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So far Camilla's sixth year was going terribly

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So far Camilla's sixth year was going terribly.

On Monday mornings she had double potions in the dungeons, Sirius Black had so far attempted to flirt with her every day since she arrived, Bernard her owl had decided to take a royal shit on her favourite pink jumper and she had to share her quidditch captaincy with James Potter.

What could possibly be worse? She was quite literally in hell.

"I am in hell, literal hell"

"Stop feeling so sorry for yourself" Marlene laughed as the girls all sat in the common room in one of their only free periods on a Monday

"That's easy for you to say McKinnon, Your owl didn't just take a shit on your shoulder" She said with a sarcastic smile

Lily shook her head, "I can sympathise with you Cam. Potter has managed to take a seat beside me in transfiguration. I can't hear anything Professor McGonagall is saying over his arrogant jarring tones"

Mary laughed, "Lily we've noticed, I think the whole class noticed when James celebrated at the fact"

"It was awfully embarrassing" Alice agreed, pulling a face at the memory of the scene James had caused

"Can we please not mention that things name" Camilla said with a disgusted face, jokingly, but only partially.

The girls all looked to each-other in amusement once again.

Camilla had sworn James Potter to be the enemy and his name would not be muttered anywhere with a five metre radius of her.

"You're going to have to work with him sooner or later" Alice reasoned

"Yeah, everyone's hoping that we are going to win the Quidditch cup this year. It is about time" Mary agreed

"Oh trust me, we're winning the quidditch cup. But I would prefer to do so without said person getting in the way"

"I hope you know what you're doing cam" Marlene said from her side, "I am not getting embarrassed by that Ravenclaw beater again", she said crossing her arms over her chest.

Last year Marlene, James and Camilla had made up the attacking part of the team, the three chasers. All was going well until their previous captain, Richard Carter, who had just left Hogwarts, had switched their formation several minutes before the match, for the worse. It was safe to say it was an unfortunate mistake leading to a very humbling loss and a horribly broken arm in Marlene's case.

Camilla looked at her as if to say, really?

"Why do you have no faith in me marls? I adored Richard but he was an absolutely hopeless captain" Camilla said as Mary threw her a chocolate frog

"when are you planning try outs?" Mary asked, opening her own chocolate frog and popping it into her mouth.

Camilla sighed, "In a few days time, we still need to organise it. Try outs this year will be harder than ever. Theres already two places gone since theres... two captains"

She had to forced herself to say it out-loud. It didn't sound right coming from her mouth.

"Im wanting the best of the best, and I assume so will Potter. With two spaces down already it's going to be a gruelling try out"

Marlene groaned at the thought and the girls laughed, all except Lily, who was staring to the wall beside them.

The other girls followed her gaze to the notice board.

"cam... I think you should take a look at this"

Camilla pounded on the wooden door to the marauders dorm with her fist, and not waiting to be let inside, swung the door open.

She was raging.

The Gryffindor boys inside scrambled around attempting to try and hide the things they were all huddled around as the door hit the wall. Their faces were a picture and camilla would have laughed if she wasn't so angry. She dread to think what they were up to, probably some terribly applied prank which she had the unfortunate pleasure of witnessing sometime next week.

Recognising the familiar head of blonde hair and her irritated, angry face (which he had seen plenty of times before) Sirius sauntered forward with a smirk.

"Prewett, if you wanted to come into my dorm room all you had to do is ask" he teased walking towards her, "You didn't have to put a hole in the wall"

Camilla rolled her eyes and pushed past him, walking into the room, "oh just piss off Black"

Sirius barked a laughed and raised his hands in surrender as she stormed over to James ignoring the slightly concerned looked of Remus and the slightly scared look of Peter.

"What the hell is this?!" she said, holding the sheet of paper to his face.

James couldn't help but smirk, "well you see Prewett, that's a notice. The purpose of a notice is that it notifies fellow-"

"I know what a notice is Potter" she snapped, interrupting him.

She cleared her throat and read it aloud.

Gryffindor Quidditch team try outs!

Head down to the quidditch pitch at 4 o'clock Thursday, for your chance to be a Gryffindor team member and meet your new team captain James Potter.

(Any late arrivals will not be permitted to try out and all members will be give a broom to try out with upon arrival)

"Oh yeah" he hummed, "I meant to tell you, try outs are this Thursday. Hope to see you there prewett, You're the Second best player we've got"

Sirius and Peter looked amused and Camilla had noticed a slight smile on Remus' face. She guessed she would have to let him off.

Camilla rolled her eyes at James, "Talking like i'm not the captain doesn't make it not true Potter, as much as you wish it was the case" She pointed to her Captain badge that was pinned proudly on her school jumper, "next time, run it by the proper captain"

James just shrugged with mischief in his eyes, "co-captain" he corrected

Camilla gave him a glare and turned to face Remus and Peter, "sorry about this lads" she smiled sheepishly

Remus just laughed while Peter smiled back, "Don't be sorry, it was highly entertaining" said Remus

Camilla laughed shortly before walking to the door.

"And potter" she said, turning in the doorway to face them all, "I think you mean the best player on the team"

The four boys watched her go, all with amused faces.

"I told you she's scary when she's angry" Sirius said leaning back on his bed watching her figure disappear out of sight, "I love it"

"I can see why you enjoy pissing her off pads" James said, similarly smirking watching her leave, "You're right, it is fun"

"You do know that she will most likely kill both of you" Remus said rolling his eyes but entertained nonetheless

"perhaps, If Evans doesn't get to me first" James smirked back in response making Peter laugh

Camilla returned back to the common room agitated and re-pinned the notice to the board, making a few editing corrections.

...and meet your new team CO- captains James Potter and Camilla Prewett.

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