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Still in a daze, Wonwoo returns back to the Christmas tree, after checking the time as Mingyu mentioned.

Wonwoo really doesn't understand what Jieun meant, maybe she said it on a whim, without knowing what it sounded like. Or maybe that's just Wonwoo not being able to accept the fact that her words did leave a lasting impact on him; he just doesn't know how to absorb it.

He's interrupted by Jieun tugging at his sweater sleeve. "Ji?"

"What's my present?" Her eyes are wide and excited, as she cutely grins up at Wonwoo. He almost gives it away looking at her adorable eyes, but he holds himself back. Especially when he knows Jieun absolutely loves cosy onesies, he doesn't want her excitement to die just yet.

"Patience, Ji, there's just a few hours until you get to open your presents." He says instead, when Jieun pouts at him, dramatically turning her head away. When did she get so sassy? It's probably the time she's with Mingyu back at the apartment.

"Aw, Ji, don't be this way. You need to be patient, it's a good thing to be patient."

"It is?"

"Yep, it's the best."

"Okay then. I'll wait."

"That's my girl." Wonwoo waves a fist to encourage her.

The duo soon arrive near Mingyu, who's getting ready to leave, since there's barely anyone around. He's done with his thing, and he spots Wonwoo and Jieun, waving comically at them. "I'll be back," He says, and moves somewhere Wonwoo doesn't know.

He comes back, offering a hand for Wonwoo to take, to the which the latter shyly obliges, still not used to this. Jieun wants Mingyu to pick her up, but Mingyu has to sadly deny, saying he has to get the bicycle on the way too.

"Gyu, you dumbass, why did you ride the fucking bike all the way here?"

"First of all, your daughter is right here with us, so I think you should mind what you teach her, and to answer your question, I didn't have another option."

"A cab, Mingyu, a cab."

"Oh, right," Mingyu rubs the back of his neck foolishly.

"What am I gonna do with you, Gyu?"

"Give me a kiss, maybe? You do that best." Mingyu winks cheekily at Wonwoo, while Jieun confusedly watches between them both. "Mingyu, no." Wonwoo speaks through gritted teeth.

"What's wrong with a kiss?" Jieun interrupts, not understanding what it means to Wonwoo. Mingyu answers for her. "Nothing, Ji, your Daddy here is just a wimp." He teases, dramatically holding a palm over his chest as he pretends to be deeply hurt.

"Daddy, don't be mean to GyuGyu," Jieun crosses her arms at Wonwoo - who's absolutely done with Mingyu and his own daughter ganging up against him.

"Yes Daddy, don't be mean to me," Mingyu repeats, a knowing look on his face. Oh well, that does something to Wonwoo, and the latter knows Mingyu is fully aware of what he did saying that to him.

"Mingyu, shut up." That makes Mingyu laugh, as Jieun giggles, completely oblivious to why he's laughing.

As Wonwoo and Mingyu lay in bed at night, the younger tells Wonwoo, like always, what all he did and saw today. Right now, Mingyu's telling him about a really bratty kid throwing a tantrum in front of everyone, and how Mingyu wanted to just throw the kid out of a window. "He was SO annoying, I swear! And the fact that the parents literally don't care about their shitty child, and keep pampering him anyway, IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!" He yells, accidentally elbowing Wonwoo in his stomach. Wonwoo grunts, as Mingyu apologises over and over again, and rubs the older's stomach to ease the pain.

"Shit, I'm so sorry,"

Wonwoo chuckles. "No, it's alright, it's cute to see you so invested."

Mingyu freezes. "Wait, did you just call me cute?"

"Forget I said anything."

"But I like it. Call me that more often."


Mingyu swiftly leans upwards from Wonwoo's lap, leaving a short kiss on his lips, and returns to ranting to him more about his day. Gods, Wonwoo doesn't think he's ever going to get used to Mingyu being this affectionate, because whenever he does, his heart flutters uncontrollably, and thanks to his shitty luck, Mingyu always notices.

Mingyu's words soon begin to slur, as he slowly drifts off too sleep. Wonwoo doesn't let him sleep just yet, he wants to talk a bit more, although he can never get enough of talking to the boy.



"Why did you even choose to do it at the mall today?

"Nothing, I just wanted you to have something else to think about, brighten your mood, you know. Since you've been down lately. Plus, it was partially for Jieun too, but it clearly didn't turn out the way I wanted it to." Mingyu chuckles.

Wonwoo's at a loss of words. "You did that... for me? For me?"

"Why not? I love you so much, and I've just realised that, after all these years. Isn't that funny? That day we arrived here, and I said all that at night, I thought it was just a crush or something, but now I'm sure it's definitely something more than that."

"Mingyu, I- don't know what to say."

"You don't have to. I just told what you wanted an answer for." Mingyu smiles sweetly up at him, tickling Wonwoo's thigh a bit.

"Mingyu, I-"

Mingyu lifts his head from Wonwoo's lap, and sits up beside him. He stares at the older for a while. He leans in silently, leaving a chaste kiss on Wonwoo's lips. "Good night." He affectionately pats his cheek, and lies back on the bed, eyes shutting close the moment his back hits the mattress.

merry christmas, meanieWhere stories live. Discover now