Making up

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"Wonwoo?" Mingyu's voice rings from the kitchen the next morning, after he hears lazy footsteps coming from the bedroom. He gets a tired hum in reply, as a drowsy Wonwoo steps into the kitchen - where Mingyu's busy cooking up breakfast. The latter remains silent for a few moments, making Wonwoo question him. "You called?"

"I did."

Without saying anything more, Mingyu swiftly comes and stands in front of a confused Wonwoo - who eyed Mingyu suspiciously. "What's wrong?" Not having spoken anything yet, Mingyu pulls Wonwoo into a bone-crushing hug, knocking the air out of the latter. "Mingyu..?"

"Shut the fuck up for a while, Wonwoo." There's no venom in Mingyu's voice.


Mingyu continues squeezing Wonwoo, making his breath hitch for a second, until he groans something undecipherable. Mingyu finally loosens his grip, to Wonwoo's relief as he inhales deeply - to which Mingyu chuckles. With one last peck on the older's cheek, Mingyu lets him escape from his grip. Wonwoo still stands dumfounded by the sudden events, wondering what the fuck just happened. Mingyu clears his perplexity just then.

"I know the past few weeks have been difficult, for whatever reason whatsoever, and I'm so sorry for being so intrusive and pissed last night. But I'm letting you know once again, I'm here whenever you need me, so please don't hesitate, okay? I really want to spend the holidays to our best, so get packing, we're leaving tomorrow." Mingyu finishes in one breathe, while the words still take a few seconds settling onto Wonwoo.

He soon breaks into a genuine, grateful smile, endeared yet again by how understanding Mingyu is, apologising for something he shouldn't be. "Thank you Mingyu, and trust me, there's a lot I want to say, but I'm too frustrated at myself most of the times to voice it out loud, but don't ever think I'm purposely pushing you away."

"I know," Wonwoo wonders how the fuck Mingyu knows.

Breakfast goes by in a whirl of catching up, though they live together, and the atmosphere more or less returns to being the way it used to.

"But why am I supposed to pack today if we're leaving tomorrow?" Questions Wonwoo, back turned to Mingyu, while he did the dishes, with Mingyu cleaning the kitchen island.

"Because, for one, I know you'll be packing stuff until the last moment, and you need to pack Jieun's things too."


Mingyu chuckles, binning the paper towels, ruffling Wonwoo's ridiculous hair right away. "You're gonna ruin them even more. I swear even a wide-toothed hairbrush doesn't do the job anymore." Wonwoo grumbles as he peels the too-bright pink gloves off of his hands, done with washing the dishes. "Try using your fingers to untangle your hair then. That's the only option you have, or just get a fucking haircut, from a salon, instead of spending sixty fucking minutes in the bathroom to chop off a quarter of an inch from those locks." Mingyu teases, to which Wonwoo rolls his eyes and punches Mingyu on the shoulder. "Shut up."

The next few hours are way too problematic for Wonwoo's liking, and it's solely Mingyu's fault.

"Mingyu, you little shit, I'm never packing your stuff again, nor letting Ji be with you anymore. I'm making sure she doesn't get the bad habit of letting other people do stuff for her, while she can perfectly do it herself." Wonwoo whines in pain, sat in the midst of a lot of unnecessary items sprawled all over the room, with his and Mingyu's suitcases wide open right in front of him. The fact that they're empty makes Wonwoo groan in annoyance at the task that Mingyu just dumped on him a while ago.

"It's not a big deal Wonwoo, I'm sure you'll do great! Fighting!" Mingyu mock cheers from the living room, much to Wonwoo's irritation. "You're so fucking dead, Kim Mingyu..." Wonwoo mutters, as he continues mentally short-listing the stuff he should be packing.

A while later, Wonwoo runs across yet another problem. "Mingyu, I need you to get your ass here, right now, I'm in a crisis."

Surprisingly without retaliating, Mingyu reaches into the room, Jieun giggling in glee on his shoulders. "What the fuck Wonwoo." Mingyu looks around the mess in the room. "What do you mean, you dumbass. It's a task packing stuff for a fucking week." Wonwoo shrugs, clearly unaware of the judgmental look he was getting from the younger boy.

Too lazy to take on the task by himself, Mingyu lets Wonwoo handle it. Of course, after solving the latter's 'problem'. Turns out, all Wonwoo needed was an extra suitcase to fit all of Jieun's things. How the amount of Jieun's items increased just in a year, neither Wonwoo nor Mingyu understand.

"You could have just reached out a bit and grabbed it from under your bed Wonwoo," Mingyu rolls his eyes, earning his second punch to the shoulder of the day. "Consider yourself lucky, Kim Mingyu," Wonwoo spits, and returns to dramatically groaning and packing their belongings.

Mingyu amusedly watches the proceedings from the doorframe, letting out a few hoots and mocks every once in a while, just for the sake of annoying the older boy suffering in the centre of all the chaos.

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