ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 66 {I'ᗰ ᔕO ᔕOᖇᖇY} 🚛

479 22 9

Spanish Buzz! Spanish Buzz! Spanish Buzz!

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

Recovering from our crash landing now inside the old rusty bin I hear everyone's voices echo across the metal walls and thin strips of light rush past every few seconds as streetlights pass by. "Can you hear me? Is everyone okay?" Woody calls out, where is everyone and What do we even do next?

"Of course not, you imbecile! We're doomed!" Mr potato head snaps sounding very stressed but I can't see him anywhere near.

I pull myself up from the bags I was wedged between and try to find my way through the rubbish and trash at the sound of Woody calling out to everyone. "Everyone, go to Buzz. Come on." I struggle to find my way through the garbage truck but not matter how far I move I can not find any of my friends. It's like an infinite space of trash that I can't find my way through, it's torturous with my friends voices sounding so close yet I can't find them. "We all here? Slinky? Rex? Y/n are you near by?"

"I'm over here! Where are you guys?" I keep shoving my way through the garbage as the truck haults to a stop as I tumble into a small space, getting wedged between a few trash bags.

Seeing the space above grow darker makes me worried and the dead rushes over me as the giant tin bin rises above. With this new panic running through by body I start fighting and quickly, trying to find a way out. I need to find my friends, or I might get stuck or worse.

Scurrying to my feet I start bolting as best I can, fighting against the uneven surface of rubbish below us to get away from any falling debris from the tipping bin above. But lucky me, a bad hits me and pushes me down onto a gap below. No, don't do this to me...

"Against the wall, everybody. Quick!" Woody ushers out, worry evident in his voice. What if I never see my friends again? "Y/n, where are you? Wave your arms we can't see you!"

I try to claw my legs out, and wave my hand above my head, but the pressure is building and forcing me down as more trash tumbles from the tipping bin. My breathing deepens and my worry skyrockets, I can't get out. The more I panic the more my mind overthink and my control disappears, I can't get out, I'm stuck!

"Señorita! Liz de las estellas ! ¿Dónde estás?"


I have no idea what he's saying but it's panicked, is he looking for me? Stopping my now crazed attempt to free myself I look around to see if Buzz is anywhere near by but I don't see anything or his green glow.

"Buzz? Buzz please help!" I practically sob to him my voice quivering with stress and fear. I try to keep wriggling, trying to free myself from the quickly growing amount of trash and rubbish that is being littered from the sky.

"Luz de las estrellas!" Buzz cries out between the clashing and bashing of the tin walls of the truck. I hear Buzz moving around, at least I think it's him, there's so much movement around me happening an non of it is coming from myself. I try to keep my breathing under control but I find it difficult while basically being buried alive and with no control as a tin box falls onto me and everything darkens.

"Buzz?" I cry out as I hear bin bags move, tires hit the ground and pieces of glass shatter as my hope starts to sink. Time is running out and I'm nervous that I'm not going to be found by Buzz in time. A clash of tin rings out loudly above and a green glow rushes into my vision. My knight in glowing green! "Buzz!" I whisper so glad to see his face but so overwhelmed.

Buzz reaches his hand out and grabs mine firmly as soon as it was raised even the slightest. With a strong tug Buzz pulls me out from the wedged space, with all this sudden movement I stumble around, tripping over my own feet and the uneven surface below. Buzz swoops me close to him to hook his arm around my back and under my knees holding me close and tight to his chest.

"They'll never make it!" Hamm's voice echos out through all the clutter and falling litter sounds, but now that I was found by Buzz, I have a little hope again.

I hold on so tight to Buzz's shoulder as he ducks around and runs through the increasing garbage skilfully. I feel my heart pound in my ears while trying to stay as small and compacted as possible in Buzz's arms to just try and help him manoeuvre through the trash maze with as mush ease as possible. He's quick nimble and calculated all while appearing so calm and controlled, it's so flattering. Finally I see my friends, gather beside the wall. Gazing up to look at Buzz I swear that the moment slows the streetlights outside cast a light from behind Buzz and I can't help but feel absolutely love struck while Buzz looks down at me. If it weren't for him I would have been one with the rubbish, I can not believe that tonight has lead us here. Our moment of weakness for each other is short. The light behind Buzz darkens.

"Look out!" Mrs potato head warns, the large shadow looming, a big box television dangling on the edge of the tipping bin. Buzz gasps deeply, ditching me far from him and the falling death trap. I crash to a landing and turn my head to watch in horror as it plummets down right on top of Buzz.

"Buzz!" I holler at the sigh a large heavy object smashing over Buzz. I scamper to my feet and throw myself at the television, cleaning my fingers u der earth and trying to find the space ranger. My friends quickly join me and together we pull upwards creating a gap big enough to see under. I feel my throat claw with threatening sadness trying to spill out of me. The anticipation not knowing Buzz's fate is eating my thoughts up and the panicked breathing returns.

"Anyone see him?" Asks Woody who's dropped by my feet to look.

"Over here, y'all. I found him." Slinky answers quickly spotting him.

Woody and I drag Buzz's lifeless body out from under the television. Shattered glass clinking and dropping off of his chest. "Buzz, you okay?" I drop immediately by his side and click the button to open his opening helmet. The space is dark and is gently lit with the soft green glow of Buzz. "Buzz. Don't do this to me Buzz!" I feel my throat tighten and try to keep the emotions back while shaking Buzz's silent and motionless body. I feel my friends gather around, grimly watching the space ranger. "Please Buzz!" I fail to keep back a sharp sob before my voice falters into a breathy plea "Buzz..."

I trace my thumbs over the space ranger's cheeks, feeling the smooth plastic and seeing the light blush that we on them. His expression shows no signs of pain or grief, it's just like he's just empty inside, soulless. Is so tragic, it's miserable. Did I just loose our friend, our space ranger and my other half to my clumsy inability to save myself. Buzz sacrificed himself to save me. I wish it didn't have to come to this. All those years of trying to protect my friends all coming down to this. Failing the toy who I love. He was always so strong for our friends and I, I wish I could have been strong for him, I wish I wasn't the cause of his demise. What am I going to do without him? I feel a few hands rest on my back, this is the end of Buzz. He's gone. I let my head rest on Buzz chest, as I hold Buzz's cheeks in my hands. The guilt and sadness out pouring out and quietly sobbing and hugging poor Buzz tight and close.

"I'm so sorry Buzz."

Sorry that was a sad way to end the chapter...

Please feel free to vote and comment as it really helps out my book! 🔑

Words: 1400

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