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James had returned to the castle and dragged his feet back to the dorm in the early hours of the morning after a long night running around the forbidden forest as Prongs

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James had returned to the castle and dragged his feet back to the dorm in the early hours of the morning after a long night running around the forbidden forest as Prongs.

He was hoping to slip back without waking Camilla and get an hour or so sleep.

Camilla would never know he was out all night. It was a perfect plan.

Very much ready to climb into bed, James spotted her head of blonde hair splayed across his pillow.


The door shut behind him and Camilla stirred from the noise, squinting her eyes to find James only just entering the room. She looked at the clock on his bedside table which read 4am.

"You're back late from a detention" she said groggily as James kicked off his shoes and socks, getting into his bed beside her, far too tired to change.

"Yeah. Just wandered around the castle for a bit while it's quiet, trying to find some new passageways and stuff for the map"

James hated lying to her. He wished he could just tell her

Camilla looked at him with narrowed eyes as James laid beside her, their faces close on the pillow, him looking quite sheepish.

"Ok" she said with a small smile, "Find any extra to add to the map"

James shook his head, "Not this time"

Camilla had decided to drop it. James wouldn't lie to her for no reason. He didn't want to out Remus. Truthfully, she wasn't too bothered about what James was up to, more the fact that he was safe and fine.

James had dropped off to sleep instantly, his arm draped over her side and Camilla struggled to fall back to sleep. Deciding that it was pointless, she got out of bed, dressed into her quidditch clothes and headed down to the pitch. Actual team practice was in a few hours time so she would have some time to herself before her teammates joined her.

Flying around the pitch as the sun arose she could tell it was going to be a nice day. There was not a single cloud in the sky and she hoped it would stay that way. There was nothing worse than training in the rain. By the time she had Polished her technique for her shots against the goal posts, taken a run around the grounds, shined every broom in the broom cupboard and gotten all the equipment out and ready; it was about time for team practice.

Jonathon was the first member of the team down at the pitch. That title usually went to James.

"Someone's an early riser" he smiled as the walked over to greet her, "Thought I'd be the first one here. Should have known you'd be here Prewett"

Camilla laughed as she finished polishing her own broom, "Am I that predictable?"

"Oh one hundred percent. I'm not entirely convinced that you don't sleep down at the quidditch pitch" he joked.

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