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James and Camilla had spent the entire evening redoing all the prefect patrols rota

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James and Camilla had spent the entire evening redoing all the prefect patrols rota.

There had been an incident between another muggle born Ravenclaw and a slytherin the previous night.

It made Camilla furious about it and had taken the initiative to speak to Mcgonagall about the reoccurring issues which were happening between students. It wasn't right.

Professor McGonagall had sighed and assured her that Professor Dumbledore and the rest of staff were well aware of the ever growing hostility between certain students within the castle walls. Camilla had noticed how tired and worn out she had seemed.

The war was definitely taking its toll.

Everyday news of a recent attack would be plastered on the front page of the daily prophet sending shivers up their spines.

Christmas was quickly approaching and Camilla was eager to return home to find out any news about the war she possibly could from her brothers.

James' hatred towards certain Slytherins had doubled, which Camilla didn't think was possible, along with the marauders who frequently found themselves in tussles in the castle hallways.

Over the past week Camilla must have taken away hundreds off house points off students who had found themselves caught red handed; uttering horrible words or hexing muggleborns in the corridors.

The war was in the castle and everyone was too deeply submerged within it.

James and Camilla had finally told their friends about their newly formed relationship and was met with pure delight from everyone, except Sirius, who was completely distraught he would no longer have James to himself. Still, the Gryffindor quidditch team had absolutely no idea about the pair of them and they were quite pleased by the fact. It was nice to be able to keep themselves to themselves with everything going on at the moment.

The weather had taken a chilly turn and winter clothes had been brought out along with Camilla's orange hat, much James' pleasure whom would now be able to continue on with his jokes.

James and Camilla being joined at the hip and it had not gone unnoticed by the rest of the hogwarts population and the pair of them had quickly become hot gossip. Seeing the pair of them together practically 24/7 had given everyone something new to latch onto, someone else to talk about other than the war.

James and Camilla were the model students; they were golden in the eyes of everyone else. So the fact that they had been spotted walking to class together, to lunch together, to their dorm together and at the quidditch pitch together almost everyday, was very much something to gossip about.

Camilla had noticed that when she walked down the corridors people would whisper; whether they were full of approval or jealously. James Potter was very much one of the biggest Hogwarts bachelor.

Oh the horror of the idea he was no longer single.

James was obviously loving it all and found it terribly amusing. Camilla, not so much.

It was during History of Magic when Jonathon, sat at the table behind her, whispered her name, grabbing her attention.

Turning around to find who was trying to get her attention, she smiled upon realising it was him.

"You're the talk of the town currently Prewett" he laughed, referring to the gossip

"Oh don't remind me" Camilla laughed in return with a shake of her head, "You should see the looks i get in the corridors"

"I can imagine" he smiled, "Though forgive me for hoping the rumours aren't true"

Camilla looked at him strangely.

Jonathon noticed this and laughed quietly.

"I was just wondering, if they're not true of course, if you'd like to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Jonathan didn't seem particularly nervous and Camilla had to hand it to him.

She sighed deeply. Jonathan's was a nice boy, talented at quidditch and easy to speak to... but he wasn't James.

Jonathon noticed the frown on her face.

"I'm sorry Jon" she said apologetically, "There may be some truth to the rumours after all"

Jonathon, though seemingly looking slightly put out, shrugged it off quickly.

"I had suspicion" he smiled gently, "I wouldn't want to get inbetween Potter and yourself; I'd hate to think how bad practice would be" he joked, imagining getting on James bad side. The training would be particularly cruel and he wouldn't ever wish that.

Camilla smiled back at him, "thank you though"

"It's no worries Prewett" he shrugged, "guess he beat me to it"

Camilla once again smiled apologetic and turned back around in her seat.

It didn't matter that James was first, she thought. Because it would always be James.

That night as Camilla completed her homework sat on the floor in front of the fire and as James polished his broom on the sofa, she looked at him properly.

He looked so peaceful in the low fire light.

"Riley asked me to Hogsmeade this afternoon" she said making James look up from his broom.

He didn't seem annoyed and just smiled back at her.

"Told you he had a thing for you" he laughed, shaking his head

"I guess you were right" she laughed, standing up to sit beside him.

James put his arm around her as she settled into his side.

"I don't blame him" James said with a smirk, "He definitely has good taste"

Camilla laughed and rolled her eyes.

For the first time she had started hogwarts she felt slightly sad about going home for christmas. James would no longer be by her side and the thought of not seeing him for only a couple of weeks was not a particularly happy one.

"What's your plan for christmas?" she asked, looking up to James who had gone back to polishing his broom

"Same old" he replied, "but I was thinking that maybe you could spend a couple of days with Sirius and I. I already asked mum and dad. They were overjoyed about it all. I think our mums have already started doing wedding preparations" he laughed

"Oh merlin, I didn't even think about what our parents would be like" Camilla said, putting her face in her hands

James just laughed and pulled her over so she was straddling his lap and kissed her nose gently.

"They're going to be absolutely terrible"

"Oh trust me, I know"

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