ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEE 26 {Yᗩᖇᗪ ᔕᗩᒪE}🚪

554 28 4

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

I didn't sleep to well last night, with everything that happened with Woody and knowing that he must be feeling so disappointed and weak at the moment. My mind was churning trying to think of a way to help him and get him down from the shelf. It's extremely quite in Andy's room this morning. Some toys having a sleep in, Mr potato head and Mrs potato are reading a book together and others are quietly chatting.

I'm sitting next to Buzz on Andy's bed brushing through my hair as we talk occasionally, that was until we heard a scream.

We both look up to the shelf where Woody was placed to see him head up looking annoyed and then chucking his arm to the side.

"Oh, must of been a bad dream" I say observing him chucking his arm to the side.

"He's been having the occasional dream lately hasn't he" Buzz comments.

He's right, Woody has had a couple of not wonderful sounding dreams lately. He doesn't talk about them though, he always claims that he is fine, I don't think he is.

"Do you think he's ok?" Even though I have known Woody longer, Buzz knows him just as well, maybe even better.

Those two are the closest of buds, you would never of though those two originally clashed heads.

"I'm sure he'll get over it soon enough, do you know what could be causing his discomfort?"

"I have a feeling it's to do with Bo" I think out loud.

"And why would that be" Buzz looks over at me, look almost surprised I gave him answer.

"She spoke to me about a month ago now explaining how she talked to Woody about her being given away."

"Really? Why does she think she's being given away? I though Molly still adores her"

"Oh she does, 100%, I think that Bo is just getting ahead of herself and warning Woody of the event that might possibly happen in a few years"

"Right-" Buzz is cut off by Woody.

"YARD SALE!" He cries out from the top shelf. I jump a bit from the sound of his voice and Buzz shoots up.

"Guys! Wake up, wake up! There's a yard sale outside!"

A couple of toys including Slink pop out from under the bed and a couple pop up from the toy box.

"Yard sale?" Buzz looks a me.

I jump to action, "Sarge! Emergency roll call!" I know that everyone is here, Andy's mom hasn't picked any of us out yet but Woody says it's "mandatory".

"Miss, yes Miss! RED ALERT! ALL CIVILIANS FALL INTO POSITIONS NOW! SINGLE FILE! LETS MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" Sarge orders the room from the tub that sits on top of the dresser.

Everyone dashes into the order that was organised years ago. Buzz starts at the end of the line and calls each toys name on the roll checking everyone is safe and in check. While he does this I check the room for any last lingering toys who haven't heard the recent events, are hiding or even I've found a few ditching on occasion. While I search I can hear the nervous chatter.



"Potato head, Mr and Mrs?"

"Here" the two potato heads are clutching each other. I'm really glad potato head found himself a lady.

He's chilled out a lot. He's not longer out silently for Woody's neck, I mean yeah he's still got his comment but their more dark 'humourish' I guess now.

"Troikas? Check, check, check, check, check" Buzz ticks them off as they pop out of each other. That sound weird-

"I hate yard sales" Rex mutters out as Buzz reaches Slink.


"Ah someone's coming!" Rex cuts Buzz off causing everyone including me to run off to our spots.

I was looking in the toy box and I should of just climbed on top of it and ran across the bed. But being in a rush, I stupidly got out of the box, jump down to the floor and ran around. The footsteps have made it to the door, I see the handle turning and I haven't made it up to the bed yet.

I drop down next to slinky and Andy's mom walks in with a box that has 25 cents written in black marker.

( I thought of something funnier than 24, let me hear it, 25)

Andy's mom wonders straight over to where I lay. She brushes past me as we picks up a rusted old car, she wonders over to where Rex was and my heart jumps as she picks him up before placing him aside.

She takes the old puzzle Rec was standing on, an old stacking set from the top shelf, as well as a book and lastly something else that I couldn't quite see. I think it was that magic 8 ball but I'm not sure.

Then leaves back to the yard sale outside.

Everybody starts to rise back and go about our business. From above I hear a raspberry like sound before a sharp whistle fills the room.

I look up to see Woody preparing to get down.

Buster runs into the room looking around for Woody who called him.

He looks up at the sound of Woody getting his attention. "Hey Buster! Up here! No, no, no, no, no, No!"

Woody looses his grip on the sled and falls down to the floor. I start to run over, am I going to make it to save his fall? Probably not, but it's the though that counts right? Woody plummeted to the floor but was save by falling into Busters back So I didn't need to play hero.

Woody sits up on Buster like he's a horse and says to him "ok boy"

Wait- no! He's got a broken arm! It's not safe for him to leave, and if he has to go, I'm going with him.

"Woody hold up! Your not fit to go anywhere with your arm in that state-" I cry out dashing a few steps towards him.

Woody looks at me still getting his balance. The others are now starting to head towards the scene.

"Y/n, I have to do this alone." Woody then says to Buster "To the yard sale. Hyah!"

Buster starts to dash out the door while I growl behind "WOODY!"

Rex comes out of no where and rushes to my side. Dramatically he yells out to Woody too. "DON'T DO IT WOOODY! WE LOVE YOU!"

'Yeah, what he said.'

Please feel free to vote and comment as it really helps out my book! 🏥

Words: 1130

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