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Camilla and James had finally managed to decide on the rest of the team over breakfast in the great hall and the notice sheet would be displayed in the common room within a few days as promised

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Camilla and James had finally managed to decide on the rest of the team over breakfast in the great hall and the notice sheet would be displayed in the common room within a few days as promised.

Marlene had resumed her position as Chaser, McLaggen as Seeker and Jonathon as beater.

Camilla and James had disagreed over the second beater. James had insisted that Steven Riley, whom was on the reserve team the previous year, should have a shot of being on the new team. Camilla didn't particularly disagree with that reasoning  but thought that Rachel had deserved to remain on the team. She worked hard and coped well last year and Camilla knew she was happy to continue the first and second year sessions in her own absence.
Although her feelings on the girl had varied at different times during the year, Camilla could admit that she was good. So Rachel had resumed her beaters position alongside Jonathon.
The keeper position was taken up by Liam Robins whom was a fairly quiet and reserved fourth year, but brilliant in-front of the posts nonetheless.

Both James and Camilla hoped they had made the right choices but they guessed they would see at first match of the season which was against Ravenclaw this year.

Camilla had Herbology first period and was quite pleased with this. It was always a doddle and just took it as an opportunity to gossip with her friends.

Much to the girls' dismay, they were studying Bobotubers.

"Now, make sure to wear your dragon hide gloves as the pus in an undiluted form can cause extreme irritation to the skin" Professor sprout addressed the class

Camilla and Marlene looked to each other in disgust.


They didn't sign up for pus.

"And make sure to not loose any when transferring it into the tubes, it is extremely valuable"

Camilla looked at the plant in-front of her apprehensively along with Lily, Marlene and Mary as Alice beside them seemed to get stuck in, seemingly unfazed by the vile smell wafting from the plant. The surface of the Bobotuber was covered in shiny protrusions, which when squeezed, demonstrated by Alice, produced a thick yellow-greenish pus which sort of smelt like petrol and eggs.

Camilla had just decided to get on with it and pulled on her gloves as Mary gagged from across the table.

"Are you looking forward to your date with Amos at the weekend Lily?" Alice asked happily, filling another of her tubes

Lily winced as she popped one of the plants many protrusions, the pus squirting out.

Amos Diggory, a very handsome looking seventh year Hufflepuff, had asked Lily out on a date to Hogsmeade- now that James Potter was no longer around to scare suitors off. Lily had been unsure at the time but Mary and Camilla had encouraged her to say yes.

"I am quite" she said putting the lid onto her first tube, "I think it will be quite fun"

"You will have fun Lily" Camilla reassured as the other girls nodded

"Plus, he's like, super fit" Mary said with a sly smile making the other girls laugh

"Can we not talk about my dating life when there is pus flying out everywhere" Lily winced, dodging a spurt of it which flew out of a Ravenclaw students Bobotuber across the greenhouse, 'it's quite off putting"

There girls laughed and turned their attention to Camilla.

"How is the new dorm Cam?" Alice asked kindly, already finished with her plant and moving on to another

"But more importantly, how is it to basically live with James?" Marlene continued from Alice, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Camilla rolled her eyes with a smile.

If she was truthfully honest, it was great.

It was really nice to head back to her dorm in the evening and sit and catch up with James. They'd chat until their eyes drooped and laugh until their stomachs hurt. James was quickly becoming Camilla's comfort and if she was honest, was slightly worried by what that may lead to.

But obviously she couldn't say that.

"It's going fine"she replied, "Not as bad as I thought it would be. Potter's actually quite mature when you get to know him" she shrugged

"who would have thought aye?" Marlene laughed along with lily who smiled at Camilla, "have you finished with the quidditch team yet?"

Camilla laughed and shook her head. Marlene had been trying to get it out of her who had made the team all day.

"I'm sure you'll be happy with the outcome marls" Camilla replied with a wink, signalling Marlene's success to the chaser position, "But keep that to yourself"

Marlene placed a hand over her heart sarcastically, "never shall I tell"

Camilla was extremely glad Gryffindors had a free period next. This meant she was able to head to her dorm and shower in an attempt to get rid of the horrible smell off the plant of which she was sure was still on her body.

Entering her dorm and walking to the bathroom she found James sat at his desk in his room, his door wide open.

"Hiya" Camilla said, tying her hair up ready to get into the shower, "What are you doing in here? I thought you'd be causing mayhem with Sirius, Remus and Peter right about now"

"nah" James replied, a massive grin on his face when he noticed Camilla, "Revising charms. My mischief days are over"

Camilla raised an eyebrow leaning against his bedroom doorframe, "They have not, you've just gotten better at not being caught"

James just smirked and shrugged his shoulders, neither confirming or denying.

A foul look passed his face and camilla knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Merlin, what is that smell?! It's worse than Dragon dung" he grimaced

Camilla could only laugh, "It's pus"

"Pus? Since when are you up close and personal with Snivellous?" he grinned, extremely happy with his joke

Camilla rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Don't worry Potter, Snivellous would be the last person I'd ever be up-close and personal with"

James laughed and watched her disappear down the hallway, closing the bathroom door behind her and hearing the shower water turn on.

Red- James PotterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora