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Camilla and Lily were walking back from their last lesson of advanced ancient runes

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Camilla and Lily were walking back from their last lesson of advanced ancient runes.

Camilla and Lily were cut from the same cloth. They both adored learning. However they differed in why.

Lily was so eager to learn new things, merely due to the thirst to know it. She wanted to know as much as she could. Lily was curious and strived to know all of the answers to her questions. She worked hard and it consequently brought good results

However, Camilla didn't necessarily have the sam thirst for knowledge. Her success was down to pure competititiveness. She wasn't necessarily too interested in actually being intelligent, unlike Lily, but was too competitive to let the people beat her grade. Her mother Doris would always say her competitiveness was a terrible trait of hers but Camilla disagreed.

Camilla and Lily would often battle it out for the top grade in the class. However they wouldn't always be number 1 and 2. Both Remus, and surprisingly James, also did very well, as well as another Ravenclaw student named Amelia Bones whom they shared transfiguration with.

Though both girls often battled for top of the class there was never any rivalry between the two of them. They would always study together, often with the company of Remus, and share their tips and tricks.

"How about that deciding round of wizard chess for an hour before dinner?" Lily asked as she muttered the password, the portrait swinging open and allowing them to enter the common room

"I can't" Camilla sighed as they reached Marlene, Alice and Mary who were all gathered around a sofa chatting, "I wanted to head down the Quidditch Pitch for a little bit of training before people start turning up"

Marlene gasped as Camilla explained, a hand to her mouth "I forgot it was try outs today!"

Camilla laughed, "No need to panic marls" she said dropping her voice to a whisper, "I've seen everyone in his house play quidditch. You've got a pretty solid chance of making it"

Marlene seemed a little relived.

"Heading down now?" Alice asked, "Frank says thats he's planning on trying out"

Frank Longbottom was Alices long term boyfriend whom was a year above them in his seventh year. He was on the team last year and was an excellent keeper.

Camilla beamed, "Thank merlin, I was praying he was going to. I remember him mentioning that he wanted to focus on his NEWT's this year. Im happy he's decided to try out"

Alice nodded.

"We will see you after dinner then Cam?" Mary asked

"yeah, should do" she replied, "We will defiantly be done for when dinner starts"

Camilla had slipped on her Gryffindor quidditch jumper, tied her hair in a singular French plait, like Molly would aways do for her, pinned her captain badge to her jumper and made her way out of the castle and to the Hogwarts grounds. For September it was a lot colder than she had expected and she was annoyed with herself that she didn't bring another layer. Still, she figured that she would warm up when she got flying.

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