ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 62 {ᒪE ᖴᖇEᗩK OᑌT}💐

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I promise you Spanish Buzz is almost here, just not today 😭 next chapter! In 3 days, I'm so pumped 🥳

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

The evening rolls around once again and the plan to escape Sunnyside and return back to Andy is starting. Outside a bright light flashes past the window, briefly lighting up the dark room.

"Springy dog." Ken walks around the 'cells' and ticking us off on his roll call.

Slinky blandly replies "Present."

"Green guys." Ken continues, a dressing gown hanging over his figure.

They simply squeak.




Bullseye whinnies out.

"Piggy bank."


(I love Hamm, if I could adapt anyone's personality, I'd be him)


I sigh, doll really? "Yep"


Looking up, Woody peaks through the ceiling tiles, waiting for the first step of the plan.


"Barbie." That sounded a little strained, what was that about?


"Potato Head." Silence. "Potato Head" Ken repeats himself. Again no answer. Buzz looks over at his 'cell'. The potato in question seems to be asleep, back facing the rest of the room.

Buzz stomps over, agitated, shaking the crate "Hey, hey! Tuberous root-man! Wake up!" 'Potatohead', rolls over hitting the front of the cage revealing to simply be a potato plucked fresh from the garden earlier. "Impossible!" Rattling sand frantic shuffles drags Buzz and Kens attention to across the room. The actual Mr potato head is seen tugging at the child proof lock on a window in the far corner. "Hey!" Buzz sprints towards the spud, Ken and big baby hot on his heels.

Mr Potato Head stops his fiddling with the lock with a gasp, hopping a from his lifted surface of board games, down the cabinet and across the tiny toy piano. Dashing towards the bathroom door the connects to butterfly room Mr potato head bangs on it a couple of times, as a last get away attempt before cowering at the sight of the three member of Lotso's gang now cornering him in. Drawing my attention from the spud and his task, lifting my sight up to the ceiling I spot Woody preparing the next step, a straw in his hand pulling the line of kids artwork up into his grasp.

"A little late for a stroll, eh, Potato Head?" Ken questions Pottao head, now all on the far side of the room.

Mr. Potato Head snarks back, Pointing a finger "That's Mr. Potato Head to you, smoothie." Slinky takes out que, quietly slipping out of his 'cell', my turn. Eyeing the security camera before also skidding out the slightly ajar crate I join Slink in the middle of the floor waiting for the cowboy to drop from the sky. Hurling a netted bag of marbles over his shoulder, Woody quickly drops to the floor where I sling my arms tightly around his shoulders, and he scoops up slinky. Leaving the bag of marbles on the floor, we fly up to rest on the light completely unnoticed.

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