brother did actually put effort in choosing something for him.

Currently, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are taking Jieun around at the Christmas market nearby, leaving the house in the hands of the three boys. Well, not Bohyuk really, since all he does is laze around in his chair at his desk and 'catches up with his pending Netflix quota'.

Mingyu's extremely bored, trying to summon peaceful slumber as he lays rolled up in fluffy comforters on the bed like a burrito.

"Mingyu I wanna go see the snow outside, can you come along?" Wonwoo calls out from the living room, probably doing nothing on his phone, Mingyu assumes. He unrolls himself from the sheets, and goes to the living room to see Wonwoo sprawled funnily on the couch.

"Sure, let's go." Mingyu retreats into the bedroom to get changed, and put on at least two more layers to protect himself. Wonwoo doesn't bother changing, grabbing just a scarf and coat from the hanger near the door. Mingyu throws him a pair of mittens as he comes outside. "I knew it." He says with a smile. He stares questionably at Wonwoo's clothing choice, debating whether he should comment on it, or not. He goes for the latter eventually.

Cold wind spits in their faces the moment the door opens, making them flinch. Wonwoo shivers visibly, throwing a guilty glance Mingyu's way, which the latter catches, yet he chooses to stay silent.

After a while trying to resist the cold, Wonwoo finally gives up. "Mingyu~" He whines, "Gimme your hand, please," Although he knows it won't do much, but it would have to do for now. Wonwoo should have taken the younger's scrutinising gaze seriously earlier; he wouldn't be trembling like a leaf in the wind right now.

"Here," Mingyu takes his outermost coat off, handing it to a shivering Wonwoo. "I purposely wore an extra one, I'd seen this coming." He rolls his eyes, also sticking his hand out for Wonwoo to grab.

"Thank you," Wonwoo readily grips his palm, stuffing their interlocked hands in his coat pocket. Mingyu loves the little gesture, which Wonwoo might have not even thought much about.

Wonwoo finally pays attention to the beauty winter brought, despite the harsh weather. Everything sparkled under the mild sunlight, after being covered in fluffy layers of snow. Mingyu makes puppy eyes at Wonwoo expectantly, as his eyes dart between the latter and the snow.

"Mingyu no, I don't want snow stuck in my nose again. I nearly died that time." Wonwoo denies the unsaid plea immediately, recalling the traumatising year he got snow stuck in both his nostrils -- credits to a snowball fight with Mingyu.

Mingyu pouts, yet again making Wonwoo feel guilty about denying his innocent request. Well, easy for Mingyu to ask - he hadn't been the one with a frozen nose stuffed with snow.

Wonwoo should have bothered to check it beforehand, or at least noticed the clouds slowly covering the sun as him and Mingyu kept walking aimlessly. Before he knew it, it began raining, hard, much to Wonwoo's horror. He'd never dealt with the cold well.

Mingyu looks at the boy beside him, seeming stumped for a split second, until he shrugs his jacket off and covers Wonwoo and himself to his best ability. Wonwoo suggests running to a nearby shelter or just any store to get away from the rain, until it stops. The poor boy shivers uncontrollably now because of the rain, and Mingyu thinks it's best to do what the older said.

And so they break out in a sprint, avoiding any puddles for no particular reason, and they're soon standing under a bus shelter adjacent to an empty convenience store.

"Baby, I think we should go inside, you're shivering,"

Wonwoo can't bring himself to reply without a quiver, and he settles with a sharp nod, as Mingyu leads him inside the store. Wonwoo slumps onto a chair, wrapping his coat tightly around himself, in hopes it does it's job better.

Unfortunately, it doesn't, which Mingyu catches on to quite easily. So instead of sitting across the trembling boy, he moves his chair beside Wonwoo, and hugs him tightly from the side, rubbing up and down on his arm.

He panics slightly when he sees Wonwoo still shivering after a while. Racking his brain for a few seconds, Mingyu finally decides it's best if he pulls Wonwoo into his lap, so he could engulf him better.

That's what he does, as he presses continuous kisses on the older's cheeks and lips. Wonwoo's shivers do go down after several minutes, yet Mingyu doesn't stop hugging him, neither does he let him off his lap.

"I should have gotten a proper jacket..." Mumbles Wonwoo, as he tiredly rests his head on Mingyu's shoulder.

"Yeah, but you don't like to listen to me."

Wonwoo chuckles at the snarky remark, wrapping his arms around the younger boy's neck for all the warmth he could get.


I was borderline out of it while writing this, I'm so sorry-

merry christmas, meanieWhere stories live. Discover now