ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 68 {TIᗰE TO ᖇEᔕT}❤️‍🔥

461 18 9

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

The heat is intense, harsh and overpowering against my plastic skin. Together as a trembling group we scramble, clawing at the bits of debris bellow us, trying to get away from out doom. All I can hear is the panicked breathing of my friends, their whimpers sound so scared and tired as they all try their hardest to pull themselves out of this situation.

As I'm crawling, Rex slides past, crying out, unable to stop himself with his short arms and tall body. Woody goes after him, trying to clutch his arm "Rex!"

"Careful! Careful!" I call out as the cowboy slips too, eyeing the fiery fear. The furnace is so hot and angry, along with the burning debris, I feel as though it's quickly searing our hope away too.

"Alright, okay. Buzz, come on! We have to get everyone out of here" I pants out, finding a burst of fearful adrenaline pushing me to keep crawling. While next to me the space ranger seems to have slowed down his fight, there's not time right now for rests. It's hard to breath and stay calm, and I feel that I need to in order to keep the others calm. Or as calm as possible. Woody and I have to get everyone to safety which is back home to Andy, all in one piece.

But not everyone is following the same attitude of head down keep pushing, Jessie seems to have lost all hope. She lets out a gasping sob before her voice cries out to the group "What do we do?"

Looking up, I see the worried cowgirl's wide eyes and the horror graced over them. The reflection the the dangerous flames flicker over what are usually her bright and lively green irises. What are we to do? Is there anything we can do?

I watch Buzz as his eyes flash a look of deep thought and coming to a quick decision. I watch silently as I keep struggling against the gradual decline of the churned up garbage. Buzz reaches ur and scoops his hand under her forearm, clutching it and sending a message that I don't agree with. The look in Jessie's eyes is of disbelief, absolute heartache before her eyebrows drop and she turns to Bullseye. She reaches out to the panicked horse just like Buzz did, on firm hand on one of his rustling hooves all movement calming down.


Shoving my head back down, once again solely focused on climbing out of here I igorning what is happening in front of me. This isn't how it ends, I will not settle. I have worked so hard, my friends have pushed on to much for this to end. I won't accept this! My arms tug, legs dig into the pit of nothing and I push and crawl, scrambling to make no progress at all. The more I move the more it feel pointless, the space between the ditch we fell from gets smaller and more out of reach. It's like chasing after hope itself. My movements feel harsher, harder and slower. The more I push myself the more my body struggles to keep up. It feel like it's giving up on me. My hip aches, the heat overwhelms and the feel of Buzz's hand delicately laying on my back rips my heart two.

The look in his eyes destroys me. He knows, and he knows that I know, yet won't give in. We have been through so much together. He's gotten me through so much, someone to turn to, someone to support me, someone who would fight and push on beside me. But most importantly, someone to love, and here we are.

I look to my left, the Sheriff still fighting and he raises his head to check if we are still too. The fire's heat reflecting in his eyes. He looks at me, and then over to Buzz.

Buzz moves his hand letting go of Jessie's and helps flip me around and pulling me tight into his chest. Jessie reaches out to me and I hold her hand so tightly. I've let her down, I've let everyone down. We couldn't protect them. But now I'm our final moment together, I will not let Jessie go.

On the other side of Buzz, I see the realisation hit Woody. There really is no way out. Woody and I share a grim look before our leader turns to Buzz Lightyear. He reaches out a stretched and welcoming glossy hand. Their grips clasping onto each others wrists and firmly holding onto each other. Buzz's tightly holds me, his arm and palm pressed flat over my hip while Woody opens his other arm and grabs Slinky's free paw. Now we all wait, together, hand in hand.

The fire to terrorising, fuming, growing larger and more intense every inch we grow closer to it. This really is it.

Buzz meets my eyes, sorrow, ache, sorrow and maybe a little bit of regret all flashing over his face as he searches mine, thinking like ticking clockwork.He hold me so tight. Dropping his forehead to him, eyes tight shut. Following his actions I close my own, the burning feeling of needing to break down threatening in the back of my throat. And that's when he speaks. "This is the end of our journey Y/n." Buzz utters out, a unfamiliar quiver of despair hinting behind his mutter that would always fluster me "You did everything you could. Now, it's time to rest
my starlight." Nothing on this earth has ever mattered more. Nothing has ever made me this heartbroken. Nothing has ever tore me apart more than the love I feel right now. And nothing has hurt more than the fact that it's because it's the end. But we're together. Buzz's voice graces my ear one last time.

"I love you Y/n".

"I love you my space ranger".

My last string of strength crumbles and quietly sob out the small gathering of words. As we embrace each other, trying to ease the emotion pain of what we have built up, which we've tried to protect as it all comes crashing down. Together. An intense light shines above us, is this what the end is like? Is it really a bright light that takes over your body? As long as I'm taken with Buzz. Peeking up to catch a glimpse of this end I see and hazy shape within the blue smog. A claw rushes down and grabs a hunk of rubbish, pulling us up and to safety from the fire. An instant rush of cool air graces us as the metal pulls us away from the fire. We soar upwards and jolt when we are stopped in-front of a window. The three aliens sit there. I didn't realises that miracles were real.

"The claw!" The claw moves again as they wave as the guide us away.

Buzz looks away from the roaring fire and smiles at me, letting go a breath of relief. I let myself drop into his chest, hugging him tightly. This time, not out of fear, or pain, or heartache, but out of happiness, relief and love. It's going to be okay, we're all going to be okay. The claw lowers into a docking station, where the claw opens and drops the remaining churned up rubbish, as we all gently slide down. Sighs and groans sound around of tiredness and rush of emotions, recovering from the fear we had just moment before.

When the clump of trash settles, Buzz and I's grips of each other soften and I let myself relax, laying down what I thought was going to be our final resting place with a dramatic sigh. Buzz cracks a smile at me. Off to the side I hear Mr potato head comment "You know all that bad stuff I said about Andy's attic? I take it all back."

"You're darn tootin'" Slinky agrees with him.

"You said it." Hamm sides as well.

I prepare to get up and do a headcount but something holds me back. A glossy hand that once protected me from the shenanigans of Sip Phillips and now hasn't let go after we were almost melted within a burning flame. My fingers are still intertwined with Buzz's and I gaze at Mr Lightyear for a moment. That is before catching Woody looking at us with a smug knowing smirk plaster over his face.

"Oh, darling. You were so brave." Mrs potato head praises her husband as the aliens show up "You saved our lives."

"And we are eternally grateful, My boys!" Mr. Potato Head comments, picking up the aliens and hugging them tightly.


I can't believe that they got us out of that alive.

"Hey, where's that furball Lotso?" Hamm questions looking around

"Yeah. I'd like to loosen his stitchin'." Slinky walks out of the the churned up trash.

I help Rex up and out of the trash pieces as Woody dusts himself off, looking out at the daylight that is now being he real deal, peaking over the horizon. "Forget it, guys. He's not worth it." I just hope that I never see that sickly sweet smelling bear again.

We can breath again :)

Please feel free to vote and comment as it really helps my book! ❤️

Words: 1560

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