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Much to quite literally no ones surprise, lily had managed to win the small bottle of veritaserum in potions

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Much to quite literally no ones surprise, lily had managed to win the small bottle of veritaserum in potions. Camilla was so unbelievably glad, she could just imagine the smug look of Snape's face what just made her want to punch him.

The marauders had evidently taken Snape's misfortune as their own personal gain and Sirius, who had instigated the entire thing, wasn't able to help himself. Whether it was the boiling tensions between houses or the fact Sirius was extremely bored, Camilla didn't know.

"Oi, Snivellus!" Sirius yelled making Severus Snape turn around and scowl

"What is it Black?" Snape spat back at him as Sirius approached

They had attracted the attention of the entire hallway and Camilla, Lily, Mary and Alice all watched on expectedly. Marlene would be gutted she missed it.

"Unlucky with the potion" Sirius quipped sarcastically, "What went wrong? Some of your grease drip off your hair and into your potion?"

James and Remus looked highly entertained from behind him.

Snape's gaze darkened and a wicked smile pulled onto his thin lips.

"You think you're hilarious, don't you Black. Let's see if you'll still be laughing after graduation. Wait and see what happened to vermin like you " he sneered

"Is that a threat, Snivelly?" James interrupted, pushing past Sirius protectively to stare down at Snape with a harsh glare.

Severus Snape's stare turned from one of disgust at Sirius to one of pure hatred for James Potter.

Their feud, although not acted upon for quite some time, was still very much alight and just because James Potter was now head boy, did not mean he would let Snape get away with it all.

"Take it as you like, Potter " Snape said, hissing his name with distaste, "Fighting Black's battles for him, typical. James Potter, savour of mudbloods, dirty halfblooded and blood traitors across Hogwarts-"

The girls watched on with open mouths and gasps of horror but completely pleasure at the sight of James' fist flying right into Snape's nose.

A horrible crack sounded indicating the breaking of Snape's bones and he clutched his abnormally large nose, whimpering, it streaming blood which soaked into his robes.

Students surrounding them seemed particularly pleased to have witnessed the event. Snape had it coming and it was quite something to witness. Everyone had been hoping for Snape and the Slytherins to meet their misfortunes.

Camilla had never been so pleased to see the bloody git be punched in the face. It was all she ever wanted.

James had seemingly taken to using his fists rather than his wand lately and Camilla was a particularly big fan of it. She had quite literally never seen anything more sexy in her life.

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