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Camilla's fly at the quidditch pitch with James that morning had put her in quite a good mood

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Camilla's fly at the quidditch pitch with James that morning had put her in quite a good mood.

She would never had admitted it was the company of James but rather thought that the fresh air and views had done her good.

All five of the girls had decided to take Herbology and they were all gathered around a table in the greenhouses. They were dealing with more dangerous plants than ever in Herbology, but at least they were still allowed to swear loudly if the Venomous Tentacula seized them unexpectedly from behind.

Todays lessons was on bouncing bulbs. It's main stem was completely disproportionate to the purple bulb underneath and the step had a couple of small green leave ontop.

"Watch yourselves today, as we learn about the ever volatile Bouncing Bulb. The only way to control it is to keep it restrained. Keep a firm grip, unless you enjoy chasing plants around. Please pay close attention to how I handle the Bouncing Bulb and avoid injury. Bouncing bulbs can be aggressive when threatened and may try to attack you" Professor Sprout announced, "so make sure to keep your movements slow and gentle"

"Try to attack us? It's a bloody bulb?" Marlene laughed

"I don't know, these things give me the creeps" Mary shivered

Alice looked at her blankly, "Mary it's only a bouncing bulb, there are much worse things in here" she said, eyeing the Tentacula which had just previously wrapped around Marlene's arm a few minutes earlier

Mary shook her head, "these things can grow to the size of doorways!"

"Its true" Lily nodded, "They're easy enough to stop them bouncing around now but don't keep them until they're mature. They're ridiculously hard to get rid of"

"Just in case any of you was indeed thinking of hand rearing one" Camilla added sarcastically making Lily smile in amusement and roll her eyes.

"Take care as you replant your bulb and gently place it within a new pot and cover with a thin layer of soil" Professor Sprout instructed.

The girls pulled out the bulb and looked at it with intrigue. It had a strange smell to it and it wiggled ferociously as they held it by the stem.

"If you are under attack, a simple knockback jinx will be sufficient. In cases of which the bulb has matured, a fire making spell, such as incendio, to whiter it shall be used, as they are quite strong. You do not want a matured bouncing bulb on your hands ladies and gentlemen"

Lily looked to them all as if to say, I told you so.

Herbology had come to an end without any attacks from any bouncing bulbs and the girls made their way to the common room. Lily was going to help them all with their history of magic homework but Camilla had already done it knowing she had to go down to the Quidditch pitch for the first session of the year with the younger Gryffindor students.

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