ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 47 {ᗯᗩᒪK ᗯITᕼ ᗰE} 🔋

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Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

"Oh Y/n, can I pull you to the side for a moment?" Bo calls out from the doorway of Andy's room. I look over to her at the sound of my name and a smile appears on my face at the sight of her looking hopefully at me.

I feel like I've been consistently busy these past few days, not because of a special occasion like a birthday or Christmas, but because almost every toy has had either a malfunction or issue lately. For example the potato heads had a fight just the other day about the aliens, one of them was sick of the aliens being all over them and the other was accusing them of being ungrateful. And just yesterday, Slinky and some of the trolikas got caught in a tangle that took too long to fix.

Between Woody, Buzz and myself, we've been able to keep up with assisting the toys and each other but I feel like I haven't caught a break. And on top of that Buzz and I have decided to see each other, which excites me so much but I just don't have enough time and energy to give to Buzz, everyone else, and myself. But I think talking to Bo is a good chance to step back for a few minutes. And I always make time for Bo, it won't hurt to chat to her for a bit.

"Of course, I'll meet you in just a moment" I call to her before ushering Buzz over. He walks over looking just as exhausted as I probably look. "I'll be back in just a moment" I hand him the brush that I was using to brush the trolls hair, why they couldn't do it themselves, I don't know but it's not my problem anymore. Running off I call out to him "I'll be back in a moment, you've got the skills to handle this." He gives an irritated groan that sounded slight embarrassed. So he does remember.. interesting.

Join with Bo she simply says "walk with me"

We slowly start make our way down the hall to Molly's room as I question "so what's up?"

She looks to me with a pained expression which makes my smile drop. What could have happened, what could this be about? "Y/n, ya know, I have been here more quite a while now, and Molly is starting to grow up a little more everyday." Bo starts smiling to herself a proud smile.

"Well yeah, I get that I remember when she was still just in her cot, to walking to now chatting away." I respond to her statement, I don't fully know where she is going with this yet.

"And with her motor skills and speech improving, and her getting tall and older also comes with her interest and loves changing.." Bo continues looking to me who is looking at her cautiously. Choosing to continue listening before jumping to conclusions I give her a nod implying I'm listening. "And we'll, Molly is, outgrowing my lamp and myself. I feel that my time here is running short". Looking down, for one of the first time... I think ever, Bo is showing she's actually worried and feeling sorry for herself.

"Oh Bo, I-" what do I say? "but she adores you, haven't you seen the way she gazes at you?" I say my heart melting in a not so happy way.

"I have a gut feeling Y/n, I heard the conversations between her and her mother. It's coming, I don't think she's ready to give me up quite yet but, I just needed to speak about this feeling, I haven't told anyone else yet, I didn't know how to approach the topic. but with you.."

We stop walking in our tracks, at the slightly open door of Molly's room. Bo looks up at me, her eyes extra glossy, her brows frowned, her lip basically quivering and a pained and nervous expression gracing itself across her features. Just the sight of her so vulnerable makes me shatter on the inside. Normally she's this confident, sweet, gracious and positive soul waltzing around, but this evening, she's a nervous, hurt, timid figure.

Pulling her into a tight hug, I wrap my arms around her tightly and protectively. Normally, I'm the one who's going to her because I'm overwhelmed, sad or need someone to speak with. She too runs a room, Molly's room is often more calm that Andy's, except for the occasional squabble or miscommunication, it's often minor, I've only ever had to step in two times.

And for the tables to turn suddenly, and her needing the reassurance and the ear to listen to, it's hard watching. She's often so content and level headed, she holds herself well. And shoes often pretty open, but for this to be eating away at her and to worry her so much that she shuts it to herself to not even to...Woody, I just don't even know what to say.

I have no idea what to do for her, I mean if she were to be given away by Molly we can exactly hide her in the David's household, she's not one of Andy's toys and, it's really not us toys who decide each others fates.

All that I can do right now it be there for her. "Is there anything that I can do for you right now?" I question, there has to be something that will make her feel better. She gently pull backwards from our hug and I can see her mind thinking.

She looks up at me as I hold her hands gently between us. "Could you possibly fetch Woody for me?" She requests and I can see in her eyes that she needs his comfort. It's a type of comfort I can't give and I completely understand that, I haven't been able to receive it... ever until just recently.

"Of course I can, I'll see you later. If you need anything I'll just be across the hall." I say already heading out the door and rushing to grab the stressed cowboy.

"Woody!" I dash into the room spotting the cowboy who's currently occupied helping Mr. Spell change his batteries.

"Y/n, what's wrong? You sound off.." Woody looks up, still quite distracted with assisting the toy.

"I'm okay, but Bo is a bit down, she's ask for me to fetch you" I say heading straight to him and grabbing a battery to start taking over.

His face drops instantly from focused to fear. "What wrong with her?" He questions pausing his task to directly face me "I thought you were just with her? Did something happen-"

"Woody, she just needs a bit of comfort. Just go be with her, Buzz and I can handle the room" I say a small smile graces my face at the worry he has for her. He always did care so much, but even though I have Buzz now, I can't help but still feel sad. He has no ideas what is about to hit him. He means so much to me and indeed the day that his world will crumble.

Woody briefly looks over to Buzz who's eagerly brushing through a couple of the Barbie's hair, the troll doll must have got the word out. Maybe I should visit hairdresser Buzz?

"Alright, I trust you deputy." And with that Woody leaves the room to find Bo.

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Words: 1262

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