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Camilla had woken to the sound of her bedroom door shutting and her eyes fluttered open to find James placing two steaming mugs of tea down on the wooden nightstand

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Camilla had woken to the sound of her bedroom door shutting and her eyes fluttered open to find James placing two steaming mugs of tea down on the wooden nightstand.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he teased with a grin as Camilla groaned and held her head which was pounding from the previous night.

"Don't laugh at me Potter" Camilla groaned into her pillow, clutching her forehead, "I feel awful"

James himself similarly looked as if he was nursing a horrible hangover.

"I thought as much" he smiled, laying back down beside her on the bed and handing her the mug of tea which she clutched gratefully.

She sipped the tea and sighed in relief as the warm liquid soothed her body. Thanking James for the tea she rested her head on his shoulder and the pair of them sat in comfortable silence in the messy sheets of Camilla's bed.

"Thank merlin you moved quidditch training for this evening" She said with amusement, imagining her state of the team at nine in the morning, all with raging hangovers

"Did you see McLaggen last night?" James laughed, "Poor lad was absolutely steaming. Saw him throwing up in a plant pot when we left!"

Camilla and James chuckled at this together and finished off their tea, wiggling down under the crumpled covers away from the cold air of the room. They laid facing each other closely and just gently smiled at each-other.

Camilla quite frankly had no idea where she and James stood with each other. She knew she liked James, that much was obvious, but how did he feel about her?

It was just one kiss.

That didn't mean he wished for anything to change between them.

She had no idea where James stood.

But James had seemingly read her mind.

"You know I'm mad about you Prewett, right?"

Camilla took a while to respond. James had actually meant the kiss? It wasn't just a moment of misplaced passion in which James had needed to expel?

"You didn't kiss me just because you could?" she asked, fearing that it had just been a moment of recklessness

"Course not" he said scrunching his nose, as if the notion was ridiculous, "Like I said, I'm mad about you Cam. Have been for some time I think" he confessed honestly

Camilla felt a weight being lifted off her chest and let a grin pull over her lips.

"I'm mad about you too Potter"

James didn't reply but seemed to have a massive grin on his face and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer into him so the warmth of their bodies soothed the other. The pair of them had spent the rest of the morning, or as long as they could without drawing suspicion from their friends, in their dorm, wrapped up in the sheets closely, chatting and laughing for hours. Neither of them had made a move to tidy up or change out of their pyjamas, far too consumed by the other.

By the time they had finally returned to the Gryffindor common room, the gigantic clean up operation was still underway and majority of the students around them looked completely dead on their feet.

Everybody was just glad it was a Sunday.

Unfortunately, the day had progressed and the first Gryffindor training session was under way.

"Thank you for making it in time" Camilla said from James' side, both of them so close their shoulder were nearly touching. No one mentioned anything. "Welcome to the first Gryffindor training session of the year"

"Similar to last year, we're going to take this first session pretty easy to get to know everyone a bit better and just to have some fun. I know some of you are nursing some pretty heavy hangovers" James teased, earning a few chuckled from the team,even from Mclaggen who looked practically green, "So we've decided to let you off this time"

This had proved an excellent idea. Camilla thought she might have thrown up under the rigour of the usual sessions and so a relaxed afternoon playing a couple of bonding games sounded perfect.

Training had passed in a wave of laughter, fun and slow flying and Camilla was feeling much better for it. The fresh air and feeling of the wind in her hair whilst on her broom had breathed a new lease of life into her and she suddenly felt very motivated to complete the rest of her jobs for the day. She had written back to her parents, Molly and Fab and Gid; in addition to the Potters whom she thanked profusely for her birthday gifts. She absolutely adored the snitch they had gotten her and she kept it in her pocket at all times, getting it out when bored, watching it fly  away slightly before reaching out and grasping it quickly before it could fly out of reach. Camilla had even gone so far as to drag Lily to the library to help her with some more potions homework, which was a feat in itself. Even Lily didn't particularly feel in the mood for homework, feeling terribly nauseous from the previous night and it took Camilla a lot of persuading to eventually drag the red head out of bed.

camilla failed to mention her kiss with James to lily. If she was going to tell anyone, it would have been lily, she was her best friend... but at the minute she quite liked the bubble she was living in.

She liked the sly glances and the little touches and the small smiles and the longing stares they'd been sharing all day.

She liked having a secret with James.

And it seemed James had felt the same.

Camilla was sure he would have spilt the beans to the marauders as soon as he was able to and Camilla was expecting a flurry of teasing and questions, yet they never came.

James hadn't said anything to the marauders about it all and camilla found herself quietly glad.

They were able to bask in each other for a little while longer in peace.

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