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Camilla dragged James by the hand through the deserted corridors

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Camilla dragged James by the hand through the deserted corridors. James had no idea where they were heading but just let her lead him along.

Camilla wasn't too sure why she had dragged James up and out of the dorm room, perhaps it was the slight buzz of alcohol in her veins from the butterbeers the marauders had spiked with alcohol for celebrations, or perhaps it was the overwhelming need to be alone with him.

The sun had dipped and left a black haze over the castle and it's grounds and Camilla longed to see the stars above them, to watch their reflection dance on the lake. It was warm, considering that the sun had set and she eyed the lake with a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

James looked at her in confusion as she started to take off her shoes and socks, rolling up her jeans.

"are you coming?" she said.

James watched her dip her feet in and slowly wade into the shallows of the lake.

Her hair seemed to shine in the starlight and a smile played on her lips.

Who was James Potter not to follow her? 

He was never the type of person to not indulge in a bit of fun.

Camilla noticed the familiar shine in his eyes she had seen many a times before chaos had ensued.

Before she knew it, James had thrown her over his shoulder and waded deeper and deeper into the water.

Bubbles of laughter erupted from her lips and she squirmed to get out of his arms.

"Potter! Don't you dare!" she warned, hitting his back to get him to put her down, "Im warning you! I will quite literally kill you if you dare-"

"Better close your mouth Prewett" James said with a chuckle.

Before Camilla knew it, she was submerged under the water with an almighty splash.

As she emerged, her hair wrapped across her face, spluttering, she could hear James' hearty laugh.

"Oh, I hate you so much" She said grabbing his arm and yanking him hard.

It was Camilla's turn to laugh as James similarly hit the water.


James looked horrified, dripping wet with his unruly hair sticking up in all directions, and Camilla couldn't help her uncontrollable laughter as they stood waist deep in the Black lake.

She just hoped that the giant squid had found her ham sandwich and didn't feel inclined to drag them under.

As James put his glasses back onto his face Camilla noticed he had a little bit of pond weed in his hair and almost doubled over laughing.

"You've got a little something" She said, gesturing to his hair as James tried to shake it out with not prevail

"Come and get it then"

Camilla did so and waded forwards, coming face to face with James whom looked at her in a way that made her feel a way she had never felt before. The stars reflected in his hazel eyes, even through the lenses of his circular glasses and they were so close that Camilla could smell the sweet scent of the Butterbeer he had consumed earlier. James' hands had settled on her waists and he looked deep into her eyes, as if debating his later actions. Camilla adored the feeling of being held by him and watched his gaze flicker to her lips.

Camilla reached up and plucked the pond weed from his hair, dropping it back into the water and she looped her arms around his neck, their chests pressed together, similarly looking at each other in contemplation.

Daring the other to go ahead with it.

Their lips were inches away, she could feel his breath on her cheek as he held her close and the place where James held her tingled from his touch on her skin.

Their clothes were soaked but neither of them had seemed to particularly mind in that moment, both completely entranced by the other.

They were so close to their lips touching.

So painfully close.

It was until James' gaze had suddenly moved away from her own, and to the sky, that they were snapped out if each others trance.

He was looking at the moon as the clouds gently moved across the sky.

Panicked filled their eyes at the same moment.

A full moon.

"We have to leave. Right now" James said quickly, moving his hand from her waist to cup her cheek apologetically.

Camilla detected fear in his voice, a panic.

She didn't have to ask why. She already knew.

James had taken her hand and rushed back up to the castle, only slowing until they were safe within the corridors of the castle.

"Head straight to the common room and to your dorm room, yeah?" James instructed, his hand squeezing hers lightly, "and don't leave the castle until the morning light"

Camilla nodded, not having to ask why.

"Promise me Prewett?" he said firmly, desperate for Camilla to remain in the safety of the castle

"I Promise"

"You're not coming with me?" She asked, still holding his hand which hovered in-between them

James shook his head, "I'm sorry Cam I can't. There's... there's something I have to do"

"At this time in the night?" she asked, watching the full moon rise outside through the old window in the corridor, fearing for James being outside when a werewolf was on the loose, wherever Remus Lupin went to transform.

"I'm really really sorry Cam" he repeated, "But I've got to go"

James wanted so badly to explain to Camilla as to why he had to run off. He didn't want her to think that their almost kiss had spooked him.

Because James had never wanted to kiss her more than in that moment.

It was almost an uncontrollable urge.

But James had to be there for his friends. Sirius and Peter were far too small to keep Remus' werewolf form back if anything went wrong, he had to be there for them all.

Camilla just smiled at him, letting him know all was fine as James turned on his heel at a brisk pace back down the corridor.

"James! wait" she called after him making James pause and turn to her, "...just... be careful yeah?"

James gave her a small grin, "Always am Prewett"

Camilla watched him disappear down the corridor with a slight jog until he was out of sight.

Sighing Camilla entered her dorm room to find the girls getting ready for bed.

"There you are" Mary smiled as she climbed into bed

"where have the lads gone?" Camilla asked, noticing Sirius and Peters absence

"Took Remus to the hospital wing" Lily said knowingly, "Neither Sirius or Peter have retuned though. Said they was heading off to bed early"

"He did look awful" Alice shook her head, "Poor remus"

"I hope it's not catching" Marlene said, "perhaps Sirius and Peter are coming down with it. They hardly drank anything this evening"

"perhaps" Camilla shrugged changing into her pyjamas and climbing into bed.

That night Camilla couldn't sleep.

Where the hell were James, Sirius and Peter going during Remus' full moons?

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